My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 73: Today, Fujino is the second!

It's as beautiful as a picture.

Looking at the girl leaning back on the chair and closing her eyes slightly, she fell asleep, and Amber could not help but stare.

The girl at this moment leaned on the back of the chair with her eyes closed, and the afternoon sunlight came in from the window, with a comfortable warmth, and her soft, long hair exuded a faint glow under the sunlight.

Even if it is just a nap with closed eyes, the girl is still as beautiful as the scenery that will appear in the painting, which makes people intoxicated.

The girl in front of you is the master who has served Amber for more than ten years, Fujino Asakami!

More than ten years!

Looking at the girl in front of him, Amber couldn't help feeling.

Until now, Amber still remembers everything he and his sister encountered in Wujing's house.

With the death of the mother who loved them, they became the most unpopular person in the family, and everyone looked at themselves and their sisters as if they saw something dirty.

After that, they were even driven out of Wujing's house.

At that time, Amber, who was also her sister, was also at a loss, very anxious.

They don't know where their future is, or what they will encounter next.

Amber even made up her mind that no matter what happened, she must protect her sister so that she would not suffer any harm!

At that time, she and Amber were adopted by the Tono family. In the big house in Misaki-cho, they saw the demon-like red-haired boy. After receiving the affirmation from each other, their sister was Sent here-

As Asano's personal maid!

Although these experiences are accompanied by a little involuntary, Amber is not particularly concerned.

After all these years of experience, Amber has long understood that she and her sister are lucky to be sent here.

For their special existence with superpowers, they exist in all major forces. In most cases, they are just a tool, which is much more miserable than amber and emerald as maid.

And here, Miss Fujino did not really treat them as inferior servants.

Although named Master and Slave, Fujino has always regarded Amber and Jade as his sister, and Amber and Jade have always regarded Fujino as their sister. In the dark, they have been looking forward to Asano Asano.

Even with the years of growing up with Fujino, Amber and Jade couldn't help but want to express the perfection of Fujino.

Fujino, who has been very mature since childhood, is excellent in every respect.

In terms of learning, her achievements are among the top ranks in the school; in the family business, Fujino is still turning upside down and stimulating finance; while in combat power, from small to large, Amber and her sister have never seen more than Fujino Strong presence.

Killing thousands of miles away, the spiral witch who directly reversed the entire space is talking about Asano Asano.

If Akihachi is the trump card of the Misaki-machi Holy Grail Union, Asakusa Fujino is the signboard of the holy grail union of the entire Kobuko City.

Of course, except for the stinky hero who was recently summoned by my sister.

Thinking of a hero who was summoned not too long ago, Amber was a little bit of a mouthful. To be honest, Amber really did not expect that someone could be overbearing to such an extent that it was completely speechless.

Thinking this way, Amber has gradually approached Fujino.


"It seems that Sister Fujino is getting tired recently"

"It's better, let her rest for a while!"

Seeing the extremely slight fatigue on Fujino's face at close range, Amber stopped the footsteps close to each other.

Although there was a piece of information in his hand that was ready to be conveyed to the girl in front of him, Amber thought about it and stood still in the same place and waited.

It's just that the girl's kindness is in vain.


The extraordinary spirit sensed that when someone approached, Fujino opened his eyes slowly, and his lazy eyes swept around. When he saw the amber, his eyes suddenly cleared up, and in an instant, the girl as a whole looked spiritual Get up--

"You are here, Amber!"

"You wake up, Sister Fujino!"

Hearing Fujino's words, Amber shook a little helplessly, and immediately stepped forward, handing a paper document in his hand to Fujino, "This is non-human information that entered Guanbuzi City today."

"The **** non-humans again!"

Fujino frowned slightly, a little unhappy--

Almost a month ago, Nagato announced that Guanbuzi City would become the place where Zhu Yue came.

Since then, more and more non-humans have gathered from all over the world.

If it were not for Fujino and her summoners to suppress it together, the whole city might be a terrible sight of the flurry of gods and demons.

Despite being depressed, Fujino took over the documents handed over by Amber, and then the girl opened it immediately. With the eyes of ten lines, the girl remembered all the materials thoroughly in less than a minute.

call! ! !

The next moment, the paper material in the girl ’s hand burned and soon disappeared.

Regarding Fujino's move, Amber has been surprised.

Most of the information directly communicated by Amber to Fujino is from the undercover of the Alliance, so every time Fujino reads the information, it will be burned directly, so as to avoid accidental leakage of information and killing himself.

Ding Dong!

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door."

Hearing the doorbell, Amber immediately stood up and walked out.

Perceiving the breath of the coming person, Fujino showed a slight smile. It was his friend, a puppet master stationed in Guanbuzi City, a disciple of Cangqi Orange, his classmate in school, Hei Tong flowers.

"Flowers are probably here to complain!"

Thinking of the situation of Hei Tong flowers in his intelligence, Fujino smiled slightly, and then looked away, the girl could feel that the person who had waited for more than ten years was about to appear.

"Longmen Jun"

Speaking the name in a low voice, Fujino felt emotional ..

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