My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 316 Richard Is Finally Out

The next morning, Harry was called up by Ronald, and he didn't recover until they came to the auditorium and sat at the Gryffindor table, and Harry drank a glass of pumpkin juice. After all, there were so many things last night, and He hadn't slept for a few hours at all because of his cranky thoughts after going back last time.

Just when Harry was sorting out his thoughts and thinking about what to say to Hermione and Ronald, suddenly he saw Hermione staring straight at the door, and her eyes turned red.

Harry followed Hermione's line of sight and saw that Richard Harris was standing there at some point.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme peace of mind swept through his body in an instant.

It turned out that just last night, Richard, who had been sleeping for three whole weeks, finally woke up. The first time he opened his eyes, he saw the house elf Debbie with big bat-like ears and tennis-ball eyes.

"Master, you finally woke up, it's been three weeks, do you need something to eat?" Debbie said to Richard, holding back tears.

"Make me some porridge." Richard said to Debbie in a hoarse voice.

After Debbie bowed deeply to Richard, she left directly. At this time, Richard was leaning on the pillow blankly. At this time, his "six-eight-seven" spirit still has not fully recovered. After all, it has been three weeks Sleep makes him a little confused now. Although he doesn't feel hungry now, the feeling of being empty in his stomach is still not very comfortable. However, he also understands that he can't eat hard food now, and can only eat a little liquid food.

Soon, Debbie reappeared at Richard's bedside with a bowl of porridge.

At this time, Richard's limbs had almost recovered, so he refused Debbie's request to feed him, and directly picked up the meat. After eating slowly, Li Lao felt that he had fully recovered.

He jumped off the bed directly, and even without testing, he could feel that his current body was no longer the same as before the upgrade. He first entered the space of divine presence, and maintained it until the end of the maintenance time of divine presence, and then came out. After that, he still didn’t feel anything at all, so Richard raised a hand, and first tried to use the dragon’s breath at the first level, a hot current burst out from his fingertips, and then Richard raised the skill to level 2, It still felt the same. After that, Richard tried to purify the lightning, no matter whether it was level one or level two, there was only a little numbness.

Richard nodded in satisfaction, now that he was finally free from his wand.

"Debbie, how long did I sleep, be precise."

"Master, according to Debbie's calculations, the master has just slept soundly for three weeks, 21 days. According to the current time, it should be about 10 minutes away from the time when the master fell asleep.

After listening to Debbie's words, Richard nodded. From now on, it takes about three minutes to load, from zero to one to almost three days, and from one to two to three weeks. Then, from two to three, it should take Three months, although the time is relatively long, it should be acceptable, but what should be used to restore stamina when upgrading next time? This time I used a full 9 bottles of stamina potion, you must know that it has not been diluted Yes, what about the next time, what to use next time, the stamina potion must be useless, this time it is almost impossible to catch up, if I use it next time, I am afraid that my body will collapse before I drink it.

Forget it, the current physique is completely enough, and after the experience points are enough, it will definitely not be able to improve the physique, so don't worry, let Snape teach midwifery to study.

Thinking of this, Richard and Debbie left the underground fortress together. He first went to his parents' bedroom to have a look, and found that the three of them were sleeping peacefully, so he left the house without disturbing them and looked at the sky full of them. Richard felt a sense of urgency all the time since he and Dumbledore went to meet the Dark Lord Grindelwald during the summer vacation, and now his last shortcoming is completely out of reach, but it is The attack ability is slightly insufficient. After the weather is warmer, go to the Forbidden Forest to harvest a wave of experience points and you should be able to upgrade and purify the lightning. There will definitely be a lot to do.

Thinking of this, Richard's laziness kicked in. After watching the starry sky quietly for a while, he returned to the underground fortress. He lay on the bed and didn't want to do anything. He just wanted to let himself go

Waiting until it was almost morning, Richard didn't go up there for breakfast. You must know that he was at school all the time, and now he suddenly appeared at home.

He apparated directly to the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, and after coming out of the Forbidden Forest, he passed Hagrid's hut, Beauxbaton's huge carriage, and came to the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle.

