My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 100: Alaya started first!


On this silent battlefield, the sudden sound echoed.

Zhu Yue turned back slightly, and saw that the red-haired boy on the throne was applauding softly, and a strong interest flashed in his purple eyes. "How does the new body feel?"

"very good!"

With that said, Zhu Yue turned around and his scarlet eyes swept toward the last remaining agents

And Jewel Weng, who is close to death, Zellridge.

Wow! ! !

Suddenly, the remaining agents were in an uproar and wanted to escape.

After witnessing Zhu Yue's completely unreasonable fighting power, except for those who believe in fanaticism, there are really not many guys who are not afraid of death. Even if they can, some agents do not mind surrendering Zhu Yue.


"go to hell!"

Zhu Yue is completely lazy and cares for these agents, waving his right hand

boom! ! !

The ground in front of Zhu Yue crashed into pieces and turned into blades of rock, and they drove towards the agents who were not far away. The agents immediately opened up various defenses and were ready to resist.

Just at this moment, an amazing scene happened:

Like the unlucky god, the agents had different accidents when they put on various defensive measures, or the words of the soul were forgotten, or the magic in the body was disturbed, or accidentally stepped on the big pit and fell

These are some of Zhu Yue's tips after getting close contact with Xingyue's fate.

And then

They are all dead!

Died under the bombardment of countless rock blades.

Blood flow into river

"Finally, it's you!"

"Kishura Zelrich. Hubein Augu"

After instantaneously killing the agents of the church, the Moon King wandered to the front of Jewel Weng. The powerful bloodline suppresses it, making it difficult for Jewel Weng to even straighten up, unable to resist going back.

"Yu Yi appreciates your courage and strength"

"The original infinite ether cannon really surprised Yu for a long time!"

Zhu Yue was talking about a war long ago.

In that war, the king of the moon was almost an enemy of the world, and at that time, as the leader of the guys standing opposite Zhu Yue, it was Jewel Weng!

Zhu Yue at the time did not understand magic.

Therefore, in the battle, the enemy was given an opportunity to take advantage of, especially when Zhu Yue directly projected a moon in the end, preparing to directly collide with each other, and directly flipping the table, Jewel Weng used his stunt— —

Gathering the power of countless parallel worlds, an infinite magic cannon broke out!

Directly project the projected moon out of the atmosphere into cosmic residue


"You're old, you can't do it anymore!"

Her voice changed from peace to coldness: "And, as a dead man, but you see the king do not worship, there is no value to continue to exist."

The words just fell, Zhu Yue punched out!

Click! Under the strong wind, the sound of broken bones sounded

Immediately afterwards was a fine martyrdom like a firecracker. Under the attack of terror magic and power, the aging flesh and soul of Jewel Weng began to unstoppably collapse and shatter.

In the end, it seemed that he had received a sea tiger blasting punch.

Jewel Weng's body was completely exploded into pieces

Body and soul are destroyed!

At this point, except the Magic Association's chant team is only comatose.

Everything comes to the enemy, annihilation!


"Project, start!"

The abrupt sound echoed through the space, which surprised everyone slightly. The next moment, the hot meteor light came from the end of the sky.

"My backbone is twisted and frantic!"

Contained in the fleeting stream of light is the terrorist power that most mortals and most magicians cannot reach in their lifetime, and the evidence that the heroes of the past gallop on the earth, blasted!

Its name is False. Spiral sword!

The shape of the former sword was transformed into a dreadful treasure in the state of arrows

With the horror momentum that penetrated everything under this body, he whistled toward Zhu Yue's eyes.

In legends and myths, as one of the archetypes of the sword of victory in the oath, the spiral sword-Karadpoga is home to the power of thunder.

Therefore, what is contained in this attack is not just an indestructible physical attack

There is also the Thundering Thunder that turns all kinds of demons into wreckage!

In an instant, layers of fortress-like magic shields were erected under Zhu Yue's will. In a flash, the beautiful Moon King showed his magical attainments that were not inferior to Jewel Weng.

In the last magic war, after losing a lot of money because of unfamiliar magic, Zhu Yue can be said to have eaten a lot of wisdom!

Even in a deep sleep, she still keeps learning and absorbing mysterious knowledge.

After rebirth, this knowledge immediately pushed her realm of magic to the realm of magical envoys.

The magic shields and enchantment barriers of various surnames are blocked in front of the spirally punctured blades, constantly rubbing out a hot spark, and finally finally stopping it, floating in front of the vermilion moon.

In the distant hills, the archers in red looked indifferent, and issued a mocking command--

"Fantasy collapses!"

The loud noise was lifted in front of the Moon King. Under the command of the magician, the spiral sword collapsed in a flash, carrying the horror power contained in it, like a bomb!


"Under destiny, fantasy, after all, is just fantasy!"

The low murmur was still clear and audible in the loud noise, making people feel incredible.

The next moment, a strange wave came out of the explosion.

Then the explosion subsided

As if it had n’t happened before, the powerful force from the disillusionment disappeared, and the explosion disappeared completely.

Only Zhu Yue was left standing.

Under the vermilion moonlight, it is still spotless and looks extraordinary

Scarlet eyes looked at the hills not far away, where there was a white-haired man in red, Zhu Yue whispered: "Alye's little bug finally appeared!"

"Has it started?"

At the same time, Nagato ’s eyes were momentarily distracted, and he felt that in the distant city of Dongmu

Alaya, shot! ..

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