My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 66: The third appointment and leave!

At this time, Alterucci was very shocked.

The sudden return of power made His Highness Ji Jun feel unreal and unreliable.

It's not that girls are boasting or showing off, but if they can get a self that has been hit hard and their power is sealed, it is even more at their mercy. Most people in this world are absolutely unwilling to let their strength return.

Let's imagine!

If you can have a dead Princess who ca n’t resist

Whether it is superiority or pure beauty, it is unparalleled enjoyment.

Especially when Nagato admits that he is his hunting target, the girl is more aware

What the girl didn't think of was that Nagato actually opened the seal on her body, and then used a drop of blood from nowhere to help her restore her full strength.


At this moment, the familiar voice echoed in the ear, pulling the girl back from her shock.

Opening her eyes, the pretty cheeks of Nagato appeared in the girl's field of vision, and those purple eyes that seemed to have magic, the cheeks of the two were very close, and even the girl could feel the other person's calm breath.

The two looked at each other with no words at all.


"Why do you do this!"

For a long time, Princess Kuroki and Eltridge said a little more complicatedly.

I don't know why, after restoring her strength, the girl did not push the long door open, nor did she directly attack as she had originally expected when she was sealed, but quietly let the long door hold.

"I do things, but there are not so many why!"

"If you have to give a reason, you just want to do it suddenly."

Hearing the girl ’s question, Nagato smiled indifferently. In his words, Nagato ’s gaze quietly admired the unique style of Heiji, who was in the state of sister, and then some could not help but bowed his head and kissed the girl softly Lips and then said:

"For me, the sealed you is not wholly you!"

"If you want to hunt, the prey should be in the most perfect state, so it is interesting!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nagato continued to lean down and kissed the girl's pretty face a little bit, without letting go of any place. In the process, Elt Luke did not resist, letting Nagato do whatever he wanted.

When Nagato finally kissed the girl's lips again, the girl even extended her hand and hugged Nagato backhand.

This is the first time Alte Luqi took the initiative to respond to the long door. The red-haired boy was immediately interested. With the cooperation, the two asked each other for a full ten minutes and then slowly separated.

"Woo, Nagato, this arrogant bastard"

At the moment of separation, Elt Lucy gasped for a moment, and then exposed his fangs, directly biting on the neck of the long door, but unexpectedly, the girl found that her fangs could not bite each other. skin.

"Useless, my blood is not that good to suck!"

Perceiving the girl's movements, Nagato didn't say much, but just patted the back of the girl's head gently, like appeasing the child.

"Woo !!!!"

Such a move seemed to arouse the girl's anger even more. The girl bit a little bit reluctantly, and even a slight tooth mark was bitten on the neck of the long door, which released her small mouth.


After glancing at the teeth marks she bit out, the girl grunted a little uncomfortably and whispered in the ear of the long door, "Don't be proud, everything you did to me, Princess Ben will not forget, you wait, Next time I meet, I will definitely drain your blood! "

"No no no!"

Also leaning on the girl's ear, the long door nibbled the girl's earlobe and said softly, "The next time I see you is when you will become my woman, then Zhu Yue will do the same. , Look forward to it! "

"go to hell!"

After hearing the words of Nagato, Princess Heiji, who was slightly blushed, said aloud.

Later, the girl pushed the long door open, and the whole person turned into a dark afterimage, directly breaking through the ceiling, and in a blink of an eye, disappeared into the long door's sight.


"The funny little wild cat ran away!"

"The next time we meet, we can only wait a month"

Sitting up from the sofa, the long door murmured a little speechlessly, stretched out his hand in the air, and the next moment, a magical thing happened, and the ceiling fragments that flew everywhere flew back automatically, perfectly bonded together.

There is no gap even in the glue!

In less than a few seconds, the entire ceiling became intact, and it looked as if it had recovered.

"That's fine!"

He smiled in a low voice, and then, the long door looked at his side, the white-haired girl who looked at what happened between herself and Elt Luke from beginning to end, and asked:

"Say, Karen, don't you say something?"

"Sir, what should I say?"

Looking at the white-haired girl's serious rhetorical question, Nagato suddenly choked up.

Originally, Nagato wanted to see if the young girl who saw her and Elt Luke from the beginning would be shy, or could not understand why she wanted to let go of Princess Kuroki, but the young girl reacted like this.


"fair enough!"

After all, Karen is his partner in the next year.

If she has too many questions, or if she doesn't trust herself enough, Nagato will be very annoyed!

"So, change me a cup of black tea!"

"Yes, lord!"

As if it were a professional maid, Karen took the teapot in the center of the hall and wandered towards the corner of the hall dedicated to making tea

Just as Nagato was immersed in the wind and snow, what was happening in Misaki-cho was spreading at a rapid rate, and it caused unprecedented shocks on the mysterious side of the world

ps: After thinking for a long time, I still decided to put Hei Ji. Today is a little tired, just three shifts, tomorrow five shifts! ..

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