My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 105: Unexpectedly, the battle started second!

Roar! ! !

Suddenly falling into a mysterious enchantment, the devil roared angrily!

The fiercely burning black flames turned into strips of flame dragons constantly bombarding the surrounding enchantments, but failed to shake the enchantments. Even the roar that came out seemed a bit untrue

"Ah, it's useless, dear demon king!"

Seeing the demon's actions, Saya gave a playful chuckle.

To be honest, Saya was surprised!

I didn't expect to catch this evil demon **** so easily

When the demon was infested in Misaki-cho a month ago, Nagato and Saya came up with the idea of ​​killing each other. In this battle, Saya did not appear to prevent the demon from coming here to make trouble or run to Dongmu City to destroy it.

After all, this demon god's combat power may not be very powerful, but in the war, the role played by few people is comparable.

The invasion of the original sin will be enough to kill countless creatures

who knows

This devil of original sin, so bad luck!

He was directly calculated by Alaya and came down in front of Nagato and Saya.

Such an opportunity, Saya will naturally not be able to grasp!

Almost blocked the powerful enchantment of all the light of his heart, naturally the devil can not break

Unexpectedly achieved his goal, Saya felt very happy

So that the posture of walking in the sky is more relaxed and elegant.

Walking down from the void, Saya in a white dress came to the world like a beautiful angel. The fluttering blue hair and white bare feet gave people a feeling of imagination.


After discovering that the flame could not shake the enchantment, the devil of the horns directly hit the enchantment with his whole body, and then was instantly rebounded. "Damn fellow, get acquainted, let me go out quickly, otherwise kill you! !!! "

During the speech, the devil tried several attacks in succession.

The result not only did not destroy the enchantment, but because of the rebound ability attached to the enchantment, he made himself disgraced. At least the majesty of the devil was completely lost.

This scene, besides making people laugh, was equally astonished.

Although the demon in front of him appeared somewhat amused, the performance behind was also somewhat unsatisfactory, but his strength is not water-free, and the original sin attack before the shot was enough to kill a part of the presence. By.

But now, this demon-like strongman is simply caught like this, making people feel after reading

It's like dreaming!

"Who is you!"

At this time, Zhu Yue looked at the girl who slowly landed and spoke.

In Zhu Yue's perception, the new girl in front of him is too strange. If the former God-killer is struggling to escape the existence of fate, then the girl in front of him is an existence that is not in destiny at all.

In other words, if it was n’t for her own eyes, Zhu Yue thought that she did n’t exist.

Although it looks beautiful, it looks like a phantom!

"It's no use saying more now"

"You will know after a battle between you and Brother Nagato!" Ignoring Zhu Yue ’s words, Saya ’s eyes turned to Nagato, “Nagato ’s brother, since the plan has changed due to Arayer ’s unexpected help, then please be long Brother Brother Hurry up and solve his fight. "

"it is good!"

Indifferent voices came from the throne in mid-air.

At the next moment, the long door that has been in the state of bystanders in this war, and the rocky throne under him directly crossed the space and appeared in front of Zhu Yue, the true ancestor of his body diffused.

"Now, you should already be familiar with your body!"

The words of Nagato remained indifferent, but the strong fighting intentions could not be concealed at this time.


At this moment, Zhu Yue narrowed his eyes.

Although there are many psychological questions, Zhu Yue understands that there is only one thing he has to do now.

That is


In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield was somewhat frozen.

The fierce killing intentions burst out from the body of Nagato and Zhu Yue, and the strong energies touched each other. On this icy and vast land, it even caused a violent violent wave to hedge

"So, change the battlefield first!"

Nagato didn't do it immediately, but burst out of the body with a faint wave that connected to Zhu Yue, making the king of the moon frown slightly, but nodded and said nothing.

At the next moment, the entire space where Nagato and Zhu Yue were wavy, and the world around them instantly changed.

The cold earth instantly transforms into a chaotic void with no order of time and space

This is no other place!

It is the outside of the Moon World, the land of chaos of laws!

Suddenly caught in a space shift, even appearing on the outside of the world, the Moon King's face did not seem to be surprised, and was still very cold.

Zhu Yue seemed to have lived here for a long time, and he adapted to the surrounding environment as soon as possible!

At the next moment, the imagination's modernized ability burst out

Roar! ! !

In the disorderly void, a huge thunder appeared out of thin air.

In the void, the thunder converged and solidified, and instantly turned into a greasy giant thunder dragon, which was directly crushed towards the place where the long gate was located. The strong thunder aftermath affected a large area around it.

Oooo! ! !

Facing the attacking Thunder Dragon, the sudden sound of the dragon burst out from the body of the long gate.

That was the roar of the dragon from the beast of the true ancestor!

At the next moment, the crimson magic power diffused from the red-haired boy, and turned into a lot of magical malaise. In the mala gas transformed by the magical power, the crimson dragon shining the crimson current jumped out.

Crackling! ! !

Endless Crimson Thunder gushing from the beast dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon of the beast was accompanied by a red thunder, and he rushed towards the thunder dragon.

boom! ! !

ps: I'm sorry, I'm a little late, and I fell asleep when I was writing.

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