My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 498

"Move things? Where should you move them?" Liang Mo was taken aback.

"My house! I'll do the calculations. If the second-stage live broadcast goes well, I will start the live broadcast next month. It happens that there are some newcomers in the office recently and some rooms are not enough. I want to move out to reduce the burden on the office.

Of course, the office is not bad for this room, and she still has the accommodation allowance even if she moves out.

The only pity is that I can't often play with those VTUBER.

Think about it anyway, everyone's relationship is already very good, and it doesn't matter if you live on the first floor.

"It's an excellent employee, really enlightened." Liang Mo praised: "By the way, if you go home, will it be inconvenient to go to work?"

"Well, it's really inconvenient, but in order to earn some extra money, I can only admit it!"

"Well, I'll pick you up right now." Liang Mo said.

"I will take my things out first, and I will be able to move them in one trip."

Kagura Nana is a person with strong execution ability. She had prepared for it when she was thinking about going home to live. There is no need to toss too much, at least not to be the same as Liang Mo and Mei Ya moving. trip.

Of course, this is just taking the things back, and it will take a while to put things out, after all, they will have to work overtime from tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone, Liang Mo thought for a while, Kaguura Nana's home is not close to the office, but it seems to be quite close to him!

In other words, the last time I went to Kagura Nana’s to eat sukiyaki, I don’t know how she made other things, whether it tasted good or not, I can experience it when I have time.

Wait, Kagura Nana also has the habit of running at night. There is a park between her home and her home, so that I can run at night with her if I am fine?

Even if there is no one to accompany Liang Mo, this kind of fitness has always been insistent, at least three times a week, but if someone accompanies it, that would be great!


"Meow meow..." Jiang Feng Chuuxue rolled naughty in the room.

I haven't returned to the dormitory for a few days.

The travel these past few days has been very rewarding for her.

Although she was beaten up all night last night, she just received an email from Liang Mo saying that she had a fire in Huaxia, although it is impossible to become a major anchor, but if the heat continues, it can bring her Many benefits.

Liang Mo also said that when her popularity in China reaches a certain level, she will help her talk to the staff of Xiaopozhan, and help her pick up some game advertisements. It is not the kind of WeChat scan code that sells 999, but Xiaopozhan. Internal game or draw card game in cooperation with Xiaopo Station.

Even if the income is not a lot, it is also an income.

Moreover, in the process of broadcasting, some gifts are also income, if someone is on the ship, it is still income.

Jiang Fengchuixue felt that his good fortune was never broken after meeting Liang Mo, even if he was beaten for a few hours, he could still bring benefits.

In other words, China's netizens are too united, and there will be organized and disciplined people to beat themselves, which is basically impossible in Japan.

Being sniped is not a bad thing, it proves that there are so many people who know oneself.

She opened her Twitter and found that more and more people liked it, which made her happier.

She likes her feelings when someone interacts with someone and someone likes it. This feeling of being known by everyone is really good.


At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door rang.

"Who is it?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue turned over and got out of bed, came to the door, and opened the door.

I saw that Chi Shexin was wearing a white dress with white slippers on her feet, standing pretty at the door.

There was a drop of sweat on her head, and as she gasped, the uproar was floating slightly up and down.

Jiang Fengqiuxue glanced at himself impenetrably, indicating that he was a little weak...

Everyone is the same age, as for?

"Heart, is there anything?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue asked in confusion: "I will live broadcast here tonight, so I don't have to go to the office deliberately."

She thought that Chi Shexin was here to ask her to go to the office together.

Look at the time, at six o'clock is her live broadcast time, and seven o'clock is the live broadcast time with heartfelt heart.

If you are diligent, you don't have to wait in the dormitory for an hour before you go, and you can go with the previous one. Anyway, there are two computers, so you can lie down for a while.

"Well, Sister Nanai said that tomorrow I will invite all the first-term students to eat, and I want to inform me." Chi She said happily.

"Huh? Why didn't she inform herself?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue was stunned.

If you are someone else, you may post a notification in the discussion group. Anyway, everyone can't do without mobile phones.Their poor physical strength is not without reason, sometimes they just don't want to go out.

In fact, this is also understandable. When they go out, they must do a good job in order to take into account the image, even if they are only a few steps out.

This is not my own community. You can’t just go downstairs in pajamas. After all, a building is full of colleagues, so everyone can see that it’s not good to be unconscious.

Unlike Kagura Nana, she is a hardworking person.

She is also a painter with Eriri, but Eriri is lazy and a standard house, while Kagura Nana likes traveling, running, and swimming, many of which are physical hobbies.

"I just came back from her side." Chi She said heartily: "I think she is moving things out. I helped her move some, so she asked me to let me know."

Suddenly, the wind blows the snow, and it turns out to be on the way. This does happen often.

Kagura Nanana plans to invite first-term students tomorrow and second-term students the day after tomorrow.

After all, I’m leaving, can’t you just leave without saying a word?That's too free and easy.

As for Sora and Luo's book, it is not that Kagura Nana invited them, but they invited Kagura Nana.

The reason why it is different from the first-term and second-term students is because none of the first-term and second-term students makes money.

Even if Jiang Fengchuixue received a lot of SC, the money has not yet arrived in her card.

"Moving things?" Jiang Feng Chuuxue blinked his big eyes in confusion: "Why are you moving things?"

"She said that she wants to raise a cat, and in the future, she may want to live broadcast to earn some pocket money, and she wants to move back home." Chi She said with heart: "She explained that she would tell us her thoughts in detail tomorrow."

"That's it!" Jiang Feng Chuixue nodded.

Although Akwa said that Liang Mo and Mei Ya lived together, they didn't say that they moved so close to Kagura Nana's home, and Jiang Feng Chuuxue was not alert.


pS: 6100 blade, 6200 blade plus more!~~

Chapter 394 You Believe The Right One (2 in 1)

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