My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 107: Right now, Zhu Yue plans to make it even more!

Boom! ! !

The endless void outside the Xingyue, the roar continued to echo.

The entire void is like a huge gray ocean, swaying under such a roar, setting off continuous waves

The battle between Nagato and Zhu Yue fell into a fierce state at the beginning.

Relying on the advantages of geographical location, Zhu Yue almost unscrupulously used the imagination and modernization to continuously realize the super mini-world, and evolved a great power of creation, turning it into an endless terrible torrent and rushing towards the long gate Here.

Faced with Zhu Yue's powerful offensive, Nagato's counterattack did not fall behind

The six great beasts in Chiyue Zhenzu's body exerted all their power without any reservation!

The endless holy light shines, the monstrous blood sea burns, the undead dragons open the enchantment, the god-carved giant roars in the sky, the sword of heaven punishes the entire void, the hot wings become the sun, and fall down

Although the six beasts of Nagato seem to be unable to withstand the world-famous creation power, but after all, it is only the power Zhu Zhukong imagined, and the gap between the real creation power is still very large, so the offensive of the two sides is evenly matched

For a time, the entire void ocean showed an extremely frantic explosion and roar!

"It's worthy of Zhu Yue!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato's face did not change, but he was quite amazed.

Although Zhu Yue has a better geographical environment because of her unnoticed, but that is Zhu Yue can take advantage of it, if the natural stay of Erkuite, or the water magic Smirlet, can you Survival in this environment is a problem.

Not to mention, such an amazing offensive!

After all, although the ability of utopian reality is the theme of utopian, it must also have enough theoretical knowledge and the ability to penetrate the disordered environment here, otherwise, the most reasonable and powerful utopian cannot be made at all.

at this time--

Whoosh! ! !

The white figure immediately broke through the endless blasting turbulence, and turned into a red and white light, rushing towards the location of the long door, the speed is so fast, it is unsightly

However, at the first moment, Nagato knew that it was Zhu Yue!

The most amazing thing is that in the process of the rush, the long door even realized that the extremely chaotic blasting and turbulence did not seem to have any effect on Zhu Yue, and people could n’t help but feel that Zhu Yue ’s luck was really good.

But Nagato understood that it was n’t Zhu Yue ’s good luck, but that she had been favored by fate!

Aftermath of such injuries, Zhu Yue couldn't get close to him.

boom! ! !

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Yue appeared in front of the long door.

The majestic Moon King threw out a punch without hesitation. The white fist contained a terrible force and collided frontally with the left hand of the long door, and the long door that directly took the punch even took a small step back.

This has never happened before.

It must be said here that the flesh made by Naruto for Zhu Yue is not much worse than his own true ancestor form.

It is worthy of the perfect creation of the Sixth Law that combines the power of forty-nine ways!

"It is impolite to come and go!"

The corner of the mouth slightly raised, the right hand of Nagato held a fist, and the meaning of life and death reincarnation was gathered on the fist of the red-haired boy. The power of life and death and the power of reincarnation were intertwined. Bottom sinks! Facing a horrific blow close at hand, the Moon King chuckled and extended his other hand

The invisible waves in the void chaos bloom at the slender fingertips.

"Planet memory!"

In an instant, the illusion of endless star rotations appeared in the dark chaotic void, with that round moon as the axis, countless stars quickly rotated in an instant, dragging a trail of slowly dissipating.

The magnificent scene is reflected in front of Zhu Yue's fingertips by the magic refraction

In an instant, create a vortex of stars!

The memory of this earth, in Gaia ’s memory, the world turns and

The power burst out!

Converging and accumulating from the vortex of stars with the silver-white icy light, and finally reached the critical threshold at that moment, and finally spurt out!

In an instant, the power of the mysterious rebirth of life and death and the power that emerged from the memory of the planet shocked together again, setting off a frenzy of destruction, and a violent shock burst from the two, forming a powerful void shock!

Even the clothes on Nagato and Sumo appear a lot of broken

boom! ! !

The two flew out separately

At the next moment, Zhu Yue stopped the trend of flying backwards, and pulled out a magic sword from the void. That was Zhu Yue's destined magic sword. It was originally on the steel land after a thousand years. Zhu Yue was called by fate. The weapon that woke up-the real world!

That will be Zhu Yue's ultimate magic sword that ends all primate life on earth!

"The ultimate sword of the planet!"

Holding the magic sword, Zhu Yue liberated the magic sword without hesitation

In an instant, the memory from the future planet, the inevitable destruction of the future, and the bursting power of this future turned into a terrible torrent towards the long door.

At this time, Nagato has also taken out his own sword of love and beheaded the sword of destiny of all sentient beings-beheading!

After perceiving Zhu Yue ’s movement, the magic power of Nagato was instantly injected into the magic sword—

Cause and effect of countless sentient beings converge and break on the blade

In the next moment, all living beings become cause and effect into strength!

Its name--

"Sentient beings!"

One sword cut out, cut off countless causal powers, and turned into a terrible red dust sword rushed out

In an instant, the terrible power from the end of the planet's life turned into an endless black torrent and the red swordmands from the red and green of the congregation of all living beings collided with each other, and a terrible shock burst out.

However, at this moment, beyond the imagination of Nagato, it happened

It seems to be influenced by Zhu Yue ’s ultimate sword of the planet. Previously, Zhu Yue destroyed a lot of super-mini spaces developed by fantasy, and spawned a lot of world-destructive power, bombing towards the Nagato. Come!


At this time, there was only such an idea in Nagato's heart

ps: Nima ’s, there was no electricity all afternoon ..

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