My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 72: Gain, Gaia's plan first!

"Woo !!!"

The next moment after drawing blood, Gongzuo lost consciousness in May.

The power contained in the golden blood leaked slightly from the girl's body, making the dead girl look like she was stained with a layer of golden shimmer. The original awkward posture suddenly seemed a little sacred.


"Your finger, leave me there quickly."

The girl's voice echoed in her ears, calling back the thoughts of Nagato. I saw Qingzi standing in front of him, staring at his fingers, the fingers that were stirring in the small mouth of May at Gongzuka.

"Ha ha!"

Nagato withdrew his fingers with a chuckle.

In fact, without Qingzi ’s prompt, Nagato did n’t really think about certain things, and after she said that, Nagato suddenly felt that the little mouth of May may seem very valuable for development.

There was no expression on his face, but in the heart of Nagato, he began to figure out some rather ghostly animal thoughts.


Not paying much attention to Nagato, Atsuko turned his eyes to May, recalling what he had just said, and said, "Is this girl valuable? That demon **** actually wanted her so."

"Although it doesn't look very conspicuous!"

Slightly glanced over May's whole body, and Nagato said in a rather emotional tone, "But I also have to praise the demon **** for his vision, this girl is definitely one of the most valuable dead men!"

At this time, Nagato remembered this girl in front of him, May Tsukazu!

Although she is an ordinary girl from any aspect, she is unprecedented in the qualifications of the dead.

Originally, when a human being was sucked by a dead person, if the dead person left his blood in the human body, that person would not die completely.

After several years, when the brain, body, and soul all deteriorate to a fixed state, they will become zombies, that is, become ghouls.

In order to fill the body that rots due to the passage of time, they will prey on the meat of other corpses, or hunt humans.

With the continuous hunting, when the ghoul's body gradually recovers and his will begins to wake up, then the ghoul can evolve into a blood-sucking species, even further away from the control of the original dead, and let himself become The new dead.

Of course, the direction and requirements of evolution are very clear, but the possibility of evolution is very low.

The probability of becoming a ghoul only after being bitten is only one percent, and the chance of evolution from a ghoul to a vampire is even less.

Even if it succeeds, the greater possibility is only to become a prop of the original dead, because in the nature of existence, they are controlled by the original dead.

If you want to break away from the control of the original dead, only a very rare part can do it.

And to what extent is this rarity?

Rare and rare!

But Yuzuka May is different.

Her existence completely overturned this evolutionary principle

Just less than three days after being bitten, she had regained consciousness. Not only did her body not rot, but she jumped over to the ghoul at this stage and awakened directly as a vampire. What ’s more magical is- All her memories and knowledge during her lifetime were preserved, even

Also free from the control of the original dead.

"This talent alone is enough to make me tempted. In fact, if it wasn't for the girl's destiny, it was so little that I almost forgot that there was such a girl, she would already be my person!"

In Qingzi's dangerous eyes, Nagato said so calmly, "However, it is not too late now, even if it is me, after all, I dare not guarantee that if I personally help her die, can she reach this level, and"


Hearing the pause between Nagato's words, Qingzi asked subconsciously.

"No, nothing!"

Shaking his head, the long door no longer said much, but leaned down and hugged the unconscious girl.

What Nagato didn't say was that the original bow tombs used to board the alternate ancestor seat in May, the inherent world that dried up the magic, turned into a more terrifying enchantment that would wither life.

It's just--

Another land of steel!

In other words, the epitome of the land of steel! ! !

"In this case, it seems that some articles can be done."

Standing up, Nagato looked at a certain direction, sent a message through the soul connection, and then said to the girl next to him, "Let ’s go back, yes, I ’m going to go to see Buzi City tomorrow, you going or not?"

"Go, of course!"

"How could Zhu Yue's feast not come!"

There was a girl who was dissatisfied with the addition of a girl beside Nagato, and was suddenly transferred to the topic, full of fighting spirit.

At the same time, North and South Continent, Crystal Valley!

This is a world-renowned no-man restricted area, in the mysterious side legend, the habitat of the fifth ancestor.


"Where is the fifth ancestor!"

Nero was standing on the crystal-like ground, looking left and right, but could not see any creatures at all. The legendary crystal spider that killed the former fifth ancestor and climbed to the fifth place was nowhere to be seen.

"This is amazing!"

Erkut, who was standing not far in front of Nero, happily played with the crystals here and exclaimed, "I can't realize these things. They are all things that violate Gaia's laws!" "

"Saya sauce! Here"

Seeing that El-Quit didn't respond, Nero didn't find it boring, and turned to prepare to ask Shaye's opinion, but before the words were finished, Shaye's answer came to her ears.

"It doesn't make sense here!"

"That big spider has already been recruited. Gaia was dealing with these things!"

A girl with long green and black hair in a white dress walked out from behind Nero and said, "Nero, called Elkette, we are going to set off, the goal is to watch the city of Buzi in the East Island."

"This time, it seems that you still have to hunt down a certain demon **** who doesn't control itself" ..

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