My Hogwarts Day

Chapter 93: A Successful End And The Apparition Curse (Seeking Data Support)

Richard knew that continuing to use the stun spell would not have a particularly good effect, and he had to first determine the location of the invisible beast.

"clear water into the spring"

At this moment a jet of water erupted from the tip of Richard's wand.

Richard tried to increase the infusion of magic power, and the water flow became more rapid.

Then Richard tried to control the outlet of the water flow, and the water flow seemed to be shot from a squeezed tube.

Became a fan-shaped spray.

Richard nodded in satisfaction, and sprayed the cage.

As Richard moved his wand, the figure of an ape emerged from the cage, but disappeared immediately.

Sure enough, the invisible beast was not hit by those stun spells just now, fortunately I was cautious (counseling).

The body of the invisible beast should be wet when it was hit by the water flow just now, but just to be on the safe side, Richard continued to control the water flow to look for the invisible beast.

Immediately, the water caught the figure of the invisible beast again, and Richard quickly changed the spell.


fell to the ground

At this moment Richard heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Hastily continued to use clear water like a spring, controlled the flow of water and rushed to that position.

Sure enough, it hit, and at this moment, the figure of the invisible beast slowly emerged.

Richard hurried over to touch the invisible beast, and stored the extraction.

Then he used it to heal the damage just received by the invisible beast, and then used the mantra to relieve the invisible beast's coma.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud cracking sound.

Then Mr. Adams showed up here.

The timing is just right, Richard is quite proud.

"Huh? Why are you still here? Why is the cage wet? Are you looking for an invisible beast?" Adams thought he was lucky when he saw a lot of water marks in the cage that hadn't had time to clean up.

It must be that you can't see the invisible increase and then use water to find the invisible increase.

"I'm looking for the invisible beast, but I've finished watching the other magical animals, and the Wicked Bird has cast the Silencing Curse again.

"Do you know each other?"

"Yes, it is recorded in Mr. Newt Scamander's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", but it is indeed the first time I have seen it.

"By the way, Mr. Adams, is that Riem cow also one of the deals?" Richard asked curiously.

"You saw the Erim cow, that is not a trade item, I can't afford to buy that which is more expensive than all the magical animals in my entire store combined." Adamston continued after sunset.

"That one was deposited with me, and I will pick it up tonight."

"You have to know that their smugglers are often wanted, and such a big magical animal is not convenient to carry around, so put it here with me first."

"Is that troll a forest monster?" Richard continued to ask.

"That's right, that's the forest monster, which is also called a giant monster together with land monsters and water monsters. I didn't expect you to recognize it"||. "Adams seemed a little surprised. After all, compared to land monsters, forest monsters are quite rare, but they are better than water monsters, which are even rarer. Here, I want to explain that the Loch Ness monster is a horse-shaped monster, not a giant monster. water monster

"Those people are really strange. I don't know what they want the forest monster for?" Adams was also very curious. The forest monster is useless and has no commercial value.


"By the way, Mr. Adams, that rune snake started fighting again, so I stunned it first with the Stunning Charm.

Hearing what Richard said, Adams hurried over to check it out. You must know that a rune snake with three heads is more valuable. If one head is missing, he will lose the order

Seeing the intact Rune snake, Adams also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately you are here Richard, I thought I forgot to tell you to pay attention to this, but I didn't expect you to know. Thank you so much."

"It's okay, it's my duty here.

"However, Mr. Adams, generally those who want this kind of rune snake are black wizards. You should pay attention when you trade." Richard reminded, after all, Mr. Adams gave him a lot of help these days, indeed. Be a good one.

"Thank you for reminding Richard, don't worry, I will pay attention." Adams continued after thinking for a while.

"Actually, not all black wizards are bad guys. There is no way to do it. You know that although the current wizard class does not value blood as much as when the mysterious man was around a few years ago, the pure-blood wizards still control the wizard class. They still Discriminating against half-bloods and Muggle wizards, many wizards who are not talented or talented but have no way out have to choose the path of dark wizards."

"I know these Mr. Adams too, but for the sake of Pugsley and Wednesday, you should also be careful."

