My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 114: The second picture, complete! First!

Roar! ! !

At this moment, the Demon God is anxious!

Originally, when the white strange thing appeared, the devil felt a great danger.

At that time, his feelings were not yet real, and now the devil knows

That little thing is actually a collection of evil thoughts!

If it is usual, when encountering a new evil assembly, the Devil God will probably happily swallow it up and make himself stronger, just like he does n’t know how many actions he has done.

Only now, I am in the worst state of my life, worse than when I was just born, and even my own will is almost broken up, revealing some essential concepts called ‘spiritual malice’.

Under such circumstances, encounter another companion

Damn it!

It was actually intended to allow my companions to seize my concept!

At the first time, the devil understood the ideas of Nagato and Saya

But as the strongest malicious incarnation, the demon **** at this time seems to be a little woman with no power, and can't resist the seizure of this companion who was not worth mentioning in front of it.

Under such circumstances, Rao, who is the incarnation of evil, immediately went crazy!

"No !! Damn it!"

"Even if I die, I won't give you a chance!"

"Explode me !!!"

In the roar, within the destructive body of the Devil God, the broken will gathered a violent force, and it was about to detonate-Devil God chose to explode, even if it turned into ashes, it would never let the enemy succeed.

People's hearts are like ghosts, many people don't see others well

As the ruler of this man's heart, the Devil God has exerted this maliciousness to the fullest. Under such crisis and despair, the idea of ​​direct self-explosion and letting the enemy get nothing is naturally understandable.

It ’s just that the moment before the self-explosive power of the Demon God burst out completely

boom! ! !

At this time, the entire pure white enchantment exudes some kind of power that penetrates the human heart, directly suppressing the will of the devil!

If it were the original Devil God, it would naturally have no fear of such power.

After all, before that, although it had the shape of a horned demon, in fact, the devil did not have a carrier, or in other words, the horned demon was just a cover-up. The real demon is the gathered evil spirit, evil black mud and even those evil the fire

It is for this reason that Saya started the enchantment when the Demon God came, and trapped it completely.

But Rao is Saya and can only be trapped.

Because Saya couldn't lock the opponent.

In the entire moon-shaped world, only Nagato, the master of causality, can really devastate the devil.

After experiencing the beheading of the sword that gathered the anger and cause and effect of all living beings, at this time the will is half-wounded, and it is even more conspicuous that the devil **** that is locked in the fire of all living beings is burning. The force from the explosion was held down so hard to start

Roar! ! !

Under such circumstances, the devil roared angrily, struggling


"Why are you struggling ?!"

A sudden voice echoed in the ear of the demon god. I do n’t know when, the mysterious creature had jumped on the shoulder of the demon **** of horns. The fire and anger of the demon **** was sharp, but it did n’t hurt at all. it.

"I really don't understand, let Master Saye and Lord Nagato take action personally, you are done"

Words like the father ’s education of his son who hates the iron, and the anger value of the demon **** has increased several times in an instant, just because of the demon **** ’s situation at this time, the anger is only consuming his own will, as expected, not long, the devil ’s will Weaker

"It looks almost the same!"

At this time, I saw Qiubi murmured and opened a small mouth instantly. At the next moment, the small mouth of the white creature instantly expanded hundreds of times, and changed into a large mouth very surprisingly. The sharp teeth in the mouth shone cold light.

Click! ! !

The devil's head was instantly bitten

boom! ! !

At this moment, the flames in the entire enchantment exploded madly, as if the demon **** returned to the light, and the flames even boiled in the unknown roar, and it seemed that the entire enchantment would be dyed black


"It's now!"

Shaye, who had been waiting for a long time, launched the light of his own soul and resonated with the entire enchantment. The almost dark surface of the spherical enchantment was filled with red lines, and gradually those lines were connected to each other, turning into a demonic door. .

Buzz! ! !

At the next moment, the door on the surface of the spherical enchantment was activated

In the abrupt buzzing sound, the entire spherical enclave shrank a little bit, and with the passage of time, the shrinking speed became faster and faster. In an instant, it directly shrank from the hundreds of meters of the junction to almost one meter. about.

At this moment, behind Saye, a scroll of waiting height appeared out of thin air.

That's Shaye's true spiritual map!


I saw that the Taotu scrolls opened automatically, revealing a little bit of the first map of Saya, that is a sacred tree guarded by the Tyrannosaurus Sword and Garuru Cannon, but after opening the Taotu, the scroll did not stop Stretching, soon, an empty picture is revealed

Whoosh! ! !

At the moment when the blank road map appeared, the sound of breaking the sky suddenly appeared.

I saw that the spherical enchantment came directly through the air, as if the rain was dripping into the water, and the sound of the boom was merged into the road map. At the next moment, a blank portal appeared like a demon on the blank road map.

On the closed door, the cute Kyubi pattern slowly emerged

"Sure enough, as expected"

Feeling a certain new force rolling inside, Shaye's face appeared a smile of joy, and then looked at the long door, "Successfully completed, my second picture!"

"Really? That's fine!"

After a sword, the red-haired teenager who had been on the sidelines also smiled, "However, practice is the only standard for testing truth. It happens that Dongmu is at the most intense time. How about playing?"


Hearing the words of Nagato, Saya smiled confidently and reservedly, his eyes eager to try ..

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