My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 106: Great wars, fantasy first come first!

boom! ! !

With the roar, two Thunder Dragons collide head-on in the void

The blue electric awn and the red thunder strangle each other and burst out. In an instant, a red and blue current spreading around a large area of ​​the void. A terrible devastation caused a huge wave in the entire void.

Nagato and Zhu Yue standing on both sides of the current area are at the forefront of this wave.

Feeling the unidentified waves swaying in the void, the red hair of the long gate fluttered up, but there was a smile on his face, "My beast is not such a simple thing, crush it, Peron! "

Roar roar! ! !

As the idea of ​​Nagato moved, a huge roar was conveyed from the current area, which made people feel a strong fighting spirit!

Zhu Yue's pretty brow furrowed slightly, as if she realized something.

next moment

The terrible will that seemed to be Tianwei erupted from the current area, as if the mountain in the heart directly suppressed the body of Zhu Yue, and the face of the moon changed slightly, and the red current in the current area surged in the next moment!

Crackling! ! !

In a blink of an eye, the crimson electric current swallowed all the blue electric awns and swept toward Zhu Yue. At this moment, the endless electric current seemed to turn into a terrifying tsunami, with the terrible power of completely destroying everything


"Now, the king of rebellion, Yu remember your name is Nagato"

Facing the thunder tsunami that struck, the Moon King said indifferently, the voice passed into the ears of the long door without saying a word, "Although I don't know why you want to put the battlefield here, but do you know?"

Vermillion Moon's right hand immediately swung out-

At the next moment, it seemed that the world was beginning to open, and it seemed that the universe was exploding. In Zhu Yue's palm, an unprecedented will emerged in the sky, and he faced the crimson thunder tide.

The violent thunder tsunami stopped for an instant

boom! ! !

The will in the thunder seemed to be detonated, the entire vast thunder tsunami completely exploded, the endless void was completely shaken under this terrible explosion, and set off a violent stormy wave

Outside the endless time and space, the three wills were awakened vaguely.

That's from the root cause and the two major inhibitory concerns

But all this did not affect the two of them on the battlefield. In the fierce explosion, Zhu Yue and Nagato faced each other, and continued in his mouth, "On this outside, Yu Yi's strength has nearly doubled. Oh!"

"Is the dream come true?"

Hearing Zhu Yue ’s words, Nagato groaned slightly, and then understood

This is Zhu Yue ’s proud skill, the ability held by a natural tactile elf to connect his will with the world and make the world change according to his own imagination. In short, it is to make the things depicted in the firm heart realistic And out of nothing.

Specifically, it is the "probability" of interfering with many phenomena and forcibly making the otherwise impossible phenomena happen.

Because this is the result of the probability of interference, the things that can be realized are not limited to objects.

In this case, if it is in the real world, Zhu Yue can only guide the power of nature. The strongest attack is nothing but a mirror image of the moon, but here is not the other place, but the outside of the type moon.

Here is the origin of the moon, the root of disorder!

Everything about Xingyue originated here.

The disorder here can be combined into order with a small probability, and then the order can form the world with a small probability

In the process of this, there are many places where Zhu Yue can do hands and feet!

In other words, Zhu Yue ’s dream came true, and it became a creator-like force here. Just just now, she simulated the opening of the sky, the first will of the universe when it was born, in order to offset the long-beast ’s beast. Penalty will.


"So what!"

Thinking about the cause and effect, the red-haired teenager asked without any expression on his face, "Even if you are the real creator, you can't let me go back anymore, let alone you are not."

At the next moment, from the aftermath of the explosion, the red current gathered around the long gate, and the red dragon gradually condensed again.

Although it seems a bit languid, the Crimson Dragon's fighting intentions are still the same.

"And, if you are too weak, I will be disappointed!"

Speaking so softly, the magic of the Nagato turned into a red light shining!

In the light, the beasts sleeping in the body of the true ancestor woke up. The twelve-winged Seraph, the blue giant like an idol, the six mechanical dragons filled with super-sci-fi atmosphere, and the whole body burning with golden flames Golden pterosaurs, and

The long river of blood spreading in the void, the flames were burning, and the sighs of life and soul reverberated.

With the Crimson Dragon, the six beasts of Nagato appear again!

A strong resonance burst out between the Nagato and the six great beasts, and the entire battlefield echoed with extreme coercion. The faint sense of threat came to make Zhu Yue's face unconsciously bring a little struggle. Smile.

At this moment, Vermilion's eyes were all dyed golden, full of terrifying oppression.

Indistinctly, what seems to be connected to the Moon King

The whole person is even more cold!

Also more terrible


"So let's fight well!"

"Max power on"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Hongzhi's whole body burst out with his most powerful perception, capturing and analyzing the laws of disorder around him, and then, the king of the moon started his ability-

"Fantasy come true-Genesis !!!"

At the next moment, the entire chaotic void has undergone dramatic changes!

A certain kind of will remaining in the original explosion land was completely detonated. A series of reaction connections occurred. The ground water and fire were rushing together. The entire chaotic void seemed to encounter a pioneering evolution in an instant. Surging towards the long gate

"Naturally accompany!"

Facing the chaotic tide, the Nagato remained indifferent.

The six great beasts have no hesitation, facing the attack under the power of Genesis, facing the difficulties head on

boom! ! ! ..

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