My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 70: May Tsukazu! Fourth more!

Tonight, Misaki-cho is still as usual.

It's just that there is a strangeness in this silence, like the scene in a horror movie, which makes people feel that the passage of time is particularly slow.

In May, Gongzuo was originally an ordinary female high school student with a quiet personality and ordinary life.

There is no noble and elegant temperament, nor a stunning face. Although it can still be called a cute girl who is more attractive, but this type of small jasper can only be described by ordinary two words.

If there is no chaos in the long gate, let the world follow the original trajectory, then the ending of May Tsukazu

Probably not good, anyway, it becomes either the dead being killed, or living in the presence of the dead, or completely annihilated in the sea of ​​people. In short, it is tragic in every way. A girl who is a passerby.

Then, due to the change of the world line, Yuzuka Mayuka's body changed slightly.

But even without Roa's possession of Tono Four Seasons, she was still bitten by the dead.

Just less than three days after being bitten, she was awake.

Not only did the body not decay, but at the stage of leaping over the ghouls, it was directly awakened with the attitude of a blood-sucking species, and even more magical. All her memories and knowledge during her lifetime were preserved, even

Also free from the control of the original dead.

Such examples, besides miracles, have found no other words to describe.

Only this miracle is facing a terrible crisis.

In a dilapidated schoolhouse, Gongzuo May 佝 彻 was standing, panting heavily with the violent ups and downs of his chest, and then, the right hand with his fist smashed to the side, a sudden bang, The two-storey school building next to her was lifted up by her

This kind of shameful power does not go to say her, just say that the fist hit the wall to lift the whole house. This extremely unscientific thing can not be done with power alone.

Obviously, Gongzuo May is very talented in the use of power!


Immediately afterwards, with the girl's soft drink, the huge schoolhouse was suddenly thrown out by her, and hit the enemy opposite her.

A black shadow stood more than twenty meters in front of May.

That's right, the shadow.

No matter what angle you look at, you can't see that it has a physical existence, as if it were just a shadow, and it seemed to be a projection, completely dark, making people feel the horror of tremors.

Facing the huge school building that descended from the sky, the black shadow did not dodge, but reached out and waved upwards, and suddenly, the whole school building turned into a pile of powder foam in a flash, leaving nothing

Do not!

There is still something left.

Reinforcement inside the school building.

At the moment he smashed his fist to smash the school building, he pulled out one of the rusty steel bars, and then gently cast forward. In an instant, the steel bars were directed towards Mayukai Tsukazu at a speed invisible to the naked eye. Shot away.


Even if I felt the strong wind coming, even though my eyes had been caught a little, but the excessively exhausted body made Yuzuka Tsukazu completely unable to avoid it. With a clatter, the rusty steel hole penetrated her abdomen. She was stabbed and flew out of the whole body, and the bright red blood was scattered in the air.

"Woo !!"

The girl ’s delicate face was twisted by the pain from her abdomen, her teeth clenched tightly, ignoring the blood leaking from the corner of her mouth, and her trembling hand was pressed against the steel bar in front of her. Click!

As Gongzuka pulled hard in May, the steel bar was immediately broken by her, and then she leaned forward. She stopped the inertia of her body and allowed the other half of the steel bar to fly out of the body and fall back to the ground.

Tick! Tick

Gongzuo kneeled to the ground on one knee in May, and blood dripped from the wound on her abdomen, but instead of looking at it, she closely watched the figure who was approaching from the opposite side.

It has been thirty minutes since the battle, since a strange roar erupted suddenly from the Misakimachi Spirit Vessel.

The strange guy in front of me appeared in front of me

I am definitely not an opponent of this guy!

At this moment, Yuzuka May realized this problem.

But it was too late, and it was her who was being targeted.

She cannot run away, there is only one way to live-

Down the enemy!

Immediately, the girl closed her eyes and murmured quietly in her mouth:

"Here, there is no life.

The vast world cannot be saved.

There is no beginning or end.

Among the overflowing deaths, only destruction remains.

Only, withered everything.

There exists only one end world! "

When Yuzuka finished reading these words in May, the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The dark school building became a courtyard in a flash, filled with all kinds of flowers, and looked very beautiful. .

But this beauty is an illusion, when the flowers and plants in the yard gradually begin to wither, the real world is revealed

That is a depleted garden that can destroy all living things!

This is the inherent enchantment of May.

Life is not allowed in this world, so the creatures covered by it will be wiped out, even the dead cannot leave alive.

This is the power I got after waking up in May, but she didn't like this ability as far as she was concerned.

Because the terrible degree of this inherent enchantment has exceeded her control, even she herself will be affected by it. If the enemy is covered by the exhausted garden, she will die within three seconds, and she can only stay at most ten. second.

The withered petals floated without wind, covering the dark shadow.

In the blink of an eye, the existence of the shadow has been completely erased, and the time has only passed for two seconds.

But in these two seconds, Gongzuo May ’s power was exhausted, and the whole person was dizzy. After confirming that the enemy was dead, he immediately lifted the inherent enchantment, and then sat on the ground with a sigh of relief. Breathless.


"Sure enough, the thing that attracted me to come here is you!"

A nightmarish voice echoed in the girl's ear, making May's body stiff! ..

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