My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 82: Dongmu Dialogue is fourth!

"Sister, the battle over Sister Eliya is over!"

At the moment when Qi Shi was beheading many assassins in a flash, Sakura, who was aware of this situation through the enchantments throughout the entire Dongmu City, immediately said to his own sister, Rin who was sitting on the sofa.

"So fast!"

Hearing Sakura's words, Rin raised her brow gently.

You know, it takes less than three minutes from the detection of the assassin to enter the Dongmu City to the beheading of the other party, and the time it takes for the assassins to reach the place where the dead girl of Ilya is located is deducted.

Instant kill!

This is Rin's conclusion!

"This is normal!"

At this time, Xiejiu Xinnai, who had just come in from the outside, said without thinking, "After all, it is Qi Qishi. Although she is not very familiar with the woman, she is undoubtedly strong. This is her responsibility. It can be seen by guarding Ilya. "

"Really, is it okay?"

I do n’t believe in Jiu Xinnai, it ’s mainly because Ilia ’s bear kids who like to run around are so important, and in terms of appearance, the soft appearance of Qi Shi is really worrying.

After all, what she has to face is the assassins' attacks from the various Qing history in the Ying Ling Hall, even in fantasy!

"This point, you can rest assured."

Jiu Xinnai also understood Rin's concerns. After a slight bitter smile, the red-haired girl said, "Maybe those assassins will be strong, but no matter what kind of assassin, it is no match for that woman. Do you know Jian Gu? "

"See Ji Gu?"

"what is that?"

As the best young lady in the Holy Grail Alliance, Rin and Sakura have many secrets and knowledge.

But they always think they are knowledgeable, they do n’t understand

"No matter what is written text, the use of weapons, or all kinds of strange martial arts, even physique, like the genetic ability of other races, almost everything in the world"

"As long as you have seen it with your own eyes, you can fully understand it and use it skillfully."

"And the owner has the physique that" non-lethal damage can heal instantly, and non-lethal poison can be immune. "

Slightly talking about an almost fantasy ability, Jiu Xinnai scratched her hair helplessly, "This is the so-called Kanji ancient, the ability possessed by the woman in Qi Qi is this."

During his speech, Jiu Xinnai remembered the situation in the past few years when Ying Qishi had just joined the world.

At that time, I was very kind to prepare to guide the other party, and the result

That was a nightmare!

Shaking his head, ignoring some unwilling memories, Jiu Xinnai said, "With that foul ability, those assassins are just nourishments for the growth of Qi Shi's woman."

Nine Xinnai's words fell, and the whole room was suddenly silent.

I have to say that the existence of Qi Shishi is really a great blow to those who think they are geniuses.

Even Sakura and Rin could not accept the existence of such an outrageous ability for a while

"Hoo, so!"

It took a long time to ease the discomfort in his own heart, and Rin slowly said, "Since Qishi is so reliable, then, Ilia will continue to do so, how about your situation."

"Sister, I have completely controlled the super-large enchantment throughout Dongmu City."

Upon hearing Rin ’s question, Sakura also awakened from the shock to Jian Jigu and said, “As for Sister Bellflower ’s words, she is still sleeping and accumulating strength at the center of the enchantment, but Sister Bellflower said, it ’s time to appear , She will naturally appear! "


Hearing Sakura's words, Rin scratched her hair helplessly, "What is‘ when it should appear, it will naturally appear ’, how is that, then how do I arrange the battle plan."

"Don't worry, Rin!"

At this time, Jiu Xinnai comforted the girl, "The bellflower guy is one of the strongest people under Naruto Jun, and her wisdom is above us, absolutely nothing will happen! As long as you are responsible for arranging me 'S battle will do! "

"Ah !!!"

Jiu Xinnai did not say okay, as soon as she said, Rin immediately blew her hair, "Sister Jiu Xinnai, you are not comforting me at all! You are attacking me, definitely attacking me !!"

"Sorry, I told the truth by accident"


"Ha ha!"

Listening to the dialogue between Jiu Xinnai and Rin, Sakura chuckled lightly.

Subsequently, the girl's eyes looked out the window.

In the girl's field of vision, the stars outside the window were twinkling with stars, and the stars were gliding over the moon, which was beautiful. The only regret is that that month was not yet a full moon!



"Full moon in a few days"

"At that time, when Zhu Yue came, it probably was."

"Alaya's first total attack!"

Walking on the street, he looked up slightly at the moon in the night sky, and the long door sighed softly.

"what did you say?"

The two ceremonies that walked in the front turned back with some doubts.

Just now, she seemed to hear what the other party said, but she was not very clear.

"It's nothing, just a little thing!"

Without telling his thoughts in his heart, Nagato immediately shifted the topic and said, "In a word, the style has been gone for more than half an hour, and the two dead people have been killed along the road.

"just in front!"

After listening to the long gate, the two rituals pointed forward—

Looking at the girl's finger, about a thousand meters away, a tall building with about ten floors of semi-finished buildings appeared in front of the long gate. The whole building is placed in a special enchantment, which is very mysterious.

On the surface of the building, there are four huge Chinese characters of "Galan"

"It seems that I have come to the place of acquaintances"

Seeing the familiar name and perceiving the breath in the building, the corner of the mouth of the long door showed a smile ..

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