My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 71: Mantis and carduelis fifth!

The evil demon is very happy!

Looking at the dead girl who had lost her fighting power, he was very happy.

Although there is no shape in this body, anyone can see the excitement in the devil's heart as long as he sees him.

This time it will come, will encounter the sniper of the long door, in fact, has long been expected by the demon god.

Before it came, the Demon God felt the breath of the guy who dared to fight with the restraints and even cut his own sword. The Devil God absolutely did not doubt that he would definitely be discovered, and then cut again.

But he still came!

So he had a hunch that in this city, he had his second suitable carrier!

Except for Lisse thousands of years ago, it is the most suitable carrier to carry his own endless evil. It is brewing in this city and will be born soon.

So he came

First dive in with a avatar, and then directly output the black mud directly with the body to cover the volatility of the avatar.

Even in order to cover up his own avatar, Demon God also staged a bluffing drama in front of the red-haired man. Everything was just to attract the other's mind and cover his own avatar.

"Although it was a bit uncomfortable, I succeeded!"

The illusory black shadow exclaimed with admiration, and the devil even couldn't wait.

As an absolute evil that is almost identical to Alaya in personality, it has always been embarrassed because of its physical meaninglessness to the world, and it wants to be detached from the world. Suitable carrier.

Without a carrier as a boat, how to cross the vast sea of ​​suffering and surpass the world.

Thousands of years ago, Lisse, who had a ridiculous opportunity, was a suitable candidate, but that opportunity was destroyed by people ten years ago, and ten years later, the girl in front of him was the second carrier.

In the Devil's memory, this girl is different from her in parallel plane!

Probably the fusion of countless parallel planes, this girl's inherent enchantment from the absorption of magic power, directly into the absorption of vitality, this power to exterminate sentient beings, and the absolute evil, it can no longer match!

As long as she has her body, I will have detached capital!

What a mess of holy grail games, **** restraint, **** little bastards, you can play for yourself, I do n’t accompany you!

and so

"Come on, give me your body!"

The black shadow approached step by step, and the faint black air diffused, and surrounded Yuzuka Mayuka. At this moment, the girl felt cold all over her body, and lost her resistance.

at this time--

"It turns out so!"

"Is this your purpose?"

"Really persistent guy!"

A faint voice suddenly reverberated, and the Demon God was startled. The next moment, a golden light fell from the sky and directly bombarded between the shadows and May. Under the golden light, the dark air disappeared.

May only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and suddenly, there was a back of a man and a woman in her field of vision.

Among them, the red-haired man was holding a big sword, pointing directly at the shadow.

"No, this is impossible!" "Why are you here!"

"Why, why must I take away my hope!"

Seeing this sudden appearance of men and women, the shadow suddenly showed a hysterical gesture, which surprised May slightly.

You know, when the guy was fighting with himself, or playing with himself, although his tone was a little dark, but he was extremely proud, and he was able to see the other party's abnormal situation. May suddenly felt very interesting.


At this moment, the man opened his mouth, full of sarcasm, "Why are there so many reasons why there is no way to hide the cause and effect, you are so embarrassed to play in front of me? Don't tease me!"

"As for hope, it's even more funny!"

"Don't you always take away the hope of others when you guide others to do evil?"

"This is retribution!"

Faintly telling, it seemed that he was shaking again and again, causing the shadow to tremble

"Retribution ?! Are you for those ants?"

After a while, the Shadow Demon God finally couldn't help but roared, "What do ants have to care about, the world is strong, and the weak is the only truth !!!"

"It's really nothing to care about!"

After the roar of the black shadow, the red-haired man paused slightly, and then cut a sword at an unresponsive speed, splitting the black shadow in two moments, and after that, he slowly spoke ——

"So, the weak, why do you resist!"


Before the last words were spoken, the shadows dissipated

I don't know if it is an illusion. At this moment, it seems that the whole night is bright, although it is still as deep as ever, the night of Misakicho.

"So, next, it's time to deal with the spoils picked up by accident!"

With that said, in May's sight, a red-haired man, no, or more appropriately called a red-haired boy, turned around, and in the eyes of the girl, it was a man who looked almost the same as himself Young teenager.

If it is in school, this person is probably the so-called school grass!



"are you talking about me?"

In May, she asked her own question, but the girl was shocked when she spoke.

I don't know whether it was eroded by the strange black gas before, or whether I consumed it too much.

"Of course you are!"

The red-haired boy wandered in front of May, squatted down, stretched out a finger, and a golden drop of blood was on his finger.

Sensing this blood, May's body roared instinctively, urging her to **** blood!

However, at this time, she could not move at all, just opened her mouth subconsciously.

"My name is Nagato!"

Slightly speaking, the finger of the long door reached into the girl's small mouth and began to stir, "Remember, starting from today, I am your master!"

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