My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 64: End and announcement! First!


Three hours later, with a long moan, Qingzi softened.

At this time, Qingzi's head was a little dizzy. Although what happened to him just now did not make Qingzi difficult to collapse, it was not so easy to accept.

It ’s just that the girl ’s body is more honest than her heart, but she has accepted the other party.

Lying in the man's arms, I felt the other person's breath, and the two magic hands that were caressing up and down his body. In addition to being comfortable, Qingzi did not forget to complain: "You are definitely an asshole!"

"Yes, I am a bastard!"

"At this point, I never concealed it!"

Hearing the complaint of the girl in her arms, Nagato admitted without hesitation to her, extended her hand to caress the girl ’s cheek, and Nagato said indifferently, "A lot of my lovers are forced by me like you. There are several! "

"It's just that I have to say that the legendary long-time sentiment really exists!"

The language is slightly frivolous, the corner of the long door mouth is slightly raised, and he stretched out his hand and directly held the pair of snow whites on Qingzi's chest and made it into various shapes.


The girl's face was blushing and she gasped slightly, but she did nothing to resist.

Anyway, these shameful things have all been experienced just now. Since that is the case, then Qingzi naturally does not care about coming again.

In any sense, this is also a kind of enjoyment!


"you made it!"

"Qingzi, there seems to be no way to be completely free"

Thinking so in her heart, the girl looked at the cheek of the man hugging her, and her eyes were full of complex emotions.

It must be said that the Raiders' strategy was very successful.

Although Aoqi Aoqi is a little clumsy, she is very isolated inside. Although she doesn't have Luo Hao's shocking solitude, she is also non-human, and compared with Luo Hao, Ao Zi is more free and has no restrictions.

Even as the magician becomes longer, Qingzi becomes more and more free!

Therefore, even if he mastered the fifth method of order reconstruction, Qingzi's attainments in magic still favored destruction.

Even many people think that the so-called fifth law is the magic of destruction.

Freedom does not require the restraint of order!

You know, even if Misakicho has Aoko's only friend here, she can still travel abroad for years without even having a connection. This is not something that ordinary humans can do.

But there is another major flaw in Qingzi's character.

That is the first ten years of her life, all survived as an ordinary girl.

In this way, some of the thoughts of ordinary girls have a great influence on her. Although these influences will become smaller and smaller with the passage of time, it is only ten years, which is not enough to erase these influences.

Therefore, Qingzi couldn't care less about taking his first Nagato, even if he didn't want to, Nagato was at this time thoroughly engraved in the depth of Qingzi's soul.

"The first step is impressive enough!"

"Next, it's really a long-term relationship, go out first!"

"However, before this"

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the girl, Nagato thought about it in his heart. At the next moment, the surrounding platinum light gathered on the two people, like the running water, and wiped off some foreign objects on the two people. The costumes appeared on Nagato and Qingzi respectively.

Armed around with a weak girl stood up, the long door thought, and the black-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of them.


The little girl was startled when she noticed the changes around her. After seeing Nagato and Qingzi, she suddenly snorted.

The little girl seemed to want to show her disdain for the two, but the blush that could not be concealed on her face and the slightly messy clothes on her body made the Nagato a little funny.

"Come in my arms, we should leave!"

With a soft call, the little girl flew into the arms of the long gate in a reluctant expression. At the next moment, the figures of the three people gradually became transparent and soon disappeared in the platinum space.

At the same time, the figures of Nagato appeared in the outside world!

At this time, the outside world was more than eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was completely bright, and the sun was shining.

The wild men outside the wild headed by autumn leaves still stood respectfully and waited on the spot, beside them, they were all dead people **** with special ropes. Under the sun, the dead people were very uncomfortable. .

As for Aguola, after the sun appeared, he hid in the shadow of autumn leaves and continued to sleep.

"grown ups!"

After seeing the Nagato, autumn leaves salute slightly.

Although there was a pause when he saw Qingzi being hugged in the arms by Nagato, Akiha did not show anything strange.

And the mixed-race people behind her respectfully gave a big gift.


Looking around, especially the dead people who were extremely uncomfortable because of the sun, a doubt appeared on the face of the long door, "What about the dead man of the lake and the ancestor of the dead man."

"Both of them have been killed by Lord Agulola!"

Faced with such an answer, Nagato just nodded softly to signal that he knew it, and had no feelings, but Elt Luke in Nagato's arms was different. The princess of the dead was completely ignorant.

Although she has always been very disappointed to see Vatican, she has to admit that the other party is powerful and life-saving!

Only now, the guy who has never been able to die, died so easily!

At the moment, Alte Luci was very confused.

At this time, Nagato also felt that the girl ’s thoughts in her arms were a little confused, but he did n’t pay attention, but told Qiuye, “What ’s going on here does n’t need to be blocked, so help me spread it. After a month, I To hold a feast in Guanzi City! "

"At that time, it was also the moment of the vermilion moon, coming again" ..

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