My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 118: The final virtual sword [Middle] first

Keng! ! !

Sasaki Kojiro drew his sword and unsheathed it, and a three-foot long knife pierced the air in an instant, flashing a terrifying cold light.

At the same time, the purple-haired Jianhao of Huafu puts on the rock-flow starting hand style that he created during his lifetime. The vitality of the whole person gradually borders on heaven and earth, as if turning into nothingness, which is shocking.


"You can start at any time, it's Your Excellency"

Xiaojiro, who was ready for battle, frowned as he looked at the girl who seemed to have no preparation in front of her.

As Kojiro said, Qishi did not pose any posture at all!

He seemed to hang his arms weakly, his feet just split into shoulder width, the girl just stood there, as if standing inadvertently, and even the diffuse knife that had previously disappeared completely disappeared.

"Please don't mind, Mr. Kojiro!"

Hearing Kojiro's words, Ying Qi was slightly stunned for a while, and then said very skillfully, "I'm also ready. I have never put anything like the so-called posture."

No structure.

In all martial arts, this posture is the final form and the completed form-the natural body.

This is what Qishi showed.

"Doesn't Mr. Kojiro think that the so-called posture is simply superfluous? As long as you have a posture, you can guess the following moves, and the rare and exquisite tricks will also become easy to gain insight."

"If you insist on a posture, my words would be a virtual sword with zero figs!"

The girl standing indifferently spoke lightly about the sword hero who turned into a hero, and the monk behind the sword hero was surprised. Especially, Sajiki Kojiro, the rare sword hero, took a deep breath.

"Got it!"

Spit out the turbid gas in his body, Kojiro's eyes sharpened instantly.

At this moment, the extremely famous swordsman in the legend of the island country truly recognized the swordsman status of the girl in front of him. Even in terms of thinking, the girl even surpassed herself, at least she was also stuck in a posture.

But this is worth fighting, isn't it? ! !

With such a mood, Kojiro moved, and the hero's sword hero turned into a blue afterimage, instantly spanning a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared directly in front of Qi Shi, with a three-foot long knife in his hand to cut through the air, Cut across!

At the same time, Qi Shi, who was standing still, also moved

I saw the girl leaning back instantly, and the sharp blade swept across the girl for the first time. The next moment, the girl flicked her finger, and the sharp sword gas burst out of her finger instantly, bombarding the blade surface of Kojiro's long sword on.

boom! ! !

The sudden bombardment caused Kojiro's knife to bounce upward, and a hole appeared in Jianhao's body.

At this moment, Qi Shi seized the loophole in an instant, and the exquisite girl changed her back posture into a standing posture with great flexibility, and then changed into a shock posture. The whole person bullied himself and turned into a sharp edge. , Directly rushed towards Kojiro's arms.

"not good!"

At this moment, Kojiro was shocked.

Although it looks like a beauties, Kojiro understands that he may be killed in the first place.

However, Kojiro deserves to be Kojiro.

With a long sword in his hand, he faced many people like Qishi who attacked him, and soon responded. At this moment, Jianhao stomped violently, and the whole person also flew out.

Seven is moving forward, Kojiro is flying backwards!

The distance between the two is still maintained

At the same time, Kojiro's other hand stretched out, holding the hilt!

Uh! ! !

Although Kojiro's long knife was blasted before, under the combined force of both hands, the long knife that bounced up turned around in an instant and was cut toward the girl with no mercy.

Keng! ! !

At this time, Qi Shi, who saw no harm to the other party, sighed slightly in his heart. A hand knife containing the knife gas bombarded the long knife cut down on the side. With the clash of clangs, the girl seemed to be nothing and drifted away from Kojiro Beheaded.

call! ! !

At the next moment, before the long sword fell to the ground, Jianhao stopped the beheaded sword.

After a brief confrontation, Don Kojiro understood that when facing Qi Qishi, venting the power of the long sword to the earth was pure death.

Therefore, he stopped the knife and did not give the enemy a chance.

The confrontation between the two was very short, and it happened within a second or two before and after, but all kinds of dangerous tit-for-tat, even the other hero who was watching the battle, were equally shocked.

"Sir Shishi, I'm really shocked!"

Xiaojiro, holding a long sword, looked at the girl in front of her and had to admire it.

Although it only took a while to fight, as a famous genius swordsman in the history of the island country, Kojiro has understood what the so-called virtual sword flow is completely a leftist genre that tempers itself into a sword.

But I have to say that this genre is really amazing, and its founder is definitely a stunning character!

However, what made Jojiro somewhat puzzled was that Qi Shi had no slight surprise or delay in her swordsmanship from the beginning.

You know, as a hero, Kojiro has an inherent skill:

Zonghe's experience——

Even if you repeat the same moves to the same opponent for many times, the hit accuracy will not drop. It means the ability to "become not seen by the enemy".


"It's completely seen!"

Although the other party did not speak directly, Kojiro understood this fact!

In this way, the protracted war has lost its meaning. After realizing this truth, Kojiro made a decision instantly!

"I have to say that the power of His Excellency Qi Shi really makes me shameless"

"The next move is to use my own meaning!"

"Please be careful!"

Telling like this, Kojiro poses a posture, and the whole person looks more fierce and quiet

This made Qi Shi sigh.

Very suitable for Qishi sigh.

Afterwards, the girl gave a slightly malicious smile, and the whole body exuded a strong sword, "Oh, this, then, I am looking forward to" ..

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