My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 92 Not One Less (Seeking Data Support)

This is a light curtain that only Richard can see appeared in front of Richard's eyes.

【A divine animal has been detected. The magical animal has been knocked down and has no ability to resist. Do you want to start the extraction mode now】.

Richard began to fantasize that it would be great if he could save all of them and draw one piece, but the system setting can only be stored once, so he can only draw.

This is a dialog box popped up suddenly.

[Detecting the host's strong will, I hope to store it multiple times. It takes 10,000 experience points to activate the new function. In order for the host to have a better user experience, the new function can be activated for free for the first time. Do you need to enable the multiple storage function?]

When did this broken system of his own become so humane? Richard was startled by the scene in front of him. He didn't react until the system asked whether it needs to be turned on again [the free sound must be turned on.


【Enable multiple storage function, loading......】

[Loading is successful, the host can now store and extract multiple times, unlimited times]

【Do you need to store this extraction】

【Storing...】【Successfully saved】

It's good to continue, time is running out and there are so many treasure chests, Richard then reached out to another wicked bird.

This time, there was no ink, and it was stored directly. Just when Richard was about to take his hand back, in line with the fine tradition of leaving a name when the geese pass by, and feathers when the bird passes by, hard work and simplicity, and thrifty housekeeping, Richard plucked two feathers of the wicked bird.

Originally, he wanted to use the magic spell to wake up the two witch birds, but Richard suddenly thought, will the magic spell stop 20 silence spells?

So it is a prudent decision to come one by one.

Sure enough, after Richard cast the spell on the first bird, the witch bird opened its mouth and was about to sing. Fortunately, Richard was prepared and directly added the silence spell.

Soon the second one was also solved.

So the question is, which is the next treasure chest?

Richard looked over at the few remaining cages.

Oh ho ho, there is an unexpected surprise, there is no need to choose but this rune snake.

The line of sight came to the side of the cage where the rune snake was placed, and it turned out that the infighting among the runes had begun again.

As we all know, the rune snake has three heads, the head on the left is a planner, it is where the real brain of the rune snake decides what to do next and how to do it, the head in the middle is a sleepwalker, Daydreaming all day long, the head on the right is a critic, relying on the fangs in his mouth, he often criticizes the heads on the left and the middle, they have always been at odds with each other, they will attack each other, the common rune snake Many of them have two heads, because the left and middle heads combined to bite off the right head.

The runes in the cage are now attacking each other, so now is the right time.

Richard saw that the right head was not right, it was injured, and it was about to be bitten off, so he hurried up and cast a stun spell on the left head.

But I didn't expect to be dodged by it dexterously, but the one in the middle was not so lucky. The curse that was dodged by the left head just hit the middle head, and the middle head itself became lethargic. After a long time of fighting Afterwards, he became even more sleepy, and now he suffered another stun spell, and passed out directly.

Another stun spell was shot at "stunning ground". The head on the left is worthy of being the mastermind, but it still dexterously dodged it. Now I don't know if I'm dead or not.

Richard was furious.

"There are many obstacles" "There are many obstacles" first, two hindrance spells restricted the left head to the dead corner of the cage, making it impossible to dodge, and then another stun spell.

At this moment, the left head of the rune snake finally concentrated, and the hit head was still swaying tenaciously.

Richard hastened to make two more shots, and now the three heads of the entire rune snake fell silent.

Richard first went over to check the life and death of the head on the right. After all, the rune snake with three heads is more valuable. When Adams was here, he still had three heads. After leaving himself, there are only two left. Although it is understandable, But Richard didn't want to either.

Seeing that the right head was still alive, but its breathing was relatively weak, Richard quickly cast a healing spell on it, and its breathing stabilized.

Then came the extraction link. Richard stretched out his hand, rubbed the right head of the rune snake, and then continued to select storage extraction in the system.

After finishing these, Richard started to look for the third cutie again, but just passed by the cage of the rune snake.

Richard suddenly thought, since the three heads of the Rune snake have different thoughts, can each head be extracted once? Thinking of this, Richard came to the side of the middle head and touched it with his hand .

Well, there is no response, and the one on the left still has no response.

Alas, rubbish system, Richard sighed in disappointment.

In fact, Richard didn't have much hope at all. After all, he had drawn Lu Wei's (three-headed dog), and he could only draw it once. After all, they are all three-headed magical animals, and no one is more noble than the other.

