My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 113: Hard hit! Devour! Third more!

In the infinite world, there are so many types of life, it is really impossible to estimate, and it can only be described as infinite, and in this infinite species, the creatures with undead ability are more like cattle hair.

There are so few in almost every world

But there is no doubt that in many life species, the concept life is definitely the hardest kind of life to kill!

Just like the restraining power of Xingyue World, the realm monster in Nagato's memory, and

The horned demon trapped in the pure white enchantment!

Absolutely evil!

As a collection of all evils of this world in all parallel planes of the Moon-shaped world, the demon in front of them is a malicious incarnation of the primate heart. In a sense, it is equivalent to the residue of Alaya!

This kind of existence, even if Nagato and others destroy it

As long as the malice in the hearts of the world ’s spirits still exists, sooner or later, the existence of the evil demon **** will still be born again under a certain chance coincidence, although at that time, the devil **** is still not this demon **** yet to be determined .

But can the evil in the soul be eliminated?

For this problem, the great people can only keep silent!

In this way, there is no doubt that killing the other party directly is a problem.

And Saya ’s opinions and ideas are-

"Since it can't be killed, will it take its place ?!"

He whispered in his mouth that the red-haired boy had come to a place less than one meter before the enchantment, and looked at the demon, who seemed to have sensed the crisis and had a feeling of fear, madly exploding the power of the original sin

But no matter how strong the flames are, they will never be able to break through Saya's borders.

In a sense, Saya, who is able to do this, is indeed so powerful that he has nothing to say.

You know, it's a malicious assembly of creatures in the Moon World!

"Have you felt your own destiny? What a sad fellow!"

Seeing the performance of the demon god, Nagato whispered, and raised the sword in his hand. At the next moment, a powerful momentum burst out from the Nagamon, in the field of vision that all living beings can't directly look at, countless The red dust causal line burst from the long door.

A part of the causal line directly connects the Nagato and the Demon God!

Most of the rest of the thin lines penetrated through the icy land, and instantly came to the city of Guanbuzi on the other side of the overlapping space.

boom! ! !

Some kind of mysterious fluctuation echoed.

It was at this moment that as the savior and destroyer of Guanbuzi City, Nagato and the entire residents of Guanbuzi City reached a causal line connection. All the emotions of all people emerged, interweaving causality and turning into a tide of terror.

In an instant, all the residents in Guanbuzi City felt a burst of anger!

This month, the city of Buzi is full of darkness

I do n’t know how many lives were preyed in the dark corners, weird talk!

The citizens who had shuddered for a month, all the fear in their hearts ignited into emotional anger. The flame followed the line of cause and effect, traveled through time and space, and gathered on the sword of the edge of the long door.

Some kind of mysterious light emanates from the blade, causing the demon **** not far away to growl and back

That's enough power to kill and weaken the devil's will!


"You and I still have cause and effect, where can you go!"

Laughing indifferently, Nagato slashed out--

This sword is lacking in the sky, and the natural roundness, like the sky above the chicken, suddenly has a twisted and winding sky mark.

This sword, light and darkness, between the deep night sky and the twinkling stars, there is an extra invisible boundary.

This sword has a crack in the heart, and the flame frenzy that was originally formed by the emotional fire of the entire city ’s citizens was suddenly cut through a gap, and the endless emotional fire, like a torrent of **** bursting out

At the next moment, countless causal lines break!

The broken cause and effect are all turned into a surging sword, intertwined with the endless emotional fire, and turned into a scary crimson sword, which directly penetrates the pure white enchantment under Sayeb, turning the dark sea of ​​fire within the enchantment instantly Slash!

boom! ! !

In an instant, the crimson swordmans bombarded the demon

The bursting flames filled up. In this flame, the Demon God felt that his will was suffering a terrible strangling and burning. It was the flame of human anger and the edge of the beveling edge, which was weakening the Devil God frantically.

"Ah !!!!!!"

The unprecedented severe pain made the Devil God cry out loud.

Just less than a moment, the devil ’s will weakened by at least nine layers

Almost died directly!

Under this sword, the devil almost returned to the original concept state

It's just that the Demon God's will is extraordinary. Under such circumstances, the Demon God still moved his body and tried to escape, because in the eyes of the Demon God, although the attack of the Nagato once again hit it again, however-

"The barrier is broken!"

The biggest obstacle is gone, as long as you can escape even a ray of will

In an instant, the Demon God burst out a powerful black gas, and rushed toward the gap of the enchantment, but after the appearance of the black gas, he was completely powdered by the fire of anger and the edge of the edge, and only a ray of black gas escaped. Day of birth


"No way!"

"Master Saye has said that you cannot be run away!"

When a wave of will of the demon **** was carried out by the black gas and just ran out of the enchantment, an indifferent, or indifferent voice rang around the will of the demon god, and I saw a mysterious creature looking at the black gas.


This strange mysterious creature directly swallowed that black gas!

Such an abrupt turn made the demon **** body that had been suffering from a sudden heart acceleration and almost collapsed directly. The most excessive thing was that the swallowing creature of the black gas suddenly flashed red light in his eyes.

"good to eat!"

Saying this, the mysterious creature jumped into the black sea of ​​flames from the enchantment cut by the long gate.

At the next moment, the intriguing attraction of terror bursts out of the mysterious creature.

It actually began to devour the flames of original sin wildly ..

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