My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 97: The final counterattack is third!


But it seems inexplicably feels very reasonable

This is what Gem Onzelridge thought when he saw the situation on the battlefield.

You must know that in order to prevent the advent of the vermilion moon, Guanbuzi city has gathered three masters who have occupied the highest order in the world for a long time. Their powerful combat strength can completely launch another magic war.


"The Holy Grail Alliance is so powerful!"

With a wry smile, he glanced at the almost one-sided battlefield, and Jewel Wong whispered in his mouth, "It is a character that makes the restraint and even the roots so careful, it seems that hope is slim."

"I said, old man!"

At this time, Qingzi, who was standing across from Jewel Weng, grumbled a bit uncomfortably, "Do n’t distract me when fighting, and, do n’t you plan to use the second method until now, but I am a little impatient Alright! "

During the speech, Qingzi's body was gradually stained with a layer of blue light

This is the fifth law after transformation, the radiant light!

"Second method?"

Hearing Qingzi's words, Zellridge smiled bitterly and sighed, "Little girl, your wishes can't be satisfied. There is no second method in this world!"

The second method, parallel plane interference!

The premise of this method is the parallel plane.

However, now the parallel planes of the entire lunar world have disappeared, leaving only the unique planes. Well, if it is hard to calculate, there is another inner world, called the inner world of the land of steel.

But there is no second gemstone on the earth of steel

Therefore, this world has long lost the so-called second method!


Hearing Jewel Weng's words, Qing Zi was stunned.

However, still waiting for her to ask why, Jewel Weng started again!

"However, that doesn't matter anymore!"

Although he is old, the still magnificent gem Weng suddenly put on a free and easy look, the whole person exudes a strong momentum, and once again a gem with a lot of magic appears on his free hands.

"Although it seems that the general trend is gone!"

"However, if you don't fight hard, even if you die, I'm afraid I won't be reconciled!"

As soon as the words fell, Jewel Weng inspired the gem in his hand!

In an instant, a powerful magic burst from the gem, which turned into a rainbow-like brilliant light under the refraction of the gem. The extremely dazzling light instantly made Qingzi's eyes subconsciously squint.

"not good!"

Qingzi, experienced in battle, instantly realized that it was not good.

Almost immediately, the unreal timeline was revealed behind him, and the whole person instantly entered the timeline, but when the light in front of Qingzi disappeared, the girl found out that the old man in front of her was actually Lost trace

Immediately realizing something, Qingzi turned his head to look at the place where Yue Hua shined

"Damn old bastard!"

Sure enough, Jewel Weng was stepping on the void and rushing towards that place at a very fast speed. At least the speed of Qingzi thought that it was beyond the reach of the girl. The girl suddenly burst into anger! "Hahaha !!!"

The long keeper sitting on the edge of the beam of light saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help laughing.

Although Qingzi has a combat experience comparable to any magician

But I have to say that her experience is all based on magic and quick experience on the timeline!

At this time, it really turned out to be the powerful old man who had really been baptized by the years, but no, in the blink of an eye, Jewel Weng appeared in front of the long door while everyone was unprepared.

"As long as the time has not yet passed, I will not shoot!"

Without waiting for what Jewel Weng said, Nagato immediately said, "I have provided enough combat power for Zhu Yue's rebirth. If she can't be reborn yet, that's not my problem."

"Thank you!"

Although he didn't know the other party's purpose, Jewel Weng didn't care much.

The man in front of him is facing the world

Not that he can understand.

As a dying old man, Jewel Weng, who prides himself as a messenger of justice, only wants to really do a justice thing before he dies, that is, to prevent the advent of the vermilion moon!

Whoosh! ! !

At this time, a scarlet light came out of the sky

That's when Elter Luci in the distance saw Jewel Weng's figure appearing in front of Yue Huaguang Pillar, throwing a murderous magic gun from his anger.

At this time, Fujino also reacted

The twisted power turned into a void, forming a twisted crack, and bombarded towards Jewel Weng.

Facing the double attack of the magic gun and the magic eye, Jewel Weng did not look back at all, just took out a jewel sword!

"let's start"

As the old man whispered, the magic of destruction burst out of the old man, and the long door not far away stood slightly, and in a blink of an eye, the strength of Jewel Weng instantly recovered to the victory period

This is the last remnant of Jewel Weng from countless parallel planes that have been destroyed

A magic power when the plane is destroyed!

Countless magical powers have been conveyed to Gem Weng through the relationship between parallel individuals, which is completely enough to restore Gem Weng to full prosperity. Although the sequelae seem to be very serious, but-

"that's fine!"

The old man said with a big smile, the words were decisive!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the dark magic refracted a brilliant dark rainbow. Under this dark rainbow, Jewel Weng was divided into three, a magic gun that directly greeted the attack, and a magic eye that directly confronted Fujino

And the last gemstone, condensed countless magic powers of destruction, and turned into a huge magic cannon

"Sleep me for another thousand years, Zhu Yue!"

In the eyes of surprise or fear, the dark magic cannon blasted towards the gestating body in the column of moonlight, the power of destruction was enough to annihilate any vitality born of life!

However, at this moment-

Whoosh! ! !

The pure white figure emerged from the space ripples, blocking the front in front of the magic cannon!

boom! ! ! ..

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