My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 317 Richard's First Lesson

After Richard came out of Dumbledore's office, he didn't leave directly, he waited at the door of the office for a while.

Soon, Snape came out from the inside, he saw that Richard was waiting for him there, Snape was a little puzzled.

"Professor, have you researched about stamina potions?"

"The stamina potion? Is it the potion that restores stamina?" Snape asked uncertainly. It's not that he didn't know or was not familiar with it. As the youngest potions master in this century, he must know such a basic potion. , but he wasn't sure if Richard was asking about this, after all, the basic potion was too simple, in his opinion, "There is no need to study or practice according to Richard's current level.

"That's right, it's the stamina potion that restores stamina. I don't know if the professor has any way to optimize it."

"Optimization? Are you talking about the problem of not being able to use it multiple times in a row? Actually, there is no way to do this. It's not a problem with the potion, but the wizard's body can't..

"No, professor, I'm not talking about this problem, but I want to make it more effective, um, like purifying it again to make the potion more effective

"No, Richard, this is actually the same problem. The current stamina potion is already the most suitable for wizards. If you purify it, let alone whether it can be done. Even if the purification is successful, no one can take it. , At that time, the stamina potion will be like poison. I know you have always liked the culture of Yanhuang. They have an old saying that the void cannot be replenished. It is actually a truth. No one can stand the purified potion. .”

"Professor, I know all these things, but I still hope that you can help me make a batch of stamina potion, whether it is purified by 20 or improved, as long as the effect is 23 times higher than it is now."

Hearing Richard's request, Snape frowned.

* 2-3 times?" Seeing Richard nodded, Snape continued, "If you want to improve so much, pure purification is definitely not possible, you should also know this, the potion formula must be improved, This is not something that can be done in the short term, you have to be mentally prepared.

"I know this too, so thank you, Professor."

Snape waved his hand at Richard, then walked downstairs while frowning and thinking about what material to replace.

After Richard went to tell Professor Flitwick that he was back, he returned to the auditorium. At this time, there were not many people in the auditorium, and Harry and Ronald were not at Gryffindor's table, and only Hermione was absent-minded. While eating breakfast, she glanced at the gate of the auditorium from time to time, and at this moment Richard's figure appeared beside the gate, and Hermione immediately waved to Richard.

Richard hurried over and sat down beside Hermione.

"They're all gone?"

"Yes, Harry said he was going to the library to check something, and Ronald followed suit."

"What? Harry going to the library? That's incredible.

"It's unbelievable. The Triwizard Tournament is about to start the second project. "I'm afraid Harry hasn't finished deciphering it yet. So let's find some information."

"Okay, let's not talk about others. What about you, have you missed me these days?"

"Hmph, I don't want to. I'm comfortable without you. Going to the library alone won't bother me." Hermione pouted.

"Really?" Richard smirked as he tickled Hermione.

Soon the breakfast time was over, Richard and Hermione went to Professor Flitwick's classroom together, their first lesson today was Charms.

When they came to the classroom, Harry and Ronald had already arrived. They saw Richard and Hermione coming in, and quickly called them over.

In this way, they sat together at a separate table in the back of the classroom. In today's lesson, what Flitwick taught to pick them up and pick them up is the opposite of the Flying Curse—Expel AR

Because when casting a spell, things would fly around in the classroom, so Professor Flitwick specially equipped each table with a lot of pillows, which can protect the little wizards, at least they won't hurt when they are hit.

After Professor Flitwick had finished explaining the incantations, gestures, and matters needing attention of the expulsion spell, they started their respective practice time.

At this moment Ronald continued the topic that Snape had just interrupted with great interest.

"Harry, you just said at breakfast that it was Dumbledore who asked Moody to search Snape's office? Could it be that Moody didn't come because of Karkaroff?" Ronald waved his wand at a pillow while his eyes glowed with excitement. With the expulsion curse, the pillow immediately flew up and hit Neville's head.

"Who knows, but Moody must have searched Snape's office." Harry continued, waving his wand lazily, causing the pillow in front of him to fly, "but Moody said it was a second for Snape. second chance."

"What?" Ronald looked in disbelief as Harry forgot the pillow controlled by the wand in his hand, which also caused the pillow to fly straight into the sky and hit the skewer on the ceiling. "Second chance? What did Snape do the first time? Did he put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"

"It's impossible, don't forget, Snape saved Harry's life, have you all forgotten?" Hermione couldn't bear it anymore, while controlling the wand to cast the expulsion spell, let the pillow fly over the classroom, directly It fell into the basket next to the podium.

"It's a beautiful job, and it hits the heart very well!" Richard said funny on the side. Hermione gave him a straight look.

