My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 1645 Brother Lin: I am your father

"I've always found it strange. He was raised by Lu He, right? Why does he look so gentle? It turns out he is like this. This kid is so secretive." At some point, Lu Cheng stood at the door of the office, He smiled half-heartedly, obviously very new to such a scene.

"You have something to say, so don't fart."

Lu Qi was disgusted.

"You also know He's character. What this kid only thinks about is that he is ruthless and wants to kill others. But Lu Lin's current situation is not like that. I thought I didn't get Lu He's true biography. No. I thought of waiting here. "It's not that I don't plan to take care of it, but I haven't freed up my hands yet, right?

"Both of them are the same, but why did you come to my office? Now that I'm here, let me ask you, can you not leave my phone number with the idiot next time? !! Do you know how many outrageous phone calls I have received? Damn it!" Lu Qi almost jumped up and beat Lu Cheng to death.

Some sell insurance, some sell cars.

And the most outrageous thing was that the princess from the nightclub called, saying that he didn’t pay for the money he spent in the nightclub, and asked him to pay quickly. He was the kind of person who was heartbroken. He even thought it was outrageous. How could he be like Lu Cheng? 's younger brother.

"Brother, do you have someone you like? Every time I meet a good-looking girl, I help you. If you haven't thought about falling in love, then it's really your fault. I'm sorry I love you so much." Lu Cheng was not afraid of being criticized or beaten at all, and he spoke with a smile.

"Stop talking." Lu Qi shook his head.

Oh shit.

The princess in the nightclub told him, why? ?

Should he go on a date or find a girlfriend? ! !

Which of the two is crazy? ? !

"Don't be so angry. It's not a big deal. Are you worried? Besides, isn't it because I love you?" Lu Cheng suddenly pretended to be aggrieved, with the disappointment of being rejected by his brother on his face as he continued to speak. : "Aren't I afraid that there will be any problems if you remain single? That's why it's like this."

"I'll thank you on horseback!!!"

Lu Cheng followed the good advice: "You're welcome!"

"Go away, you idiot. If you use someone else's phone next time, if you still use mine, I will kill you." After Lu Qi said his harsh words, he then remembered, why had Lu Cheng been using his phone? Instead of using someone else's?

"Then I'll use someone else's next time." Lu Cheng felt a little embarrassed.

"Use someone else's!" he said.

Lu Cheng took a look and shook his head.

Lu Qi was the only one who was easy to bully.

Lu He has a girlfriend, and if he offends Lu He, the consequences will be very serious. If he can't protect him, he will be completely dead. As for Lu Zhuan, there is no need to offend him. The main reason is that he can't beat Lu Zhuan. Lu Zhuan is a brat. Tai Liuqin didn't recognize him when he started. Even if he wanted to do something, he had to think about whether he could resist or not.

"If you use mine next time and I find out, I will definitely kill you." When Lu Qi said this, there was no hesitation at all, and the murderous intent in his eyes was obvious. Mainly because the idiot called too many times. , and he didn’t want to change his mobile phone number, so this resulted in the current situation.

"I know, I know, can you care about such a small thing? It really disappoints me." Lu Cheng originally wanted to send Lu Qi a beer, but seeing Lu Qi's attitude, he didn't plan to give it to him, so he immediately brought it with him The beer is gone.


Since you dislike him, then don't drink.

Lu Qi doesn't deserve it.

Duan Zhizhi's apartment.

"Xiaomei, do you miss me?" Duan Zhizhi asked.

Xiaomei said: "You look pretty good. I don't know if it's my imagination. I always feel that you are having a bad year. Do you want to go to a temple and pay homage???"

"What's the meaning?"

"What I mean is that you are not going well this year. Look at how many things have happened to you. Although there have been so many things before, they are not so exaggerated, right?" Xiaomei touched her chin and felt that this matter was really real. It's very necessary, very necessary.

"Forget it, I'm not a superstitious person. I really don't need to go, right? Besides, it would be bad if I go to the temple and someone recognizes me." Duan Zhizhi shook her head. She didn't want to go there. I create a character in private, and I don’t want others to think that I am creating a character.

"You go with Mr. Lin." Xiaomei said.

Duan Zhizhi: "Huh?"

"He will take you there, and that's it."

Duan Zhizhi smiled and was slightly speechless. Really speechless, she asked: "I have something to ask you. Are you my assistant or Lu Lin's assistant?"

"Didn't you ask me this question before? I told you the answer at that time. But having said that, you are not only unhappy this year, you are unhappy every year. But what makes you happy this year is that you I met Young Master Lin." Xiaomei said.

That's what they say, but it's true.

Duan Zhizhi nodded in agreement.

"Then should I find a temple to fulfill my vow?"

Xiaomei: "Have you ever made a wish in the temple?"

"At that time, my mother was ill, and I made a wish, hoping that she could give me someone to rely on and make me strong. Don't let me bear so much by myself, because I can't bear it alone." Duan Zhizhi smiled and said, At that time, she was so broken that she had forgotten when Lu Lin appeared. She only remembered that when Lu Lin appeared, her life suddenly became much more stable.

"Then go and fulfill your wish." Xiaomei said.

Duan Zhizhi asked: "Aren't you going?"

"I won't go. I don't think it's necessary for me to go. Besides, I have other things to do. When you are completely focused, we will start working. I have taken a lot of work for you. I will wait until you are completely healed before starting." After so many things, Xiaomei is a qualified agent and is growing slowly.

"What's your problem? Is there something I don't know?"

Duan Zhizhi asked.

Xiaomei smiled and said, "Don't be so gossipy. There are too many things about me that you don't know. Live your life well and don't pay too much attention to the private life of my agent, okay?"

She helped Duan Zhizhi pack her luggage and put her lunch in the refrigerator. She packed her things and planned to leave.

"Do you want me to give you a vacation for a while?"

Duan Zhizhi asked.

"Why do you say that?" Xiaomei looked up and looked at her.

"If you have something to do, you can take a vacation for a while and let others take over my work." Duan Zhizhi thought of the marks on Xiaomei's neck before. In fact, the kidnapping incident was also a very terrifying experience for Xiaomei, right? But Xiaomei didn't bring it up, not a word, which made her feel distressed.

"No need." Xiaomei said.


"Sister Zhizhi, I also need to make money." Xiaomei said.

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