My idol is super cute

My Idol Is Super Cute Chapter 499

Soon, Liang Mo drove to the office's dormitory.

Kagura Nanana does not have a lot of things, the trunk plus a small amount of space in the back seat is enough.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Liang Mo stopped the car, and saw that Kagura Nanae had changed his clothes, waiting here, he couldn't help asking.

She didn't wear this dress when she came back during the day. She changed into this one at this time, which shows that she did prepare a bit.

It's normal to come back in the dust, take a shower, and change clothes.

"Fortunately, it's not very long." Kagura Nana pointed to the luggage on the ground: "Help move it."

"Good." Liang Mo replied and began to help Kagura Nana move things.

Kagura Nanana looked at Liang Mo moving so easily, and couldn't help feeling a little bit. Many things still have to be a man.

Because of her height, it is not convenient to change the light bulb when the light bulb is broken. When moving things, she and Chi Shexin moved them a little bit. Some of them were brought down by the two of them.

Looking at Liang Mo again, he didn't feel tired at all with those things, but seemed very relaxed.

"Thank you, I have to help me move things after being so tired these days." Kagura Nana said: "Tell me what you want to eat. I will make it for you tonight."

Although Liang Mo still owed her one time for shopping and one meal, one yard returned to one yard. She asked Liang Mo to help move things and send her back. She had to express what she said.

"Forget it today." Liang Mo said as he moved: "I'm going to find an idol to talk to, do you want to go?"

Kagura Nanana was stunned for a moment. She already knew the general plan of the office and knew that Liang Mo was going to invite the muse, but she didn't expect Liang Mo to be so anxious.

"Okay." Kagura Nana nodded, "It just happens to be a bit tired to cook dinner by myself."

"Do you know how to cook when you are at home?" Liang Mo closed the trunk, picked up the last two boxes, and opened the back door.

"Yes, it still depends on the time of overtime work. If it is too late, I might not be too lazy to move when I get home." Kagura Nana moved a bit and said, "Why, want to eat at my house often?"

"It's unhealthy to always eat takeaway at night." Liang Mo said with a special affair: "So, if I get off work early in the future, I will take you home, and then how about you cook for me?"

"Okay." Kagura Nanana covered her mouth and smiled: "But within a month, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

"That's what I said, so I'll talk about it next month." Liang Mo nodded and said, "Get in the car."

Both of them will be very busy this month. Liang Mo will even have to travel for a week or so. If there is time, it will be strange.


It didn’t take long to help Kagura Nana put the things back. Liang Mo carried Kagura Nana and went home to pick up Kagura Meiya. Liang Mo said that he would take her for dinner, so it’s not good to leave her behind. .

Kagura Meiya dressed beautifully, and went downstairs well, only to find that there was an extra person in her own co-pilot, and she couldn't help being speechless.

I thought I was eating alone with Liang Mo tonight, so why was there one more?

"Mei Ya, long time no see." Kagura Nana said to Kagura Mei Ya: "You look so beautiful."

"Just pack up and pack up." Kagura Meiya was very polite in front of outsiders, and her nature was exposed when she communicated with Xuena and Jiang Fengchuixue before, and she still kept it with these Liang Mo's'common friends and colleagues' With a clear face.

"Watching your live broadcast and then watching you in life, it feels completely different." Kagura Nana said with emotion, "Then the live broadcast must be very tired, right?"

"Fortunately, they were all designed by Mo Ge Ge." Kagura Meiya cleverly said with her business voice: "Mo Ge Ge really helped me a lot."

"It's great, I haven't talked with you before, you and Liang Mo live together now?" Kagura Nana said.

Nearly Yue Qiao had already told her that Liang Mo and Kagura Meiya were living together, but Kagura Nana didn't take it seriously.

"Well, maybe you will get married in the future?" Kagura Meiya twisted her body embarrassedly: "It's all like this, people can't marry others..."

"Don't listen to her nonsense. If you count this way, people in this era don't get married." Liang Mo said while driving: "I know that it is normal for several people to share an apartment. Some people rent sofas and rent beds. Besides, it is normal for people now to have a relationship with others before they get married."

Kagura Nanana couldn't help being a little surprised. Is Liang Mo getting the hang of it?She couldn't help asking: "What about you? Can you accept it?"

"I'm talking about social phenomena, not myself." Liang Mo curled his lips: "Otherwise, even if I agree, my mother can't agree. If I talk, I have to think about the follow-up."

"But the family education is also very strict, and you can only live with the person you will marry in the future." Kagura Meiya narrowed her eyes, her tone unchanged.

"This..." Liang Mo thought for a while: "Do you want to move out?"

I haven't heard Mei Ya mention this before. Could it make her uncomfortable?

Kaguura Meiya listened to Liang Mo's speech and hated her teeth. Listen, is this human?

"No need..." Kagura Meiya's tone trembled: "I saw a news before that a boy and a girl lived together for three years. Nothing happened. I believe Mo Gege is also like this. Right? Although the family said that, they believe in the character of Mo Ge Ge."

"Of course." Liang Mo proudly said, "You believe it right."


Kagura Nanana couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Liang Mo and Mei Ya are too cute, right?

Kagura Meiya wanted to choke Liang Mo to death, but she still had to be polite at this time, so angry!

Soon, the car stopped at the Takasaka Izakaya, Liang Mo parked the car, and a few people came to the shop together.

Although it is Golden Week, this time is not the time for serving guests at the izakaya. At least there are not too many guests. Liang Mo and others easily found the place.

Seeing that Liang Mo was coming, Suinaiguo ran all the way to their table with the menu.

"Liang Mo, Mei Ya, come here, let’s see what to eat." Honoka handed the menu to Liang Mo, and Liang Mo handed it over to Kagura Nana, said something to watch, and then started staring at Honoka. .

Suinaiguo was a little hairy when Liang Mo stared at him, not knowing what Liang Mo was blowing.

"Liang Mo, are you... you want to borrow money from me?" Seeing that Liang Mo was just staring at her, looking at her, she didn't speak, so she couldn't help but speak first.

"Declare in advance, my family does not give me a lot of pocket money, and may not be able to borrow much from you." Seeing that Liang Mo had not spoken yet, Hui Naiguo couldn't help but say another sentence.

Apart from borrowing money, she couldn't think of why Liang Mo stared at her so much.

Before Liang Mo asked her to be an idol, she had already refused.

Not only Kosaka Honoka, even Kagura Meiya didn't understand Liang Mo. When did Liang Mo become interested in Honoka?

She could conclude that she was definitely not interested in that aspect. Liang Mo looked at Hui Naiguo because of curiosity, and this curiosity was completely overwhelming.

"Anyway, I'm not busy, sit down and say." Liang Mo pointed to the opposite chair.

It is Liang Mo and Mei Ya sitting aside, and Kagura Nana is sitting opposite Kagura Mei Ya.


Honoka sat down nervously.

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