My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 65: Frankly, Hei-ji recovers second more!

"What is your purpose!"

After distracting Yuanye from the Nagato to do things on their own, and then sending Aoko tired after three hours of toss into his room to rest, in the hall, Eltridge finally couldn't help asking questions.


The red-haired boy was sitting on the sofa in the hall at this time, and had just received the black tea made by Kallen.

After hearing Elter Lucy ’s words, Nagato took a soft sip, then looked up, and looked at the dark-haired little girl who was standing in front of her slightly doubtfully. if!"

"Don't be stupid!"

"I am asking what you said before, the vermilion moon is coming!"

Seeing the Nagato deliberately acting silly, Alte Luqi questioned loudly.

Although the girl also understands what it means to be "people are under the roof and have to bow their heads", the problem is what the girl wants to know, but it involves the news of one of her mothers, Zhu Hongzhiyue.

Heiji Alte Luqi is a mixed blood between the true ancestor and the dead!

The reason for all of this is because she was born from the original true ancestor Zhu Yue and the earth ’s consciousness Gaia. Under such circumstances, she has the power of both the true ancestor and the dead. For the pure true ancestors of Qixing Moon, there are broader prospects.

Because of this prospect, Hei Ji is blessed by Gaia.

He has strong support on the earth, and he also has a Gaia monster called a primate killer as a pet, but Gaia is ultimately a restraint and cannot appear under the rules, and another mother of Heiji Zhu Yue It was even earlier that they were jointly bombed by the forces headed by the Second Envoy.

In other words, Alterucci is also an orphan in a sense.

Therefore, after knowing the news that Zhu Yue was about to reappear, Alterucci could not calm down at all.


Elt Luke will not forget that when they were jointly attacked by the burial organ of the Templar Church and the Marshal Devil of the Magic Association, they also said that they would wipe out themselves in order to prevent Zhu Yue from coming.

At the time, Elter Luke thought it was just a sound excuse for the other party.

After all, she didn't know how to resurrect her mother.

Just think about it now, the girl has the feeling that she has been blamed for others

"Oh, you are talking about this!"

At this time, the long door pretended to say something, drinking the black tea from the cup in his hand, and then the red-haired boy stopped talking, but put down the cup and stretched out his hand, revealing a position on the sofa.


Seeing the action of Nagato, the girl immediately knew what he meant, and groaned uncomfortably.

Although not very happy, but looking at the other party who has the message they want, plus knowing that resistance is futile, the dark-haired girl reluctantly moved to the edge of the sofa beside the long door and sat down.

At the next moment, Nagato's hand grabbed the girl's waist and wrapped it in his arms.

Holding the girl, Nagato slightly adjusted his posture to make it easier for him to feel the little girl's body. Nagato said softly, "First of all, you need to be clear, that is the coming of Zhu Yue, is destiny The inevitable result of

"Secondly, Zhu Yue and I have a lot of cause and effect, so I will help her come, so as to cause cause and effect."

"There is one last point!"

During the talk, Nagato had lifted the little head of the girl in his arms, looking at the stubborn pretty face, and Nagato leaned down.

The two faced each other at close range, forehead and nose tip touched each other ——

"Me, I want Zhu Yue!"

Nagato's light but firm words, like a thunderbolt coming from the sky, completely shocked Elter Luqi, and the cold girl's eyes were completely dull, and she could not help but open her mouth.

No wonder Alterucci is not surprised!

The girl knows that there is an obsession with her current existence in this world, but absolutely no one dares to say that she wants to get her.

How Zhu Zhu exists, but that is the only satellite uo in the world, and its identity is very noble, even if the magician is in front of Zhu Yue, it is just that.

But now, some people even said to get her in front of her daughter!

It's hard to know how to evaluate.

"Don't be surprised, it's not difficult for me!"

Seeing the girl's expression, Nagato probably understood what the girl thought, but he didn't care.

"Just like I want to get you, I want to get Zhu Yue. Both your mother and daughter, like Qingzi, are one of the prey I booked. The things I want to get will definitely be available at all costs."

"Now, I will officially start hunting you!"

As soon as the words fell, the long door quickly kissed the girl.

The girl was surprised at first, but she quickly relaxed. After all, the same thing has happened to the girl many times. The girl did n’t even bother to resist because she lost her strength.

It was only at a certain moment that the girl felt—

Something flows into his mouth from the mouth of the long door

That is

blood! ! !

After perceiving this fact, the girl realized that the blood that had entered her mouth burst out of almost sacred and noble power, instantly filling her whole body.

The seal inside the body is broken in an instant!

The previous injury was healed in an instant!

The next moment, her body will change dramatically.

The first is the hair, which has become longer and also deeper. At the same time, her body has grown and grown at a rate visible to the naked eye

In less than ten seconds, the original black-haired little loli has become a black hair with a knee, a height of more than one meter seven or five, and a perfect elder sister with a nearly perfect body curve.

Even the clothes she wore turned into a black dress, the black and mysterious temperament is like a princess

Black Vampire, Elt Luke Brunnstad, revive here! ..

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