My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 81: Goodbye Liangyi and third!

"You finally came"

Seeing the dark blue eyes reflecting the death, a smile appeared at the corner of the long door.

Taking a step with his left foot, the long door slammed sideways with flowers, and a flash of a sharp knife flashed. At the next moment, the figure of the attacking man showed his posture under the starlight.

It was a girl with short hair in a white yukata, her eyes flashing with fierce killing intent.

The girl is no one else, just two ceremonies!

The two rituals entrusted by the roots to take care of the long gate, but escaped without permission


"Why are you showing up!"

After the defeat of the first knife, the two rituals did not continue their hands, but lowered their heads and asked quietly.

The voice is low to high, the girl's mood is a little unstable

"Don't say that! Type!"

Looking at the unsteady girl in front of her, Nagato thought a little and said, "The meeting between you and me is the inevitable fate. Presumably, you also know this!"


The two ceremonies withdrew Tai Dao in silence.

The girl understood what the other person said, even though this was the first time the two had a conversation.

About twenty days ago, a strange thing happened to Shi.

Originally staying in Liangyi's house, when she woke up, she found that she was no longer the place she was.

But came to the winter wood city thousands of miles away!

However, this is not the most surprising part of the two ceremonies. After all, what happened to the kidnapping, the probability of happening to her is not small.

What really makes the two ceremonies care is-

Deep in his heart, some figure appeared inexplicably.

It seems that someone is constantly telling himself deep in his heart that that figure is extremely important to himself.

He and his destiny are bound together.

And that figure is the man in front of him!

Such sudden changes suddenly overwhelmed the two cold and lonely ceremonies.

In a panic, the two ceremonies escaped.

The girl did n’t even have time to ask why and why she suddenly appeared in Dongmu City. She only felt that it was too weird. The farther away from the other party, the better.

I just never thought that since these days, the silhouettes in my heart are very clear every day, and I am very bored.

So much so that at the first moment of seeing each other, the two rituals suddenly killed intent.

It's just that the type of action obviously failed.


"Why, private eyes, can't see your dead line!" A twinkling blue eyes stared at the long door, and a doubt appeared on the faces of the two ceremonies, "Private eyes can see the death of all things in the world, even if there is no The same thing for life, just why, you do n’t have it! "

One day a few years ago, maybe it was the promotion of the roots, maybe the change brought about by the fusion of the parallel world to a certain extent, or the butterfly effect brought about by the chaos of the long gate. In short, the two rituals suddenly awakened a new power.

That's the terrifying ability called Devil's Eye of Straight Death!

Under such power, the two rituals once believed that nothing could kill themselves!

You know, even if it is some concept of nothingness, two ceremonies can kill it!

But the man in front of him did not have any traces of dead lines and dead spots on his body, as if they did not exist in the world. This is also the reason why the two ceremonies only made a cut. When the magic eye loses its function, the odds are too low.

"If this is not the case, how can you be the one whose fate is destined to you!"

Not answering the questions of the two ceremonies positively, Nagato replied slightly frivolously, then gestured to the girl in her arms, and said, "I think, type, your purpose is this little girl, then, you should I know the other party's home "

"so what!"

At this time, he realized that the two rituals of Hei Tong flowers in the arms of Nagato frowned.

"Lead the way!"

Nagato said of course, "Although I really want to take this girl to the hotel for fun, but that's before I found you. Since you showed up, let's postpone the girl's affairs."

Originally, Nagato will appear here just to find two ceremonies

Although some settings were arranged in the two ceremonies, after all, Guanbuzi City is now an abyss vortex, even if it is a long gate, it is not known whether there will be some problems in the two ceremonies.

Despite the body acting as the root, the two ceremonies will never die.

But if you are injured, no matter what you think, the face of the long door is a bit sad!


Hearing the frivolous words of Nagato, the two ceremonies frowned.

Although she was trained by her father as a traditional lady, she was essentially an indifferent girl with an incomplete personality. She didn't say much, and the two ceremonies took the lead in going out.

Looking at the girl's extreme back, Nagato followed with a smile

Just as Nagato wiped out the Blackwing Gong, the dark tide was also turbulent in Dongmu City!

"Virtual Sword Stream New Profound Truth-Endless Sword Lan!"

With the indifferent voice, endless sword raging raged.

Dozens of heroic followers wearing skull masks were so unwilling to make a scream in such a mad madness, they were unloaded into eight piles, turned into piles of broken limbs, and then dissipated into magic.

Within the dissipating magic factor, the figure of Shi Qishi slowly appeared.

"Sister Qi Shi, so amazing!"

At this time, the snow-white girl ran to Qishi's side from the corner, looking at the girl in the cyan kimono, her eyes blinked. "The seven assassinations were all solved by one move. It's really a sister Qishi!"

"Ha ha!"

Qi Li didn't deny the praise of Yi Liya, or, in Qi Shi's psychology, that was the case!

If not, how can she be called the strongest sword in the hands of Nagato!


"Recently there have been more assassins of Alaya!"

The seemingly weak girl said with some anguish, "I don't have enough time to weave a new sweater for my master" ..

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