My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 96: The battle situation has become clear second!

not good!

Facing the attacking magic gun, White Wing suddenly panicked.

At the moment when Hei Ji threw out the magic gun, the king of the dead felt that he was completely locked in the first time, no matter whether he was in heaven or entering the ground, he could not escape the bombing of that magic gun.

The most amazing thing is that Baiyi Gong felt a deadly threat from the magic gun!

Especially after fighting crazy with Heiji

The crisis is even worse!


"What a joke!"

Bai Yigong screamed angrily, dispelling all his panic!

In the face of the name of the parliamentary leader who has been pressed by himself and his own forces and cannot truly control the Dead Council, Baiyi Gong will never admit defeat. Similarly, it is even more unacceptable to shrink!


In an instant, I saw Bai Yigong from the wide cloak that appeared slightly damaged due to crazy fighting, quickly took out a sword, and immediately pulled out the sword, facing the magic gun that was close at hand, it was a cut!

boom! ! !

At the next moment, the sword and the magic gun collided head-on

The unprecedented strength came from the hilt and squeezed Bai Yigong out. Almost instantly, Bai Yigong's feet drew two traces of more than ten meters on the ground!

"Aha !!!"

During the retreat, the power on the white wing male's wrist was continuously superimposed by unique means

Under the raucous sound, the sword of the king of the dead finally beheaded down, slashing the direction of the magic gun that was not to be spared, and at the same time consumed the magic power of the magic gun. However, at this time-

"Master Baiyi, be careful!"

A reminder of the water demon came from a distance, but the white wing male had yet to react

The black vampire did not know when it had crossed the distance between the two, and appeared in front of Baiyi Gong in an instant.

Elt Luqi held a wooden pile like a nail in his hand, full of divine breath!

Hei Ji held the hand of the stake, and even white smoke appeared.

However, the sharpness of the stake is facing the heart of Baiyi Gong

"This is the thing I assembled from the cross I found in the church, just for you today!"

As soon as the words fell, the stake in Hei Ji directly penetrated the white wing male body and directly nailed the other person's heart. At this moment, the king of the dead was staring, his body was paralyzed and he could not move at all!

The battle between the two giants of the Dead Council ended with Kuroki's victory.

"Old guy, use the rest of your life to witness the coming of the Moon King!"

After leaving such a sentence, Heiji once again entered the battle against the surrogate, leaving only the dead king who could not move all over his body, lying quietly there, not knowing what he was thinking about.

The end of the battle between Heiji and Baiyi Gong played a decisive role for the entire battlefield!

First, the pressure on the agent ’s side instantly doubled

Without saying that the Templar Church killed the White Knight, it was said that the Templar Church itself was the natural enemy of the Council of the Dead. Heiji started with absolutely no moisture, and almost every time he shot, he must see blood. In less than a minute, three or four agents died directly.

The second is the dead!

After the belief of the dead, after the white winged man fell down

The dead, start to collapse!

The collapse of faith caused hundreds of dead people to instantly lose their sense of fighting.

Under such circumstances, in the face of Fujino's distorted magic eyes ignoring distance obstacles, and Akiha's extremely unreasonable heat absorption capacity, hundreds of dead people were suddenly killed and wounded, and even some dead people surrendered directly for their lives.

It ’s not just the dead

"What a hell!"

After quickly avoiding the invisible shock wave sent by the unknown Tianma, Lita Luojie walked back a few steps and came to her partner Water Demon, complaining uncomfortably, "Even the White Wing Gong has said, we Is it really okay? "

"do not know!"

The water magic Smirlet was no longer drunk.

At this time, the disadvantage of occupying the war situation is already very obvious. There is only one gem left in the church that has sufficient combat power, but it is completely dragged by another magician. The defeat of the church is a matter of time.

And the dead are worse, it seems they are the only two left


The water magic Smilie looked at the young girl who walked not far away, his face suddenly sinking.

The true ancestor in front of him is too strong!

The water demon could feel it completely. At the beginning of the battle, the opponent did not exert her full strength. It seems that even if she and Rita, the two ancestors, could not make her really serious

Although I have not experienced the era of the true ancestors of that year!

But the water demon also understands that the extinct true ancestors 800 years ago are definitely not so powerful!

"Ah, the battle seems to be over!"

At this time, Aguola had arrived not far in front of the two, the deep horns of the two angles slowly fell from the sky to the girl's side, "So, I have to be more serious, kittens, surrender! I But I really like you! "


As the ancestor of the dead, no one can have much arrogance.

Especially the water demon, compared to the second generation of ancestors who are completely addicted to and enjoying, Rita Luo Jie’an, as the only person in the Council of the Dead who can use imagination and instantiation, and her combat power ranks among the top, she is more arrogant-

"Utopian dreams come true-stormy waves!"

For the first time, the water demon summoned a large amount of sea water with fantasy!

As a mutant dead inhabiting the water, she can only exert her full strength in the place where there is water, but people are not as good as the sky. The ancestors of the dead are all frozen!

"What a coincidence!"

"My strongest strength is also in a place with water"

A small smile appeared on Aguola's face, a silver bell-like voice echoed in a silent battlefield because of the sudden appearance of a large number of ice sculptures, which made everyone silent, and the next moment, the battle broke out


"Has the trend gone?"

At this time, Jewel Weng, who was away from Qingzi, murmured in a low voice ..

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