My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1611 It doesn’t matter

Duan Zhizhi looked at his busy figure, but could do nothing.

This man's defense was too strong.

She couldn't find any control at all.

And she looked around, there was no signal here at all, it was a place completely closed and connected to the outside world. I don't know how this man found this place and made perfect use of it.

"Okay, I'll reheat the food, let's start eating." The perverted driver said: "I also made black rice porridge for you. I remember that you like black rice the most. But this is not for today, but for tomorrow."

Duan Zhizhi asked: "Are you going to lock me up in this dark place for a lifetime? If I disappear, are you sure no one will find me? And, are you sure that everything you do is foolproof? Will no one know?"

Her series of questions made the perverted driver a little impatient.

"My noble little princess, these are not the problems you should worry about. All you need to worry about is to stay by my side quietly, don't have other strange ideas and don't leave me. My request is not too much for you, right?" The perverted driver said.

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "Too much."

"What do you mean?"

"I am a person with an independent personality. But you want me to become a puppet who can only listen to you and live and can't go anywhere but stay here. It's like I am a tool without emotions. How can a thoughtful person think of being a tool without emotions? And with someone he doesn't know at all." Duan Zhizhi shook his head without even looking at the perverted driver.

The perverted driver thought about it and nodded.

"I suddenly feel that what you said is right."

Duan Zhizhi asked: "If you think it through, it's better to let me go. Otherwise, when the time comes, you may die miserably. Before everyone has caused any substantial losses, do you think I am right?"

"Zhizhi, I have understood what you said just now. I also know what I should do." The perverted driver spoke.

Duan Zhizhi looked at him, not quite understanding why he was so easy to understand, or did he have other ideas? Just when I thought of this, I saw the perverted driver pushed away all the food, with an angry expression on his face, saying: "Since you don't like to eat, then don't eat. You want to have an independent personality consciousness, right? It seems that I shouldn't think of everything too beautifully. It's also great to let you quietly be an emotionless tool by my side."

Duan Zhizhi: "???"

"All the skills I learned are because of you." The perverted driver said: "Since you don't want to be with me sober, there is no way, I have to hypnotize you and let you be with me,"


"Yes, for you, I built this magnificent underground palace. I also spent a lot of time to arrange it. From beginning to end, from inside to outside, it is the decoration style you like. I thought you would like it here, but I didn't expect you to dislike it so much. I may have miscalculated this." He shook his head and felt sorry.

"But I guess, if I hypnotize you to be what I want, you will be willing to stay with me, and this place is not a so-called cage for you. Instead, it will be your eternal home." The perverted driver stood up and looked down at Duan Zhizhi, with compassion in his eyes.

Hearing this, Duan Zhizhi was stunned.

This man is really sick.

Not only sick, but also terrible.

"Do you feel confused?" the perverted driver asked.

Duan Zhizhi: "I just didn't expect that you have such ability, but you didn't use it in any proper way, but wasted your talent for a female star. I feel sorry for you."

She shook her head.

She looked down on the man in front of her, too small.

"I don't think it's a pity. Everyone's ideals are different, right? I don't want to work hard for the country, nor do I want to be an upright person. For me, the most important thing is to make myself happy. Now I have you, which makes me happiest. So, I don't like to listen to any big truths. I just want to do what I want to do." The perverted driver said.

Everyone has their own way of living.

Isn't it?

Why should we give excellent people a psychological support?

Let them feel that excellent people should serve others?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This sentence is a lie to children.

He didn't want to work so hard.

"Zhizhi, since you are not hungry, then look at me."

The perverted driver looked at her.

Duan Zhizhi didn't look at him.

She didn't want to look at the man in front of her. She felt that she would have a nightmare. She was here, without any time reminders, and no distinction between day and night. She felt that she was in a daze, as if she was dreaming. She also had to deal with this pervert. She felt that her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

"Zhizhi, I'll give you three seconds to think about it. If you don't look at me, the next second after three seconds, your stupid assistant is likely to be taken away by my Tibetan mastiff pet." The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a weird arc.

"The bloody kind."

Duan Zhizhi suppressed his anger and looked over.

"Instead of letting you torture me like this, I'd rather let you kill me. What did my assistant do wrong to be abused by you like this? If you only want me, then you should let my assistant go, right?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

She hoped that the pervert in front of her would let her assistant go.

"Sorry, if it weren't for her, I'm not sure if you would be so obedient. Of course, what I'm going to do next may make you a little uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter. As long as this thing is done, even without that stupid assistant, we can still get along well." He nodded to himself.

Duan Zhizhi didn't quite understand what he wanted to do.

"Baby, next, look into my eyes."

Duan Zhizhi didn't want to look, but Xiaomei was in critical condition.

She endured her nausea and looked over.

"From now on, just look at me and don't think about anything. Imagine that you are alone now, without any external help or any friends. You are the only one left in the world, very quiet, very very." The perverted driver took out a pocket watch, put it in front of Duan Zhizhi, and then turned on a lyrical music.

"Baby, start to slowly close your eyes now. Then let your mind go blank. Imagine that you are on the edge of a high mountain, with the person you want to see the most, and the surrounding environment is also very favorite." The perverted driver spoke slowly, and finally asked: "Okay, now you can tell me, what do you see?"

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