My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1612 The Most Hated Person

"I didn't see anything." Duan Zhizhi said.

The perverted driver spoke calmly and continued: "You can think about it again. You are standing in a very high valley, and below is your favorite sunflower field. You are very relaxed and like this place very much, but suddenly, Someone you hate very much appears and wants to destroy your peace and happiness. What should you do at this time? "

"Kill him."

The perverted driver continued: "Say it again."

"Kill him."

The perverted driver glanced at Duan Zhizhi and was a little shocked.

I originally thought that Duan Zhizhi was just a weak little girl, but I didn't expect that her heart was actually so deep and dark. He lowered his tone involuntarily, and continued to say with coaxing and deception: "Then kill him, kill him." Killing him will make it easier for you. If you kill him, you won't have any worries and you can get everything you want."

"Yes, kill him."

"Okay, then tell me now, who is the person you want to kill? What's his name?" the perverted driver asked: "It must be the person you hate the most. If it's not the person you hate the most, even if it's not the person you hate the most, Even if you kill him, you won't feel happy. In order to make it easier for you, all you have to do is kill the person you hate the most. "

"I'm going to kill you." Duan Zhizhi said.

She suddenly opened her eyes with a horrified expression.

The pervert smiled.

He knew that Duan Zhizhi would definitely think so.

"Look at this guy, do you remember him?"

Duan Zhizhi looked in a daze, "Lu Lin?"

Why is Lu Lin here? ? ?

"Yes, his name is Lu Lin, and he is the person you hate the most."

The pervert brainwashed her.

Duan Zhizhi shook his head: "No, no, Lu Lin is not the person I hate the most. I like Lu Lin. I am the person who likes Lu Lin the most, and Lu Lin also likes me..."

"No, honey, you remembered it wrong. This man is the man you hate the most. It is this man you want to kill the most. Only by killing him can your soul be saved and you can be truly happy. , you know?" the pervert said.


Duan Zhizhi shook his head.

Her head felt like it was going to explode.

"There is something wrong with your thinking, and there is something wrong with your memory. Lu Lin is not the person you rely on the most. He is the person you hate the most. The person you hate the most in the world is Lu Lin. You want to kill him and let him Never show up in front of you again!" The pervert continued to brainwash me.

Duan Zhizhi was still shaking his head.

She tried to resist, although it wasn't very effective.

"Who do you hate the most?" the pervert asked.

Duan Zhizhi said without any hesitation: "You."

The pervert continued to ask: "Who do you want to kill the most?"

"It's still you."

The pervert asked: "Who do you hate the most right now?"

Duan Zhizhi hesitated: "You..."

The perverted expression remained unchanged: "Your perception is wrong. The most beautiful sunflower field you just looked at was destroyed by the person you hate the most, breaking your most peaceful state of mind. I just showed you The man in the photo is the man who crushed your sunflower field. You hate him, you are hostile to him, and you hate him because he destroyed everything good in your heart.”

Duan Zhizhi asked: "Who is that man?"

That man...

Ruined all her good things? ?

Destroyed all the good things in her heart, damn it.

"His name is Lu Lin and he will destroy all your men."

The pervert continued, a smile on his face.

Duan Zhizhi: "I remember Lu Lin is a very important person to me."

"From now on, he is no longer the most important person to you. He is just your enemy. He has just destroyed all your tenderness and beauty, so you hate him and want to kill him." The pervert has been brainwashing continuously, even Duan Zhizhi once again took a look at Lu Lin's appearance.

Duan Zhizhi shook his head and nodded, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, now, tell me, who is the person you hate the most?"

Duan Zhizhi hesitated: "Lu Lin..."

"Yes, that's right, the person you hate the most is Lu Lin."

The pervert sounded proud.

"Then, tell me, who is the person you want to kill the most?"

Duan Zhizhi hesitated: "Lu Lin..."

"Okay, baby, just understand. Do you feel less anxious now? Are you slowly becoming happier? Are you less suffocated and can even think about problems more easily? That's because you finally understand what you hate. Who is that person? He also understood the truest thoughts in his heart, which is too perfect." The corner of the pervert's mouth slightly raised, still in his most accustomed arc, with a continuous look of pride on his face.

"Kill him and I will be happy."

Duan Zhizhi spoke slowly and slowly.

"Yes, that's right. Your idea is very correct," he said.

Later, he finalized Duan Zhizhi's memory. He opened another pocket watch and said, "Next, let's discuss who your favorite man is."

"My favorite man? Who is it?" Duan Zhizhi was confused.

Her eyes were unfocused and empty. As if her soul had been extracted, she had no ability to think at this time. She was just a puppet on strings, following every move of the man in front of her, and no longer had her own thoughts and judgments.

"Look at this man, do you know him?"

the pervert asked.

Duan Zhizhi glanced at the photo and shook his head.

The man in the photo was himself, but Duan Zhizhi's memory was confused and he didn't know anything.

The pervert said: "His name is Lu Liang, and he is the person you love the most. You love him so much that you want to be around him 24 hours a day. You don't want anyone to get close to him. He is the only one in your eyes. If someone wants to hurt him, you will rush out at the first time, because you love him, so you are willing to do everything for him."

"Lu Liang?" Duan Zhizhi called out this name.

The pervert Lu Liang nodded: "Yes, it's him."

"Do I love him? Why do I love him?"

Duan Zhizhi was puzzled.

She had never heard of this name, why did she love him?

"Because he also loves you and is willing to do everything for you. The two of you have achieved each other, like each other, and agreed to be together forever in this life." Lu Liang said: "This is the most important thing in your life, you must never forget it."

"I remember, I don't know Lu Liang."

Although Duan Zhizhi's eyes were dull, his mind was briefly clear.

"That's because you forgot about him, because the person you hate the most made you forget about Lu Liang. In fact, it's Lu Liang you love the most. For him, you would do anything, even willing to give up your acting career to stay with him."

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