My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 240 Snape's Attack

hogsmeade shrieking shack

At this time, Peter Pettigrew was looking at the medicine bottle handed over with a dazed expression.

He had known for a long time that Richard had been studying potions with Snape, so he didn't doubt the authenticity of this bottle of potion, but because he believed it, he dared not take it even more.

Now the question is, if you take it and drink it, you will die, if you don’t take it, you will die, this~ Peter is completely numb.

"Why don't you dare?" Black taunted at the side, "Would you like to give it to me, I can drink a little first."

Hearing Black's initiative request, Richard did not refuse, and directly controlled the potion in his hand to float into Black's hand.

Without any hesitation, Black drank half of the potion in the potion bottle.

"This..." Black was just about to say something, but a burning sensation spread in his mouth, and he swallowed an extremely bitter and pungent taste, as if the venom of a poisonous snake was swimming on the tip of his tongue . The smell it gave off was like a pungent mixture of sour, bitter and medicinal herbs, which made Blake feel sick and disgusted. The viscous and turbid texture of the potion is like a soup mixed with mud, which makes people feel a sense of resistance in the throat, as if thousands of crawling insects are biting their tongues. No matter how carefully you taste it, the taste of the potion will inevitably penetrate to every taste bud on the tip of the tongue, relentlessly releasing the nausea to the entire mouth.

Black curled up in pain and kept vomiting, which made Snape very puzzled, when did Veritaserum have this effect?

Not long after, Black's body hair, whether it was the body hair or the eyebrow hair, fell out without any reservation.

"This, this is not Veritaserum," Peter Pettigrew exclaimed.

"Of course not, this is my improved depilatory, it seems the effect is a bit too strong." Richard said thoughtfully, "Besides, why do I have Veritaserum, that thing is useless at all.

"Okay, stop playing, Professor Snape hurry up, I have to go back to sleep."

As Richard said, he directly controlled Peter and came to Snape's side. Without hesitation, Snape directly dropped three drops of the medicine from the medicine bottle in his hand into Peter's mouth.

After waiting a moment, Snape asked Peter directly.

"Did you betray Lily and tell Voldemort her location.

Peter struggled a bit, then stammered out the truth that had been buried for twelve years.

"Yes, yes, I was the one who told the Dark Lord where James and Lily were."

Hearing Peter's words, both Snape and Harry stared at him with murderous eyes.

"Why, tell me why, aren't you best friends? And shouldn't the secret keeper be Blake? Why did it become you?"

Hearing Snape's inquiry, Black spoke first.

"It was me, I killed them, I think Peter is the most low-key among us, and Voldemort was already looking for me everywhere, so I suggested that James let Peter be their secret keeper, which is the safest way .”

At this moment, Blake was crying in pain with tears all over his face.

"It can't be my fault. What can I do? That is the Dark Lord. You all know how powerful he is. His weapons are unimaginable, and he is everywhere. There are traces of him everywhere. I was afraid and anxious Well, he's been asking me to pass on information to him, and there's nothing I can do about it, and besides, what's the use of refusing him? What's the use of fighting the most evil monster ever? When James offered me to be his secret keeper I knew my chance was coming, so I told the Dark Lord, but I never expected that he would lose to a baby, Harry Potter."

"Then why did you follow Ronald all the time, and why didn't you hurt Harry when you had so many opportunities." Hermione asked directly, which was something she had never understood.

"Of course I wouldn't hurt Harry. It wouldn't do me any good. I wouldn't do anything for anyone. The Dark Lord has been in hiding for twelve years. He's said to be half dead. I won't To kill under Dumbledore's nose for a wizard who has lost all his powers and is in such a bad shape, before I go back to his hands, I must make sure that he is the most powerful bigwig in the circle, which is also Why do I want to live in a magical family, so that you can always hear about new situations, and if one day the Dark Lord returns, I will do it and hand over the last member of the Potter family to them. Then, who dares to say that I have ever betrayed The Dark Lord. Then I will return with honor [to continue to be the Dark Lord's henchman."

At this moment, the effect of the veritaserum was over, and Peter knelt down on the ground with a face full of horror. He crawled forward on his knees, clasped his hands together, as if he was praying. "Sirius

It's me, it's Peter, your friend, you won't.