How to choose the rest?

Looking at the invisible beasts, birds and snakes, big-headed monsters, Riem cows, forest monsters, and Tebo warthogs in front of them.

It's up to you, because of the hairy head.

Richard came to the side of the cage where the big-headed hairy monster was held.

Looking at the one inside, the whole body is covered with hair, but the big gray head is bald, and it is almost a foot tall.

As the sun shines from behind Richard, Richard's shadow is reflected in the cage, and the big-headed monster is lying on top of Richard's shadow, looking like a big bright and round rock, Richard knows that if it takes a long time I will definitely have a strong sense of futility, and will eventually enter a drowsy and desperate state. At this time, the big-headed monster just jumps over and devours people.

However, the big-headed monster is relatively easy to deal with, with low magic resistance and low physical resistance.

Looking at the big-headed monster lying motionless on the ground in front of him, Richard used the Stunning Curse to subdue it very easily, basically without any difficulty.

After touching the storage draw, Richard looked at the remaining ones again.

Let’s take the bird and snake first. Other magic resistances are relatively high, and the invisible beast has low magic resistance, but it is invisible and can’t find a place.

The bird snake is a winged two-legged animal with a snake body and feathers. The greatest value of this magical animal is its eggs, to be precise it should be its egg shells

It is the purest and softest silver in the world, and its value is very high.

Originally, birds and snakes are very flexible in the wild, and it is difficult for ordinary wizards to hit them with their spells.

But now the bird snake is inside the cage. The originally relatively large cage is more crowded when the bird snake is more than ten feet away.

This also gave Richard the opportunity to subdue him very easily, continuing the previous process, stroking, storing and extracting, and breaking the spell.

Next, Richard is no longer choosing, after all, the rest are more troublesome, and the magic resistance will be higher.

Come to the cage next to the bird snake, which contains the Riem cattle.

This Riem cow looks more expensive, yes it is more expensive, it is like a big golden buffalo, if you stay still, you will think it is a pure gold sculpture.

As long as anyone drinks the blood of Rui'em cows, their strength will be greatly increased. However, because the output is very small, there is always a price but no market, so the ten Song Rui'em cows and ten walking gold mines are nothing. the difference.

To be honest, the appearance of this Ruiem cow here is very abrupt. Is Adams' family background so rich that he can even get this?

Forget about it, let's move on.

This kind of large magical animal is a living target for Richard in the cage. Although it has high magic resistance, it cannot hold up to a large number.

After being bombarded by Richard for almost 3 minutes, the Riem cow also crashed to the ground.

Richard calmed down for a while, then went to draw,

Seeing that the coat color of the Riem cow in front of him was no longer bright, Richard also thoughtfully cast cleaning spells and healing spells on it, so that Adams would not think that he had abused it.

Should I draw some blood? Richard thought about it, but finally gave up.

What he hopes to obtain is the improvement of the overall physical fitness. Simply increasing strength will only consume physical strength faster, and it will not be of any special benefit to him.

The next Tebo Warthog and Forest Monster were both top players in magic resistance, but they finally fell down after Richard spent a lot of magic power and continued to cast spells.

Tebo warthog after normal extraction.

Richard touched the forest monster with anxiety for about a minute.

Richard left cursing.

Sure enough, I don't know why the giant monsters can't be extracted, and the forest monster, one of the three types of giant monsters, can't be extracted either.

In fact, the giant monster Richard tried it last semester, but he couldn't extract it.

At first, Richard wondered if it was because the giant monster was killed by himself first, so he couldn't draw it, but now it seems that the eye monster is not recognized as a magical animal by the system.

This is discrimination, blatant racism.

Seeing that time is running out, Adams will come back anytime.

Richard hurried to the original position.

Looking at the empty No. 1 cage, Richard didn't have any ink marks, and started the spell bombing directly.

Although you can't see it, it's fine as long as you accidentally drop it.

After bombing for a while, the cage was still empty.

Richard suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

The invisible beast relies on its long silver hair to become invisible. That is to say, even if you hit it just now, it would pass out, but you still can't see it.

Do you want to stick your hand in and try it?

After thinking for a while, forget it, what if it attacks you if you miss it?

Richard also encountered difficulties for a while, what should he do, after all, he can't just watch it slip away in front of him. .

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