My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 95: Inclined battlefield first!

Divine prestige!

Under the awe-inspiring display of Luo Hao, the entire battlefield suddenly fell into silence.

Both the enemy and us were stunned for the first time

Except for the long gate, everyone felt a terrible coercive pressure. Under this coercion, the weaker guy even paralyzed himself on the ground and instantly lost his fighting ability.

At this time, the vast majority of people on the battlefield were filled with horror and could not be expressed in words.

Among them, the most terrified is the girl who fought Luo Hao before, the queen of the clock tower, the marshal of the magic road, and Lorella!

Lorella is very strong!

This is not a false picture

Although she does not have any special abilities and magic, she is indeed the strongest clock tower.

The core fame of the Clock Tower, the remarkable magic circuit created by Barut Meroy's millennia's achievements, has reached the ultimate wind magic in all aspects, and even extended the power of thunder and lightning, plus that is already inhuman Spiritual will

Loreley's power is unquestionable!


Feeling Luo Hao's divine power, Lorelai Ariya felt very hurt.

The mysterious woman who had been inseparable from herself with the support of the chant team, actually showed such a terrible divinity in an instant.

What happened just now?

are you kidding me? ! !

Immediately, the will of anger converged in the heart, and a look of determination appeared in Loreley's eyes.

The glory of the Bartholomew family cannot be tarnished!

and so--

"The Wind of Bartholomew !!!"

When everyone else was under the divine power and it was difficult to react for a while, Loreleya broke through the oppression of Shenwei with his determined will, and the whole person jumped towards the sky, facing Luo Hao is one Whip out


The whip of the blond girl seems to be hanging from the antelope, no trace is found, when the endless gusty wind is rolled, accompanied by a strong thunder, in the blink of an eye, all this turns into a sudden wind and thunder dragon, looting towards Luo Hao And go.

"Not bad!"

Faced with Lorella's attack, Luo Hao nodded in amazement.

For this young girl who had been fighting with herself before, Luo Hao was quite fond of it. You should know that although Luo Hao did not use his full strength before, he has used a small part of the power of power and rolled up the magic out of thin air. wind.

And Lorella can even contend with his magic that has not reached the magic level

This situation is already very commendable.

What Luo Hao Gao looked at was that, under the divine power he released, Luo Lei Lai could even get rid of the oppression and attack herself for the first time.

"If I were born on my plane, I'm afraid it would be another god-killer!"

Such thoughts flashed in my heart, but Luo Hao did not have any sympathy in his hands, and then urged his body's guardian **** general. The next moment, the **** on the left will hum, and an inexplicable yellow gas will spray from the mouth of the god. Out

boom! ! !

Huang Qi collided head-to-head with the wind and thunder dragon.

Suddenly, the violent explosion sound echoed in the air, the smoke spread out, accompanied by thunder and lightning flashed all over the sky. Because of this explosion, all the people who had been sluggish because of the divine power came to wake up.

what! ! !

At this moment, a sudden loud roar spread all around

At the next moment, a white gas instantly broke through the smoke of electric current flashing in the sky and directly bombarded Lorella. The girl instantly felt a roar in her brain, then fell to the ground and fell into a coma.


"Adult Queen"

"Miss Lorella"

Seeing Lorella, the magicians changed their faces.

Some younger magicians even attacked Luo Hao desperately, wanting to avenge Loreley


"Do not control yourself!"

At this time, Luo Hao didn't even look at it, the two golden armor gods behind him would burst out with two breaths, and the yellow and white breaths intertwined, directly destroying the magicians' attacks, and then bombarding all the chants People.

boom! ! !

All the magicians fell to the ground in the sudden roar

The chanting team that the Magic Association is proud of is instantly destroyed!

Time, but just a few seconds

Wow! ! !

At this time, all the people present reacted.

Compared with the panic of the members of the Templar Church and the Council of the Dead, the other people on the Nagato and Kuroge's side suddenly rushed into blood.

But this time, the agents and the dead have retreated.

The forces of Nagato and Heiji are more and more courageous, especially the people of Heiji side, coupled with the stimulation of the death of the White Knight, all kinds of explosions. I still have the power to get up.

As for Heiji

"In my name, show up!"


I saw Hei Ji's left hand turned into a sharp blade and directly cut through the wrist of his right hand.

At the next moment, the blood from the girl ’s wrist blew out, and a bright red magic gun was condensed. The magic gun was inscribed with the Lun script from the Nordic mythology.

The Gun of Eternity named Gangneil, placed by the black girl in his own blood

For the first time before the world

In an instant, everyone on the battlefield was slightly shocked.

No one knows, His Royal Highness named Erte Luqi, actually created a worldly treasure with his own blood!

"Shoot him, Gungnier!"

Ignoring the shock of others, Alte Luqi's eyes always looked at him not far away, showing the surprised King of the Dead, and then issued such an order against his own love gun, killing the woman with fright

Whoosh! ! !

Scarlet red light flashes

The magic gun turned into a scarlet beam, directly blasting towards the white wing male! ..

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