Feeling Richard's concern for him, Adams didn't continue talking after thinking about it. Those pure-blood wizards are far more hateful than dark wizards. But considering that Richard is still young, there is no need to go that deep.

In fact, these words should not have been said, but through these days of contact, Adams deeply understood the horror of Richard's talent. Although he didn't know how Dumbledore and Voldemort were when they were young, Adams knew that Richard should be regarded as a young wizard The ceiling is high, and the current exchange of words is to better Richard. When Richard rises in the future, there will be a relationship. This is good for the development of Pugsley and Wednesday.

Richard can also feel that Adams' trust in him is a bit too high. Many of these special magical animals, especially the Riem cow and invisible beasts, are hidden from even his family. He generously let himself see it. This should be intentional. Any inconvenient care is a lie. The departure just now was also deliberately leaving room for Richard. Of course, Adams must not know his own system.

Moreover, Adams' various behaviors are not offensive, which is also an important reason why Richard can accept Adams' kindness. After all, Richard did not accept the offer of favor to the Malfoy family.

Although he knew that Adams would use him to a certain extent in the future, Richard didn't care. They have already invested, so why don't you allow them to make profits? The adult society itself is a society of interests, whether it is ordinary people It's the same whether it's a wizard or a wizard. After all, human relationships are like paper, and world affairs are like a chess game.

After the two checked all the magical animals repeatedly, they returned to the magical animal store.

After returning to the store, Richard suddenly asked Adams.

"Mr. Adams, can you tell me about Apparation?"

"Apparition? This is not something you can learn in your grade, and I remember that Hogwarts cannot use apparation."

"I'm just curious about the spell."

After thinking about it, Adams said to Richard seriously.

"Richard, although this magic is difficult, I know that with your talent and the magic power you have now, there should be no problem in learning this magic, but you must have an experienced teacher to assist you in learning this magic. Accidents are quite dangerous. Although I know this spell, if something happens, I have no way to solve it. I can tell you about this spell, but I hope you don’t practice it privately. You must do it at school. Practice under the guidance of the professor, you have a broad future, there is no need to expose yourself to unknown dangers for a spell.”

Hearing Adams' sincere concern, Richard was still very moved, and he quickly promised that he was just learning in advance, and if he wanted to practice, he would go to the dean of his college, Professor Flitwick, as a mentor.

Hearing Richard's assurance, Adams told Richard directly without reservation.

The apparition spell is a way of magical travel. It allows users to get where they want to go. After the user focuses on the destination, they disappear from their current location and appear at the place in their mind. "

"In short, the Apparatus spell is a form of teleportation. It is currently the fastest way to reach the destination, but it is difficult to master. If it is not done properly, it may lead to disastrous consequences. "

"In fact, what we often call apparition is just the first step of the apparition spell. At this time, you need to first focus all your attention on your goal, which is to think about where you are going; second Determine to occupy the space you want, let the desire to reach flood every smallest part of the body, rotate in place thirdly, let yourself enter the void state, and move calmly. This is the three-D principle we often say: target ( Zhao Zhao), determination, and calmness (the initials of the three words are all D). The next step is the second step, apparition, and then you can appear at the destination."

"Beginners will feel hypoxia when using it, but they will get used to it after using it too much, and if the determination to move is not firm, split body will appear, that is, one part of the body stays in place while the other part moves past."

"Finally, the apparation that transmits multiple people at the same time is called entourage apparition. This method allows adult wizards to take underage wizards, or wizards who cannot apparate in person, to go to the destination with them. When performing entourage apparition, followers The attacker simply grabs the arm of the person performing the Apparation."

"By the way, only after the age of 17 has passed the Apparition Examination of the Department of Magical Transport and obtained a license can one legally apparate in the UK."

After listening to Adams' detailed explanation of the entire spell, Richard suddenly had an urge to try it out, but for his own safety, he reluctantly suppressed it

As for why Mr. Adams told Richard, the reason is very simple. The Apparition Curse is not a secret spell. Anyone who is willing can find relevant explanations. It is better for Richard to search blindly than Adams himself. It was safer for Richard that way. .

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