My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 241 Richard And Snape's Bet

Hogsmeade, Shrieking Shack.

Just when Harry was happily watching the enemy who betrayed his parents was about to be wiped out by Snape, suddenly a voice rang out from his mind.

"Harry, don't panic, I'm Richard." Harry quickly looked in Richard's direction, and Richard blinked at him.

"Blake is your godfather, and Peter Pettigrew will be a fugitive forever if he is killed like this.

Hearing Richard's words, Harry was silent. Yes, Harry was very eager to have relatives. His parents were unfortunately killed when he was very young, and he was sent to his aunt's house to be raised. However, Harry was abused and neglected there. He yearns for a real family, someone who cares and loves him. So when he finds himself a wizard, goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and makes real friends, he feels a sense of kinship with the school's parents and some of the teachers.

At the same time, regardless of Richard, Hermione, and Ronald, they all have families and parents who love him, which makes Harry very envious. Now that he has a godfather in front of him, he must grasp it.

"No!" Harry yelled. He ran forward, standing in front of Peter Pettigrew, facing the curse that had destroyed his family. "You "227" can't kill him," he said, out of breath, "you can't."

Not counting Snape, even Black and Lou and Ronald and Hermione were shocked.

"Harry, this gangster has cost you both your parents," growled Blake, "this cringeworthy filthy fellow won't be bothered to see you die. You heard what he just said, his own scum is bigger than your whole family lives matter."

"I understand," Harry gasped, "we'll take him to the castle. We'll give him to the dementors. He can go to Azkaban, just don't kill him."

"Harry!" panted Peter Pettigrew, wrapping his arms around Harry's knees, "You, thank you.. that's a favor, thank you.

"Let me go," said Harry spat, shaking Peter Pettigrew's hand away in disgust, "I didn't do it for you. I did it because I don't think my dad would want his best friend to kill someone, especially a murderer." Your kind."

No one moved or made a sound except Peter Pettigrew. Peter Pettigrew clutched his chest, gasping for breath.

Everyone present looked at Snape, he was not so easy to talk to.

But I didn't expect that Snape was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Richard, with puzzlement and pain in his eyes, but finally he put down his wand, and left the room amid everyone's puzzled eyes.

"You're the only one with the right to make decisions now, Harry," Black said, "but think about it, think about what he's done.

"He could go to Azkaban," Harry added, "if anyone should go there, it's him."

Peter Pettigrew was still panting behind him.

"Fine," Lupine said, "Stand away, Harry."

Harry hesitated.

"I'm going to tie him up," Lupine said, "Plague means something else. I swear.

Harry stepped aside. This time it was Lupine's wand that shot out the tape. Moments later, Peter Pettigrew was tied up, gagged and writhing on the floor.

"But if you transform, Peter," growled Black, pointing his own wand at Peter Pettigrew, "we'll kill you. Do you agree, Harry?" Harry looked down at the poor thing on the floor, and nodded. Nod so Peter Pettigrew can see too.

"Okay," Lupine said, suddenly getting down to business, "Ronald, I'm not as good at setting bones as Madam Pomfrey, so I thought the best way would be for us to strap your legs up first and send you to the school hospital go."

He hurried to Ronald's side, bent down, lightly touched Ronald's leg with his wand, the bandage jumped onto Ronald's body, wrapped the leg tightly, and fixed it on the thin wooden bar. Lupine helped him to his feet.

Ronald tremblingly put all his weight on one leg, without flinching.

"That's better," he said, "thank you."

"Two of us should be chained to this thing," Blake said, touching Peter Pettigrew with his big toe, "just in case.

"I'll do it," Lupine said.

"And me," Ronald said furiously, limping forward.

Black summoned heavy handcuffs out of thin air, and Peter Pettigrew quickly stood up again, left arm cuffed to Lupin's right arm and right arm to Ronald's left. Ronald's face was scruffy, he seemed to take Banban's real identity as a personal insult. Crookshanks jumped lightly from Richard's arms and led the way out of the room with his bottlebrush tail cocked high triumphantly.

After leaving the room, everyone found that Snape was standing silently at the door.

"You guys go first, Professor Snape and I have something to talk about." Richard took the initiative to explain to everyone.