Hermione's words made Harry think deeply, yes, Snape did save his life a few times, but it doesn't mean that Snape likes Harry, he has been using various methods to torture himself, as long as he can deduct points for himself , he will never be soft-hearted, and even wants to push himself beyond Hogwarts many times.

"I don't care what Moody said? I just know that Dumbledore is very wise, he is not stupid, you see Lupine and Hagrid generally don't give them jobs, but Dumbledore does, and they do it very well, maybe you think Snape A little, a little..."

"He's not a little bit, he's just bad, really bad. Otherwise, why would Professor Moody search his office? And Mr. Crouch, he's caught a lot of dark wizards too, obviously he's after Snape now !" Ronald said casually, and after he finished speaking, he looked back with trepidation, after all, what happened in the morning was still vivid in his memory.

"Let's not talk about Snape, let's think about why Mr. Crouch pretended to be sick. Isn't he very sick? Even the Yule Ball." Speaking of the Yule Ball, Hermione's face became hot, and she gave Richard another He rolled his eyes, then continued. "He didn't even come to the Yule Ball, but let Percy replace him, and now he slipped into Hogwarts at night."

"Hermione, I know you may not like Mr. Crouch because of Winky, but you don't know his great achievements. He has captured a lot of dark wizards, very, very many." Percy chanted at home during the summer vacation Seeing the merits of Crouch, this made Ronald have an inexplicable admiration for Crouch.

"People can't live in the past, they have to look forward, and I don't think Snape is a bad person." Because of Richard, Snape never targeted Hermione, even in the whole Gryffindor, he only gave Hermione extra points. So Hermione doesn't dare to say she has a good impression of Snape now, but she certainly won't have a bad impression.

"Let's not talk about that, what I'm most curious about is what a second chance means. If it's a second chance, what did he do before?" Harry stared in frustration at the fact that the pillow he had cast a spell on directly Flew out the window.

"Why don't you ask Sirius, maybe he might know." Hermione suggested.

Harry was also a little moved when he heard it. Maybe it's time for me to write a letter to Sirius.

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang, Richard waved his hand casually, and in an instant [all the pillows in the classroom that were not in the basket all flew into the basket.

Satisfied, Professor Flitwick gave Richard 10 points, gave them homework and left the classroom.

"Harry, what happened to your golden egg?" Hermione asked Harry curiously while putting away Richard's book.

Harry first looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, then whispered the voice he heard inside the golden egg.

"I, I'm still not very clear about what these words mean?" Seeing that the second project is getting closer, Harry hasn't decrypted it yet, and he doesn't know what preparations to do, so he also I was in a hurry, and I didn't hide anything and said everything directly.

"It's so simple, you don't know???" Hermione's eyes widened, and she looked hard at the creature that looked like a human, but did not have a human brain.

"Is it very simple? But I can't think of it, and I didn't find it in the library just now. 17

"Yeah, I don't understand what I mean." Ronald, the second general of Hum 277 Ha, also echoed.

"I really don't know what to say about you guys." Hermione said to Harry while covering her head.

"You look at the first sentence, 'We can't sing on the ground', and thinking about the golden egg you opened in the water of the bath, it shows that the second item is held in the water.

"That's right, that's right, where is that in the water?" Harry's eyes lit up first, and then he continued to ask.

"Of course it's in the Black Lake, after all it can't be in the bathing pool." Hermione said helplessly.

"Could this be the reason why Krum jumped into the lake? He's familiarizing himself with the Black Lake in advance?" Harry suddenly thought of what he saw in the Black Lake last time, and had an epiphany.

"It seems that you are not stupid. The other warriors have already practiced. Only you, Harry, you should have asked me earlier." Hermione said to Harry dissatisfied.

"Before you have been absent-minded and restless, even if we ask you, I'm afraid you won't answer."

Because of Ronald's divine assist, Li Jian suffered a disaster and was pinched by Hermione blushing.

"What else? What does the rest mean?" Harry didn't have the heart to think about anything else right now, so he hurriedly continued to ask.

"You're thinking about what creatures in the Black Lake can sing." Because it was Harry's competition, Hermione still planned to focus on guiding instead of telling Harry all of them directly.

"What creature? Singing?" Harry thought hard, and suddenly his eyes lit up, thinking of the painting in the bath. "A mermaid is a mermaid.

Hermione was also very satisfied to see that Harry had reacted so quickly.

"So that means, I need to find mermaids in the black lake, they will take away my most important things, and I only have one hour, and after one hour, my treasures will disappear?"

"That's literally what it means," Hermione agreed.

"Treasure? What treasure? Could it be my rocket crossbow? Or the invisibility cloak?" Harry began to think again, and Richard couldn't help laughing.

"No matter what treasure, shouldn't you first consider how you will breathe in the lake? Or can you hold your breath for an hour?"

Hearing Richard's words, Harry became depressed again. .

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