My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 119: The final virtual knife [below] second more!

Smoky in Dongmu City

On the broken street, the ether particles transformed from the assassins' bodies disappeared like fluorescent light. The two extreme swordsmen were opposed to each other, no longer speaking to each other, but the sharpness of some swords echoed around them.

That's the swordsmanship between the two great swordsmen!

The heroic monks outside the battlefield couldn't help but a chill.

Although he was a companion of Sasaki Kojiro, he didn't mean to intervene at all, because this was Sasaki Kojiro's battle, and as proud as Kojiro, how could he promise to intervene.

If it is forced to intervene, the horror Kojiro's knife will be aimed at himself the first time.

So all he can do is look at it

In fact, he is doing so, his eyes are all concentrated in this rare battle, the strong man's instinct tells the monks, the battle in front of him, in a blink of an eye, it is time to win.

"Have you cut the swallow?"

At the extreme moment of the sword-to-sword confrontation, Sasaki Kojiro spoke, and the words just fell, Kojiro moved, and at his own extreme speed, the Chinese costume sword hero rushed to the front of Qi Qishi, and the long knife in his hand instantly waved

"My Sword Swallow is back!"

In an instant, the space twists and turns, three sword lights appear at the same time, weaving into an inescapable surrounding net, besieging the seven reals.

This is the only treasure of Sasaki Kojiro!

During his lifetime, he didn't know any magic, but the man who simply attached to the sword wave broke through the boundary with the purest sword skills after his death. When he reached the magic field, as long as he used it, it was the secret technique of lore.

Yan Hui!

Seven facts, already unavoidable.

One, two, three!

The three sword lights that appear simultaneously on the front left, front right, and directly behind are swift and concise, but they form an inescapable astronomical net. Any prey that falls into the net cannot escape the fate of being cut.

Even Qishi is no exception.

Anyway, it is impossible to flash off the attack, I am afraid that you need to use some spells to avoid the damage of this move?


With his extraordinary physique, let him slash it?

After such an idea flashed over, Qi Shi immediately gave it up. Such a result might as well be relieved by using some spells!

It's just, in terms of pure swordsmanship, or virtual sword flow

Qishi really can't resist this trick!


Is there really no way to respond to this fabulous stunt by the sword?

Have! ! !

At this moment, such a voice echoed in the seven hearts

The eyes of Jianji Gu flashed a specious light in an instant. Time was infinitely extended in Qishi's perception. In a trance, Qishi recalled that he had seen this move called Yanhui, a few years ago. , When killing Shikisaki

It was only that Yan returned at that time, but it was a very fast three-slash beheading.

At that time, Yan Hui's trajectory and speed were only a little different from the hero named Xiaojirou in front of him, but this little bit became the difference between heaven and earth, as if separated by a dimension!

The comparison between the two before and after Yanhui instantly opened a door for Qishi!

"It turns out, it's okay!"

"Simple martial arts, tempered to the extreme, can also cause miracles!"

"This is the most suitable path for me!"

No one knows how excited the seven hearts echoed at this moment!

In fact, although watching Qishi looks very strong, it is actually very strong.

But apart from a few people, no one knows that Qishi has reached the bottleneck.

Since stepping into the heavens and the world, countless knowledge has made the Jianji Ancient, which was only equivalent to the ability to extend life, have played a terrifying role. Within a few years, Qishi ’s strength has stepped on the upper level of Baiyujing There are few enemies.

However, at this time, Qi Shi found that he could not find a way forward

Excessive genius makes Qishi martial arts, magic, ninjutsu, and so on, all aspects are perfect, but this excessive perfection, but limits her progress, to a certain extent, much learning, helps to enhance strength.

But overly chaotic learning is not conducive to the increase in overall strength.

At this time, it requires Qishi to choose its own path, or rather, choose specialization

In Baiyujing, Nagato once gave Qishi many choices, or chose a versatile incompetent **** to kill, or by virtue of resonance with Nagato, on the physical path, or specializing in spells

However, after considering for a long time, Qishi still did not make a choice!

However, at this moment, Qi Shi felt that he had found the path he wanted and desired the most.

"Sure enough, I am a virtual knife after all"

In a trance, the girl named Ying Qishi experienced a huge change in an instant. In an instant, the girl practiced the virtual sword flow for a lifetime. At this moment, it seems that a huge transformation has occurred, from a generation of foreign powers, to another. level.

"Virtual Knife Flow"

"The ultimate mystery-all kinds of cracks!"

Just before the sharp, slender blade was about to be killed in his body, Qi Shi's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and the whole person instantly tranced. His right-handed knife directly slashed on the front of the knife surface.

At the same time, the illusory girl instantly split into seven, and two of them were killed by hand or knife

Three phantoms ended Yan's return!

At the next moment, the remaining four ghosts were instantly killed and approached the other person's body in the terrified gaze of Jojiro. The four imaginary swordsmanships of Mirror Flower Water Moon, Flower Bird Wind Moon, Hundred Flowers Drift and Flying Flowers Fall Out simultaneously on Kojiro

boom! ! !

In the end, the Chinese costume sword hero flew out and hit the ground heavily

At this time, the phantom of the Seven Dao and Seven Realms instantly united.

The girl in kimono is still standing still.

As if nothing happened

The battlefield changed unpredictably, from Kojiro's offensive, to Shishi's epiphany, and finally to the girl's counterattack with a new force. The whole process was almost a second, the time was short, even the off-site monks who paid attention to this battle all the way Living

Kojiro, defeated! ..

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