My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 80: The reason and the second raid!

Viewing Buzi City at night is not peaceful.

In the daytime, those forces that were suppressed and unable to move freely began to move around in the city, or contact each other, or assassinate opponents. Various dark waves were surging.

A crossroad in the residential area in the east of the city

Click! ! !

A clear voice resounded as if the glass had broken.

At the next moment, the space at this intersection seemed to have an overlapping space. Then, a large number of cracks spread to the overlapping space. With a bang, the space shattered like a chain reaction caused by the fall of the bone promise.

Turned into a ray of light dots, diffused in the surrounding space

Then, it dissipated

"Nice view!"

The indifferent voice sounded at this moment, breaking the silent street.

I do n’t know when the red-haired boy ’s posture still appears on this street. He is holding a comatose black-haired girl, but his eyes are admiring the surrounding environment rendered by the debris of the inherent enchantment.

"Cough, it's really good!"

Half-kneeled on the ground, the dead man known as the Black Wing Gong coughed up a bite of blood, and the whole person seemed to be languishing. "After all, this is the glory when my world passed away, and it is also the afterglow of my life"


The long door was silent and silent.

The existence named Black Wing Gong has reached the end of life.

Although it can't be seen from the outside, under the siege of the six main beasts of Nagato, the black wing male has completely exhausted its roots. Now, only one remaining obsession is left to support it.

"Finally ask you a question!"

For a long time, the black wing breathed a little smoother and asked openly, "Although your ability to hide breath is very strong, I still vaguely perceive something, your breath, and my Lord"

"Me and Zhu Yue really have a lot of karma"

Thinking of the other party's situation, Nagato did not hide much and said, "I used Zhuyue's power to get on the position of the dead! Although after that, I reversed my origin and became a true ancestor."

"The person who is going to resurrect Zhu Yue is me!"

After thinking about it, Nagato once again added such a sentence.

Hearing the words of Nagato, a smile appeared on Heiyi Gong's face. In the dead man's heart, a person with such strength as Nagato could almost resurrect Zhu Yue's possibility.

In this way, I can rest assured

Thinking like this in his heart, the Black Winged Master relaxed his mind. At the next moment, the dead man's twenty-seven ancestors were in the forefront of existence, and they instantly weathered into black smoke and dissipated into the air.


After standing there for a while, Nagato felt a little emotion.

It is worthy of being the foremost black wing male among the dead. In terms of pure combat power, it is not weaker than the true ancestor of another world, and even the pure attack power is more powerful than can be added.

In fact, if it wasn't for Black Wing Gong to be special, Nagato really appreciated it.

Even intend to regain the other side

After all, the Black Winged Gong is rare, walking to the end of the Devil's Road, and then the existence of the dead.

In a sense, if you can do this, as long as you step out of this plane and break the limitations of a single plane, you will definitely show more style. For Nagato, it is a good harvest.


"Who made your relationship with Zhu Yue so unpleasant to me!"

Standing on the spot, Nagato whispered quietly, "And, you just appeared in front of me so badly, although I am very generous, it does not mean that I would mind to directly wipe out potential potential rivals."

Yes, rivals!

Although the Black Wing Gong is only Zhu Yue's follower, in the eyes of Longmen, this is definitely a strong rival.

I have to say that Black Wing is a weirdo!

During his lifetime, he was a magician who regarded birds as a sacred existence.

Doting the posture and internal structure of birds, praising that only they are the king of the planet, and live to build a world that makes them easier to survive.

In the magic world, birds are regarded as "the things that guide the souls of the dead". Regardless of this slightly paranoid thought, the black wing male who uses birds as his magic base is indeed an excellent soul carrier.

However, Zhu Yue fell in love with this paranoia.

So Zhu Yue challenged him like a game, and finally knocked it down. In the battle, the Black Wing Gong survived. Therefore, Zhu Yue also admitted the other party and made him his follower

After that, Black Wing Gong set foot on the path of death for Zhu Yue.

Even in order to serve Zhu Yue better, when he became a mortal, Blackwing changed his form into a bird posture similar to Chimera, and ran for Zhu Yue in the form of a bird enchantment.

This is the intelligence of the Black Wing Gong, and it looks normal.

It ’s just, I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion.

The long gate looked left and right, and always felt that the Black Wing Gong definitely had an attempt to Zhu Yue

It is normal to surrender to Zhu Yue, after all, people are strong!

But if you surrender to the willingness to be a cow or a horse, it seems a bit abnormal.

"However, no matter what, people are already killed anyway!"

Shaking his head and clearing his mood, Nagato looked at the girl in his arms, "So, what should I do next, send people back, or find a hotel directly nearby, and go directly to the base"


It seems that because of the long door, the girl in the boy's arms snorted like a dream, but soon, it continued to be quiet again.


"Sure enough, let's go to the hotel!"

There was a smile on his face, so softly said in the long doorway.

Immediately afterwards, the red-haired teenager hugged the girl in a princess hug and was ready to leave.

It ’s just that—

Whoosh! ! !

Suddenly the sound of breaking the air echoed

There was a shadow in the dark corner, holding a small knife and slashing toward the long door.

The dark blue eyes reflecting the death appeared in front of the long door ..

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