My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 116: The third battle in the city!

"Sure enough?"

Located on the top floor of the highest building in the center of Dongmu Battlefield, the dark-haired Miss Ponytail is sitting on the sofa in the hall, looking at the scene of the street scene in the virtual scene in front of her in the virtual image

Although it had been expected, it was a bit uncomfortable to see that the guys lurking in did not get any injuries at all.

But no matter how bad it is, there is no way to do it.

In the mysterious world, low-mysterious magic bullets have little effect when facing high-mysterious heroes.

This is one of the iron rules in the mysterious world!

"It's because I had so many layouts at first, but I'm not happy?"

Quietly, Rin's eyes turned to two separate virtual images, one of which was the tail beast summoned by Nine Sinai and the manifesting demon of Xia Lei, who was confronting a modern weapon tank.

And the other is the army of thousands of heroes who are attacking the city ’s big enclave while the tail beasts and demons are being dragged.

Ruojiu Xinnai is holding a bow, leading Xia Lei, and his army of undead

Rin may not be able to sit still long ago!


"Can't be more dazed!"

"Let's give it to Sister Jiu Xinnai and they will delay for a while"

"The words inside"

Between the speeches, Rin ’s hand was pressed on his ear. There was a simple communication device. The index finger was pressed and the girl spoke. "Everyone, please pay attention, Eliya, open the maze field that we have carefully developed. And sister Qishi, please kill all the people in the maze! "

"It won't make you stand out, stingy!"

Ilya's voice is still full of energy, but this word makes Rin's head have a more tic-tac-toe!


At this moment, a smiling voice returned to her ears immediately, it was Qi Shi's voice, "Rin, you have become more courageous, and I believe that Nagato Jun will be happy when he knows."

"Long word!"

His face turned slightly red, and he shut the conversation machine, ending the conversation, and then hesitantly said to himself, "Father, Father, are you really happy about this?"

"It's so cute!"

In a room in the central building, Qishi chuckled, then looked at Ilya, who was outputting magic powers, manipulating a special magic circle, and said, "I'm leaving, Ilya!"

"Come on, Sister Qishi!"

Ilya said without looking back, the work in her hands kept on

Under her control, the magic powers dissipated quickly.

"Oh, really energetic!"

Seeing such Ilia, a smile appeared on Qi Shi's face, and the whole person walked out of the room. After closing the door, Qi Shi turned sideways. "Then, Ilia's safety comes to you."

"No need to be too polite, this is a concubine's task!"

A faint voice echoed in the air. Before leaving Dongmu, in order to liberate Qishi's fighting power in this battle, Nagato arranged insurance next to Ilya.

"I can rest assured that!"

Hearing the promise of the hidden man, Qishi's eyes showed a dangerous light.

Evil girl, liberating herself

For the upcoming hunting, Qishi is full of expectations.

With such an expectation, Yingqi disappeared into place as a ray of green smoke

boom! ! !

At this moment, a strange wave erupted from Ilya's room.

That is the fluctuation of the magic circle that is fully activated!

This fluctuation instantaneously spread throughout the entire Dongmu City, and in a moment inspired the magical branches of the branches arranged in the most hidden corners by the sisters Rin and Eliya beforehand.

At the next moment, with the central building as the center, the entire winter wood city was suddenly covered with smoke!

"not good!"

In the unmanned clothing store in the urban area of ​​Dongmu City, people in large and small black robes immediately put down their pretty clothes in their hands and became alert.

The combination of the monk and the samurai also stopped in the open space not far from the two black-robed men.

The burnout man in the hotel in Dongmu City stopped drinking


And the black shadows who had entered into Lin's sight and rushed towards the central building under the barrage also stopped.

At the same time, the incoming barrage also stopped.

But this does not please these dark ambushers


"If you guess right!"

"We have fallen into a giant maze!"

One of the two black shadows as the leader showed his figure. It was an assassin wearing a skull mask. Needless to say, he was definitely the assassin leader from Assassin. At this time, the other leader The figure was also revealed.

This is a typical island country ninja, with a black face mask, only a pair of sharp eyes.


Hearing the words of leader Assassin, the ninja agreed, "Although you can still vaguely see where the target is, the intuition below tells me that this special mist in front of me has distorted our five senses."

Between the two speeches, the remaining assassins knelt half respectfully behind them.

The two teams are almost identical to their leaders, assassin and ninja.

"so what should I do now?"

Looking at the mist in front of him, Assassin's assassin said with some annoyance, "I'm sorry, I know that waiting for others, our magic power is not enough to offset the mist's distortion of the five senses."

"Ha ha!"

"You don't need to do anything, you can't do anything"

"Because, you will all die directly here!"

Just then, a ray of smoke appeared

Qishi, dressed in a dark kimono, slowly appeared in front of the two teams of horses. The girl ’s hand protruded from the kimono, and the five claws extended from the girl ’s fingers, flashing a cold awn

In an instant, the whole street is astonishing ..

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