Just when Richard was planning to go directly to Ravenclaw's dining table, but he saw Hermione saw him at a glance, so he thought about it, and went directly to Gryffindor's side, and sat down next to Hermione.

"Richard, you're finally back!" Harry said excitedly.

"That's right, that's right, what did you do, why did it take so long." Ronald also said.

Richard grabbed Hermione's little hand from under the table and stroked it lightly, while perfunctory the two of them. At this moment, Hermione felt that she wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and found that she couldn't say anything. Fortunately, she didn't. Having said that, he could only turn his hand around and hold Richard's hand firmly.

"I went to the prefect's bathroom last night to study the golden eggs. When I came out, I found a name on the Marauder's Map. It was Percy's boss, Crouch. He was in Snape's calendar office."

"What? Mr. Crouch is in Snape's office?" Ronald shouted in surprise, Hermione also looked over, only Richard was still stroking Hermione's little hand and didn't care at all.

"Then have you gone over to have a look?" Ronald asked eagerly.

Afterwards, Harry told Ronald everything about last night with a look of disappointment on his face. After listening to Ronald, he was also very disappointed, but he still analyzed it.

"He must have come to search because he thought Snape had some invisible secret."

"However, Professor Moody said last night that he had searched Snape's office at Dumbledore's request, and there was nothing in it.

"Hehe, it must be hidden by him, just like the Malfoy family." Ronald said firmly.

Just as they were talking here, a middle-aged wizard with a black cloak, greasy hair, a pale face and a hooked nose unknowingly came behind them.

"Weasley, if I were you, I wouldn't have to act just because I have a troll brain..0"

Snape's voice appeared in the ears of the two of them so suddenly, Ronald trembled, and the spoon in his hand was directly adjusted to the ground, and Harry also bit his tongue because of Snape's sudden voice.

Just as Harry was covering his mouth and wailing in pain, Snape lowered his body and said in a voice that only a few people could hear.

"Potter, if you're going to keep walking around at night with your golden egg, I'll have Filch hang you to the door for everyone to see."

Hearing Snape's words, a picture instantly appeared in Harry's mind, he was hoisted to the gate of the auditorium, Cedric and Zhang Qiu pointed at him together, of course Malfoy was indispensable, he was also there talking to other People introduce themselves. If that was the case, Harry would rather die.

Seeing Harry's pale and terrified face, Snape showed a satisfied look, glanced at Richard and left without saying anything.

"You guys eat first, I'm going to sell my vacation with Professor Flitwick and Professor Dumbledore." After speaking, Richard stood up, pinched Hermione's little face casually, and ran away before she hammered himself.

After Richard ran out of the auditorium, he met Professor Snape who was walking downstairs.

"Go, go find Dumbledore." After saying that, Richard went straight up, Snape was taken aback for a moment and followed Richard.

Just as Dumbledore came out of the office, he saw Richard and Snape walking from the corridor. Dumbledore paused thoughtfully, and then waited at the door of the office. He brought the two back without saying anything. Into the office.

"I guess I know who that fake Moody is!" Richard sat across from Dumbledore, drinking the hot milk Dumbledore had just asked the house-elf to deliver.

"Who is it?" Dumbledore and Snape said in unison.

"Barty Crouch!" Richard took another piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth.

3.3 "That's impossible, remember the start-of-term dinner, the one where Buddy was sitting next to me when Moody came." Dumbledore retorted. "Could it be that the Moody District was real at that time?"

"No, no, he was drinking Polyjuice Potion at that time." Snape thought about it carefully, and then said decisively.

"I missed a word, it's Barty Crouch Jr."

"What? Little Barty, that's impossible, he's already dead in Azkaban." Snape said immediately.

"That's not something I need to think about, all I know is that Harry wanted to go and see it because he saw Barty Crouch's name appearing in your office

"Barty's name?" Snape said, frowning.

"These are not important, Severus, you go and investigate the situation at that time." Dumbledore obviously knew about the Marauder's Map, so he directly interrupted Snape's continued pursuit.

"Okay, that's all I want to say, let's talk, I haven't eaten yet?" Richard stood up and prepared to leave.

"Richard, are you done?" Dumbledore asked suddenly and thoughtlessly.

Richard made an OK gesture directly, and then walked away without looking back. .

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