My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 63: Let you not be free sixth!


Hearing the words of Nagato, Qingzi was instantly ignorant.

You **** tease me!

Then this idea floated in Qingzi's heart.

This is like someone who has made a lot of hardships, hardships in 1981, and finally defeated the Big Demon King, but was told that it is not the Big Demon King, but it is just the avatar of the Big Demon King, a little monster.

No one can be calm, there is no way to think otherwise.

It was only soon that the girl rejected the idea herself!

Although there was not much contact, Qingzi still grasped it, and Nagato's absolute pride was not hidden.

Such a man may deceive others, but this is definitely not a deception in terms of strength.



It is clearly in a dangerous situation, but there is no concept of crisis in Qingzi ’s heart. At this time, the girl ’s mouth twitched, and her mind was very confused. If you use a more vulgar language to express Qingzi ’s mood, it is:

"Damn it, the old lady has burst the seed today, but actually just defeated a doppelganger!"

"Isn't that right?"

Standing next to Qingzi, Nagato seemed to see Qingzi's thoughts and said very kindly: "To be honest, Qingzi, there is nothing to lose to my avatar. It's frustrating, or you should be proud, after all, the main body of the avatar But me! "

"Although that avatar can't use power, it can't summon the sword of slashing, nor can it use the kingdom of God."

"Stop and stop !!!"

Aoqi Aoqi interrupted the long door with a black line on his face, and said a little speechlessly, "Are you sure you are comforting me, how do I feel that I have listened to you and was even more shocked."

Although she didn't know what power, beheading sword and the like, she also understood that it should be the real power of Nagato.

In this way, the words of Nagato are a bit wrong.

"Just comforting you!"

Nagato nodded his head for granted, and said with some pride, "The powers I just said, but I am prepared to deal with the restraint, your words are not good enough now."

What? !

Restraint? ! !

Hearing the words of the long gate, not only Qingzi was stunned, but even Alterucci, who was standing beside him, was stunned.

Although the reason of the two women makes them both subconsciously want to regard Nagato as a neuropathy.

After all, what is the restraint, in the eyes of the local residents of Xingyue, it can be said to be the supreme existence, no matter the magic messenger, or the true ancestor, can't resist the restraint.

But now, some people say that they are ready to deal with the inhibitory force, and really have the ability to deal with it!

This made the two girls want to laugh.

But somehow, they couldn't laugh. This is probably because they all vaguely noticed that Nagato did not lie, he said all the facts!

It ’s just something like this, which is hard to accept

"Although it's unbelievable, what I said is true!"

Looking at the inconceivable astonishment and confusion on the face of Atsuko and Alte Luki not far away, Nagato said indifferently, "However, without me saying anything, time will prove everything."

"However, that is the future!"

As soon as the voice changed, Nagato's gaze began to scorch Qingzi's whole body, making the pale-faced girl suddenly paler. At this moment, Qingzi suddenly remembered Sayaka's words ten years ago.

"You, what do you want to do!"

If the ordinary magician is an advanced magician, he doesn't care much about the so-called chastity.

But Qingzi is different. As a girl who grew up as an ordinary girl before she was fifteen, she was very concerned about this aspect. If she was really caught and treated as a wife, she would never be happy.

"Don't you already know what I am going to do? I remember ten years ago, Saya should have reminded you."

Hearing the long door telling things indifferently ten years ago, Qingzi immediately covered her clothes, and began to retreat with some difficulty. An inexplicable emotion.

Seeing Qingzi's move, Nagato showed a hint of interest.

So he walked up.

But every time he took a step, Qingzi took a step back, not letting the long door approach.

As they stepped in and out, the two talked to each other

"It seems that you are a little repulsive!"

"Nonsense, which girl would like this kind of thing!"

"Well, I thought you accepted it very much, after all, your sister is like this!"

"Don't compare me with her!"

Suddenly, Qingzi found that there was no more wall behind him, and there was no way out. The next moment, the long gate had appeared in front of her, and his hands were pressed on Qingzi's shoulders.

"and many more!"

Looking at the evil wolf that was close at hand, Qingzi was a little flustered. "Don't go on the path of crime! There is no happiness in coercion! If you get me like this, you won't get my heart."

Without waiting for Qingzi's words to finish, Nagato already kissed it, blocking the rest of the girl's words.

Qing Zi froze for a moment, and then began to resist instinctively, but the strength of the Nagato was too much stronger than her, the girl's resistance became weaker and weaker, and finally the intelligence allowed the Nagato to do whatever he wanted.

Ten minutes later, Nagato slightly let go of the girl.

Looking at the wheezing girl, one hand of Nagato slightly sorted out the messy hair of the girl because of the battle, and whispered in the girl's ear: "Listen to the three questions you just answered! "

"First of all, the law does not control me!"

"Secondly, forcing is not a rare thing for me, and now my loved ones are very happy."

"Finally, to get Qingzi your heart, you must first get your people, because Qingzi you are free, you who are free will not accept any restraints, including love, so you must be free, so that I can really get you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door ripped off the girl ’s clothes without hesitation

ps: Be the sixth to be late! ..

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