My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 67: The first reaction of all parties!

Clock Tower, London, UK!

Here is one of the four giants of the month, the headquarters of the Magic Association.

In this technology-developed foggy capital, London, this is a rare ancient area. Everything seems to stay in the last century. It is because technology and mystery are completely contrary to each other. One is facing the future, and the other is going back to the past.

At this time, in an office at the heart of the clock tower, Gem Onzelridge once again glanced through the information, frowning from time to time.

It has been several days since I received this information, but Zellridge still feels very incredible.

at this time--

boom! ! !

The door of the office suddenly opened

At the next moment, I saw a brown-haired ponytail girl walked in meticulously, threw a document in his hand directly onto Zellridge's desk, then walked to the chair opposite the old magician and sat down .

"Oh, this is"

Faced with the girl's impoliteness, Zellridge was not surprised.

Because the girl in front of him does have arrogant capital. After all, the other party is the Marshal of the Dao of the Clock Tower. The Magic Association is proud of the ‘highest peak of contemporary magician’, the dean of the Clock Tower, and

One of the core fame of the Clock Tower, the contemporary homeowner of Barut Meroy!

Bartholomew Lorelea!

Although the girl is just an orthodox magician with no special magic, her fighting power cannot be ignored even by Zellridge.

Facing the twenty-seven ancestors of desperation is not particularly difficult for girls.

"The information you need to confirm the information!"

Hearing the question of Jewel Weng, the girl did not put on a big shelf. Of course, there was not much respect. For the girl group, in addition to the first angel's emissaries, even the magical envoy Awe

"After confirmation from all quarters, the information about the Far East that came from a few days ago is true!"

Between words, even L'Oréalya, there was a hint of caution in his face.

"In this case, trouble"

Hearing Loreley's confirmation, Gem Onzelridge frowned tightly.

The two men who symbolized the highest fighting power of the clock tower were speechless for a while.

But this is also something that can't be helped. Who called it a few days ago, the news they got was a bit scary, especially for the Magic Association, it was a bit unacceptable-

A few days ago, a battle between extraterrestrials and the dead took place in Misaki-cho in the extreme east!

That was the conflict between the Holy Grail Alliance and the King of the Dead.

The purpose of the battle is to fight for the princess of the dead, the black vampire, Elt Luci!

And in that battle, the Vatican, one of the three oldest dead in the 27th ancestor of the dead, died, and the person who killed him was actually a person who did not know where he came from. Mysterious true ancestor.

If this is the case, it is not enough to annoy Zellridge and Lorella.

What really annoys the two is that the intruder of that battle, Aoqi Aoqi! The magician was involved in that battle, but failed, and the whole person fell into the other's hands.

Although the entire Magic Association feels very disgusted that Aoko, a super half-hanger who only knows how to destroy magic, can become a magician, he has to admit that Akosaki's fighting power is among the best in the world.

But now, the existence of the highest field of magic is actually defeated

"I have to say that the people of the Holy Grail Alliance are really tricky!"

For a long time, Gem Onzelridge said calmly, "In this way, despite some reluctance, I am afraid that we will join forces with the Templar Church again. In any case, Zhu Yue will not come again!"


The proud clock tower queen snorted, but did not deny it.

No matter how arrogant, Lorella is the contemporary head of the noble family, and will not be confused by it.

When Jeong Weng made the decision to unite again in the clock tower.

The same joint decision made by the Templar Church was communicated into the darkest place called the burial organ at the meeting place of the highest fighting power of the whole church in almost similar time.

This decision and the accompanying information suddenly caused the roar of the reunification of the burial organs-

"It turned out that I went to the group of heretics of the Holy Grail Alliance, black sow! The last time you were lucky, this time, you must be completely killed, and I dare to escape from my hands, unforgivable !! ! "

In the darkness, the other people in the burial organization stood in the dark corners without saying a word.

If you intervene at this time, it is not good.

Because, their leader, Narubalek, is a murderous woman who likes to bully the members of the burial agency, even if the ancestors of the dead like Melen Solomon were bullied to grind their teeth, This shows that Narubalek is terrible.

For a long time, when Narubalek finished her vent, she came out of the darkness.

In the dim light, the leader of the burial organ appeared.

It was a fairly normal looking woman, not beautiful, but definitely not ugly. She looked young, with slender eyes, long hair, and her right eye was covered with hair. What seemed to be hidden inside.

If you look at the appearance alone, no one can know, this guy is a pervert!

"Little ones!"

"Go and prepare yourself!"

"Twenty days later, we set off and go to the Jidong fight!"

Looking around the six or seven figures hidden in the dark, Narubalek said!


Everyone answered in unison.

Everyone's voice seemed to be full of desire for blood and killing.

Late at night, a city in the Far East.

"See Your Highness!"

Hurrying up to the unmanned park, the two knights in black and white respectfully knelt on the ground, beside them, there was a pet like a white wolf, looking up at the black princess with their back to them.

"Huh ?! You are here!"

It seemed that I heard the voice behind me. Alte Luqi's eyes moved away from the moon and slowly turned around. "Since it's here, then I have to start preparing to welcome my mother's return!" ..

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