My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1644 Are you afraid of the dark? Are you afraid of despair? Are you afraid of death?

Lu Liang's mental state was very bad.

After seeing Lu Lin, his whole body felt a lot different. He smiled and asked, "Lu Lin, is this the only ability you have? Is this the only way you can make me surrender? Don't you have any other abilities?" I overestimated you."

At this moment, he was still being stubborn.

It is conceivable that

If you endure torture yourself, you have to involve others.

"It's not my fault that you're like this. Besides, I seem to have reminded you not to be too arrogant. How does it feel to be hypnotized and have backlash?" Lu Lin said calmly: "I can tell you that you are here for this. This place is not a good place. Compared with hell, hell is quite mild. It will let you know what real despair is and let you understand that once something is done, it will not only be something you can't go back to, but it will also make you A lifelong source of pain."

Lu Liang smiled: "It took you so long to come see me, isn't it because the situation at Duan Zhizhi's side is not very good? Why, are you satisfied with my hypnosis? You haven't been very comfortable during this period, right?" We're not very comfortable with each other, so that's great."

After he finished speaking, he felt bad all over.

Twitching slowly.

Very uncomfortable.

"Ah..." Uncomfortable, tortured.

Because of the backlash caused by hypnosis, he endures suffering every day, because deep down in his heart he has defined himself as a terminal cancer patient, but he still has a blood feud that he has yet to avenge. The most egregious thing is that he clearly realizes that this is someone else. The memory that was forced upon him was stuck in it, unable to refute it at all. In addition to feeling uncomfortable, he even had to maintain his original rationality to communicate with Lu Lin.

"It's really interesting. You can't even control yourself now. You've been made like this by your own hypnosis. Do you have the nerve to tell me anything else? Don't you think it's quite ironic?" Lu Lin looked down at Lu Liang as if It's like looking at an elephant looking at ants, and it's not worth mentioning.

"Telling you anything else? Lu Lin, aren't you just targeting me because Duan Zhizhi's hypnosis can't solve the problem? Let me tell you, her hypnosis will last a lifetime, and the most important person in her mind is "My name is Lu Liang, not Lu Lin, you know?" Lu Liang laughed so crazily that he almost burst into tears, but he still insisted on being himself and wanted to use his own ability to break Lu Lin's last line of defense.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my girlfriend has recovered."

Lu Lin spoke calmly.

What? ? ?

How is that possible? ? ?

How could something like this happen? ! !


It's simply impossible! ! !

How could Duan Zhizhi recover his memory? !

How could she get rid of her own hypnosis with such willpower? Who helped? Who is it? He wanted to know, desperately wanted to know, or was Lu Lin lying to him? In order to make your mentality collapse even more, right?

That's for sure!


"Don't you believe it?" Lu Lin shook his head: "Looking at how you look now, you are really pitiful. You thought you could do a lot of things, but in the end you couldn't do anything. You thought you were invincible in hypnosis. You are also restricted, and you feel even more useless, right?" Lu Lin suddenly smiled. Only those who know him know how terrifying this smile is.

"Let me tell you by the way." Lu Lin said: "Actually, I came here not only to see you, but also to thank you. If it weren't for you, my girlfriend wouldn't have found the lost memory. , I guess you know that, right? She has a hidden memory." Lu Lin said calmly, "Thank you."

Lu Liang was stunned.

It's true.

It's actually true.

He knew Duan Zhizhi's memory clearly, and what Lu Lin said was correct, but who unlocked the hypnosis? You mean? Who did it? Lu Liang believed that his hypnosis skills were unparalleled in the world. How could there be anyone more powerful than him? !

How is that possible! !

He feels...

Life seems to be falling apart.

This is worse than killing him and locking him here.

"Impossible! Impossible!!!"

He shook his head.

Lu Lin said: "You can't hear the truth, can you?"

"Let me tell you, my hypnosis skills are unparalleled in the world. It is impossible to make a mistake. It is impossible. How did you do it? Who did you find? Who allowed Duan Zhizhi to regain his memory?" Lu Liang asked: " Who is it? ? No, you must have deceived me. How can there be anyone with more powerful hypnosis than me?"


Totally impossible!

This is his belief. Can't be broken.

"Look at how you look now. You look like a clown. If your life here is unhappy, I can change your place. Don't worry, before I die, I will definitely make your life miserable every day. Die. This is my gratitude to you. If it weren't for you, my life wouldn't be so wonderful." His Duan Zhizhi wouldn't have suffered so much.

So everything, everything, must be returned.

This world is inherently fair.

"Lu Lin, you'd better kill me."

Lu Liang said.

He shook his head.

His hypnosis was reversed and he never despaired. Didn't the pain that backfired on him prove that he was very capable? The more painful he was, the more he felt that it was a problem of his excellent ability, but now he couldn't be happy after hearing Lu Lin's words.

He once suspected...

Lu Lin came here on purpose.

Crushed his spine and made him lose interest.

Lost hope for the thing he was most confident in.

"Killing you is not good for you. Besides, what is the rule of law saying about fighting and killing? I just want you to have a chance to enjoy your old age. People should be grateful, right?" Lu Lin smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Haha, if you came here today to kill me, then I have to tell you that you did it." After Lu Liang said this, he spit out a mouthful of blood, looking very embarrassed. He couldn't lift his head and lowered his head as if he was dead.

Lu Li motioned for people to come in and take a look.

The people who came in were shocked.

Could he be angry to death? ? !

Suicide failed, angry to death? !

So what did Chief Lu say?

Lu Qi, who was in the office, frowned. It had to be said that Lu Lin was now a tiger with sharp teeth, able to chew up everything. How did he do it? Just a few words could make people vomit blood.

"As expected of Master Yao's son."

Lu Qi sighed.

Fortunately, he was a member of the Lu family, not an enemy of the Lu family.

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