My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 115: Anxious battlefield second!

Time goes back 15 minutes

In the distant place where the Holy Grail was born, the overlapping space named Dongmu City, above the icy ground of the Dongmu battlefield, an epic war beyond the imagination of the whole era is being staged.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous roaring sound echoed on this lonely cold earth, making people deafening.

This is the roar of gunfire from modern technology!

On the icy plain a few kilometers away from the city of Dongmu, the construction works rising out of nowhere were arranged in a frantic manner, and muzzles were protruding from the construction of the fortifications, constantly venting their anger, as if not to destroy everything.

Behind the construction work, a large number of tanks are lined up. On top of the tanks are standing heroic soldiers in neat military uniforms, carrying guns in their hands, and carrying 'iron fist' rockets in their backs. Seems to wait for the order at any time and rush to the battlefield.

Under such exaggerated combat readiness, the fortifications are still filled with tension and solemn breath!

This is because

"Roar Roar !!!"

The roaring sound of the distant land came slowly, and at the next moment, seven or eight black energy **** with a diameter of more than 50 meters crossed a perfect parabola in the sky and bombarded the whole plain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the roar continued, the smoke filled the entire plain, and the earth even appeared bursts of cracks, which caused an unstoppable chaos in this construction. At the next moment, the huge red nine-tailed fox broke through the smoke and rushed straight into Soldiers' positions

"Eat the old man a blow!"

The huge red Jiuwei mouth said, the nine tails raged throughout the long building fortifications, and the unopened tank teams immediately suffered unprecedented destruction.

However, the soldiers still waiting to organize a counterattack, the diffuse smoke broke again

Monsters comparable to the huge nine-tailed demon fox appeared one after another, wreaking havoc across the plain!

A huge octopus bull monster with eight tails, a land whale monster that is more than 400 meters long, a huge weird bird made entirely of animals, a raccoon cat that manipulates sand, and a red giant ape stepping on magma

Suddenly, on the battlefield of the entire plain, all the magic dances

"No matter how many times I watch it, I have to admire it!"

"Those epic monsters are really an unimaginable weapon of war!"

Standing on a desolate mountain in the distance of the plain, a young man in a military uniform with short arms was looking at a scene on the plain with a telescope, and then he looked at Dongmu City

There, the pure white enchantment still stands.

However, in the land beyond the boundary of the entire Dongmu City, no one was destroyed.

The mountains collapsed and the cracks were everywhere

With just this scene, people can perceive what kind of amazing war has happened here.

It's just washing the floor!

At this moment--

"His Highness!"

Behind the short hero, an assassin wearing a skull mask appeared out of nowhere, kneeling halfway on the ground, "General Napoleon from the base camp came to order, hoping that the Nazi legion of His Highness could attack again head-on!"

"Come again?"

Hearing the assassin's words, the young hero named Hitler frowned.

Suddenly, a strong and extreme madness burst out of him, making the assassin shudder suddenly. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine it. The ordinary and indifferent young man would bear such terrible resentment.

It's not so much a hero as a spirit of resentment!


After realizing the changes in his body, the young man's eyes narrowed slightly, and his anger was slowly dissipated. At this time, the assassin, who was also a hero, couldn't help but exhale for a long time.

"really sorry"

"I accidentally killed many people during my life, and there was a lot of resentment"

Discreetly speaking about extremely horrible things, Hitler asked the assassin around him, "Since Napoleon has another order, is there an accident in the infiltration plan?"

"Do not!"

"The six assassins before and after have infiltrated success!"

"It's just that General Hannibal and General Napoleon felt that while the assassination was in progress, the frontal attack must be strengthened. After the frontal attack of His Royal Highness dragged the few monsters, the remaining adults would lead their own troops and attack the city directly."

Should the inside and outside meet, does it blossom on three sides?

After thinking a little, Hitler had to admit that this was indeed a good idea and nodded suddenly.

At the next moment, the black magic continued to extend behind the ground behind Hitler, and the heroic soldiers in the uniform of the Third Reich appeared one after another, and the neat long shoes stood unanimously, and rested--

"Have seen the head of state!"

The loyalty and fanatical beliefs of the Nazi soldiers are undoubtedly revealed in this unison call.

As long as Hitler exists, this army is the invincible Nazi army, the army that drags the entire world into the infinite abyss, which is admired and frightened by the world.

"Soldiers, follow me, we go to war!"

"Follow the order! The heads !!!"

At the same time, in the cold winter wood city.

The lurking enemies were eventually captured by the balloonflower

With the order of a young girl in the center of Dongmu, a lot of magic rituals have started. The magical arrays that gather magic on the streets of Dongmu City are constantly running and burst out magic bullets.

Turned into an endless barrage, trying to kill the enemy lurking in while taking advantage of the gap between the wars!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless barrage bombarded the streets and surrounding buildings. However, this did not cause much damage to the hidden assassination heroes. Under the slightly dark light, a shadow was under the barrage, slowly Going firmly.

They only have one goal, and that is the building in the center of the city!

Take the little holy grail named Elia! ..

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