Hearing Richard's words, several people remembered Snape's last expression, and left without saying anything, only Hermione gave Richard a look.

After everyone left, Snape's deep and hoarse voice sounded.

"Give me a reason why I should let him go."

At this moment, Snape's hand was tightly clenched into a fist. Snape, who had been living in pain for so many years, finally had a target to vent, but now he was going to let him go, he couldn't accept it.

Richard told Snape about Professor Trelawney's prophecy.

"The Dark Lord lies alone, friendless and abandoned by his fellows. For twelve years his servant has been chained. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free from his chains and set out in search of his master. Dark Lord Will rise again with the help of the servant, stronger and more terrible than ever before. Tonight, before midnight, the servant, will begin, to find again, his master."

After hearing Richard's words, Snape showed a look of surprise, "Why let him rise again?"

"The reason is very simple. Dumbledore has no way to deal with this Voldemort who is in the midst of life and death. Only by letting him rise and restore his human body can he be completely eliminated."

"Is it really Peter?" Snape asked unwillingly.

"I don't need to repeat this, you can know it yourself. What happened tonight, it can't be a coincidence." Richard couldn't help but feel soft-hearted when he saw Snape's ashen face, and continued.

"Well, we will not participate in the following matters. If Peter does not escape before the bell rings at twelve o'clock tonight, then he will be at your disposal. If he escapes, it means that he is the prophesied servant.

Hearing Richard's words, Snape couldn't help showing a look of expectation..0

"Okay, then let's just follow them with the illusion spell."

After speaking, Richard and Snape put the Disillusionment Charm on themselves, and then caught up with the few who had gone ahead.

Harry had never been with a group of weird people like he was now. Crookshanks led the way down the stairs, followed by Lupine, Peter Pettigrew and Ronald in what appeared to be participants in a six-legged race. Harry and Hermione followed at the end, and Hermione looked back from time to time.

Getting back into the tunnel was difficult. Lupine, Peter Pettigrew, and Ronald had to walk sideways, with Lupine still pointing his wand at Peter Pettigrew. Harry could see them marching awkwardly in single file along the tunnel. Crookshanks still takes the lead. Harry followed Black closely.

"Do you know what that means?" Black asked Harry suddenly, as they made their way slowly through the tunnel, "Turn Peter Pettigrew in?"

"You're free," Harry said.

"Yes," said Sirius, "but I also, I don't know if anyone ever told you that I'm your godfather."

"Yes, I know," Harry said.

"Only your parents appointed me to be your guardian," said Black flatly, "if any misfortune happened to them.

Harry waited for him to continue. Did Blake mean what he thought he meant?

"Of course. I'll understand if you'd like to live with your aunt and uncle," said Blake. "But, well, think about it. Once I've got my honor back, if you want one, a different one." s home

Something exploded in Harry's stomach.

"What, live with you?" he said, bumping his head on a protruding rock at the top of the tunnel. "Leave the Dursleys?"

"Of course, I don't think you would," said Blake quickly. "I understand, I just think I would."

"Are you crazy?" Harry said, his voice suddenly hoarse, just like Black's. "Of course I want to leave the Dursleys! Do you have a house? When can I move in?"

Blake turned to look at him in surprise.

"Will you?" he agreed. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I mean it!" Harry said.

Black's thin face broke into a real smile for the first time, Harry had never seen him smile like this before. The difference a smile makes is striking, as if someone ten years younger is beaming at him through that hunger mask, and for a moment, people can recognize Harry laughing when his parents get married on his face that person.

They didn't speak again until they reached the end of the tunnel. Crookshanks was the first to charge upwards, apparently with its claws on the tree's knots, for Lupine, Peter Pettigrew and Ronald did not hear any frantic shaking of branches as they climbed.

It was very dark on the ground now, and the only light came from lamps in the windows of the castle in the distance. They set off without a word. Peter Pettigrew was still gasping for breath and sometimes whimpering. Harry's mind was buzzing. He was leaving the Dursleys. He's going to live with his parents' best friend, Blake.. he feels dizzy, what's going to happen when he tells the Dursleys that he's going to live with the wanted man they saw on TV.

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