My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 101: The other side of the battlefield is even more!

Just when Zhu Yue came

As the main battlefield of this holy grail war, Dongmu, who is far away from the city of Buzi, also slowly opened the curtain of the war.

In the middle of Dongmu's night, surging waves of magic burst out of the ground.

For the first time, it caught the attention of the mysterious side of Dongmu City.

The highest building in downtown Dongmu, in a room on the top floor

"Finally, do you want to start!"

Rin, who was already mentally prepared, placed the coffee he had not finished drinking on the table. The next moment, some mysterious fluctuation flashed over, and the girl suddenly found out that the whole reality seemed to be quiet all at once.

Although the surrounding environment has not changed, Rin knows

This is no longer the original room

Standing up, Rin walked out of the door of the room and came to the hall that had been transformed into an open air.

Before Rin came out, Rin ’s two mothers, Alice Phil and Chancheng Aoi, Rin ’s sister Sakura, unreliable sister Eliya, maid Hierr, and several veterans of the Holy Grail Alliance, such as Sola , Jiuyu Mai and Natalia, all gathered here.

But Rin at this time, did not pay attention to these.

Her eyes suddenly fixed on the bird's eye view of the city

Because it is the tallest building in the entire Dongmu City, from here, you can completely view the entire Dongmu City, but because of this, Rin was very surprised, because in her vision, the entire Dongmu City is unexpectedly strange be quiet.

The city is still that city, no changes in architecture

The lights are still bright


No people!

Not only is it popular, even the slightest breath of life does not exist!

It seems that the entire city has suddenly come to a standstill, or that the humans of the entire city have disappeared in an instant.

"Is this the so-called Dongmu battlefield?"

Recalling some things that his father had explained before leaving, Rin extracted this special vocabulary from it. Even if she had already been psychologically prepared before, the girl still couldn't help saying.

The so-called winter wood battlefield is created by the restraint and roots, the battlefield of the holy grail war!

After all, the participants in this war are not ordinary creatures.

If they fight, it is impossible to make things simple. Even a map cannon is very likely to destroy the world. If it erupts directly in Dongmu City, the resulting creatures will be smashed, which is really amazing.

Not to mention others, the two major restraints alone cannot be accepted!

Especially for Alaya, if a prosperous city like Dongmu is destroyed, the death of millions of people is almost the same as cutting a piece of meat on her, which makes Alaya how to endure

At this time, when the Xingyue world merges, the remaining plane, the usefulness of the land of steel, is reflected.

Dongmu City, the place of the Holy Grail, has overlapped with part of the space of Steel Land. As long as there is a large-scale war, the fighters and their men in Dongmu City will enter that overlapping space. In order to ensure fairness, this is a large battlefield set up by roots himself

It even simulates the architecture of the entire Dongmu City

Even the magic rituals arranged on the building have not changed!

Looking at the icy world unfolded by Nagato in the city of Buzi, it is just a small trick developed by itself on the basis of this Dongmu battlefield.

"Rin, it's about to start!"

The indifferent voice suddenly echoed in his ear, almost startling.

After hearing the sound, the girl noticed the existence of the girl in kimono named Ying Qishi.

You have to know that when she just came out, Rin scanned the people in the whole hall, but she still left the other party. Is this too sloppy, or is the other party's hidden means too clever.

"Has it started ?!"

After listening to Qi Shi's reminder, Rin was a little surprised, and immediately calmed her mind, then the girl's eyes turned to her sister Sakura.

"Monitoring facilities have been installed in all corners of Dongmu City!"

Needless to say anything, Sakura immediately replied, "This is a special technique given to me by the sister of Campanulaceae not long ago, and not many people can find it and destroy it."

"That's good!"

Rin nodded and came to the center of the hall!

The magic circuit that united with the spiritual veins on the body opened, and in an instant, a magic circle appeared under the girl's feet, and even spread out, spreading throughout the hall and even the whole building.

In an instant, the entire building turned into an ancient temple.

Above the center of the hall, an unreal image emerged.

That's a panoramic virtual image called Dongmu City!

With Rin's will, the virtual image directly expanded, showing the situation on the edge of the city

There, the dark river of undead gradually flowed away, with no source and no end. That was the manifestation of the inherent enchantment unfolded by Xia Lei, which was also the first line of defense in the entire city of Dongmu.

At the edge of the river of undead, Xia Lei is holding a magic sword, standing proudly.

Behind her, well-known magicians, mixed-half demons or powerful dead, or even the ancestors of the dead, are crawling out of the black current, and instantaneously transformed into a terrible array.

"It's true that Sister Xia Lei, who was made by his father, is really powerful!"

Looking at the virtual image, the powerful death army behind Xia Lei, Ilya's eyes twinkled in an instant, however, the next moment, Ilya could not be upset, or, most of the people present were not happy Woke up.

At the end of the virtual film and television field, guys dressed in costumes of various eras appeared one after another

Among those people were the costumes of warriors from the extremely eastern island nation, the armor of the generals of the heavenly kingdom, even the parade of western emperors, and even the modern soldiers, and the ranks of tanks

Although the costumes and weapons are strange, no one will doubt their strength.

Even if you just look at the ghost image, everyone present can perceive the invisible deterrent of the other party

Guardian of Alaya!

At this moment, everyone understands the identity of each other ..

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