Black kicked and Peter Pettigrew flinched.

"You don't need to touch it. My robes are dirty enough," said Black. "Lupin!" screamed Peter Pettigrew, turning to Lupin, twisting his body in front of Lupin to beg

"You don't believe the words, it's Snape, he's controlling me, it's not true."

"You can't, you can't..." Peter Pettigrew gasped. He crawled beside Ronald.

"Ronald, haven't I always been your best friend, nice pet? You won't let them kill me, will you, you're on my side, aren't you?"

But Ronald glared at Peter Pettigrew in utter disgust.

"He used to sleep in my bed!" Ronald said.

"Kind boy, kind master." Peter Pettigrew crawled towards Ronald, "You won't let them do it, I'm your rat, I'm a good pet.

"If you're a better rat than a man, that's nothing to brag about, Peter," said Black hoarsely.

Ronald held his broken leg out of the way to keep Peter Pettigrew from touching him, and the pain in his leg made him even paler. Peter Pettigrew turned on his knees, swaying forward, trying to grab Hermione's robes but Hermione dodged it.

"Good girl, smart girl, you, you won't let them, help me."

Seeing Hermione retreat, Peter Pettigrew knelt, shaking uncontrollably, and slowly turned his head towards Harry. "Harry, Harry, you look just like your dad, just like him

"How dare you speak to Harry?" Black yelled. "How dare you face him? How dare you speak of James in front of him?"

0 for flowers...

"Harry," whispered Peter Pettigrew, walking towards him, hands outstretched, "Harry, James will not let me be killed, James will understand, Harry" he will send me

of. "

Both Black and Lupine stepped forward, grabbing Peter Pettigrew's shoulders. Throw him on the floor. He sat there, staring up at them, and then, he saw Richard looking at him with a strange smile on his face, and Peter crawled over quickly.

"Mr. Harris, please, save me, as long as you can save me, I can do anything, I swear, I will be your most loyal servant, please."

"I can't control this, why don't you go ask Professor Snape and see what he has to say."

Hearing Richard's words, Peter crawled to Snape's feet again.

"Snape, don't you hate James the most? Now he's gone, gone forever, please save me, save me."

"Yes, I hate James very much (at this point, Harry, Lupine, Black all glared at Snape), but you shouldn't, you shouldn't have killed Lily.

Saying so, Snape drew his wand out.


A red light, emanating from the tip of Snape's wand, focused on Peter for an instant.

Immediately, Peter's face turned pale, cold sweat gushed out from his forehead, accompanied by a painful expression, his eyes were blurred and in a trance. His body trembled uncontrollably, as if tormented by an invisible force, with no chance of relief.

At the same time, Peter felt as if his body was pierced by an invisible sharp knife, and a heart-piercing pain spread from the heart to the whole body. Every heartbeat feels like being stabbed by a steel needle, accompanied by a heavy sense of oppression, making it difficult to breathe. This kind of pain not only stays deep in the body, but also goes deep into the bone marrow, making every nerve full of violent twitching. This kind of pain does not only stay in the physical, but also invades the thinking and consciousness. Peter's originally clear thinking instantly became chaotic and difficult to concentrate, unable to distinguish the boundary between reality and illusion. Every minute seems to have passed a century, and time is relentlessly stretched, distorting all perceptions. Deep in his heart was darkness and despair, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss, and could no longer find a way out. The physical pain was only part of the mental torment, and the vicious spell shattered his willpower, pushing them to the brink between life and death. The whole world was shrouded in pain. At this time, he longed for relief, but he was helpless.

"Okay, Snape, stop torturing him, get rid of him." The benevolent Lupine couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly persuaded.

And Snape seemed to have had enough, stopped Cruciatus channeling spells, Peter Pettigrew had passed out at this time, Snape first cast a healing spell on Peter

Let him wake up, he doesn't want Peter to die in such an unexplained way, he wants to let Peter die in his own hands soberly.

Seeing that Peter had partially recovered, the magic wand in Impe's hand glowed green.

"No, please, no, please." Peter, who had seen Voldemort cast this spell many times, recognized it immediately, and made the last struggle in horror. .

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