My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 120: The situation and the third battle again!


At the top of Dongmu City, Rin, who was in control of the entire situation, could not help admiring and applauding Qishi after seeing Qishi split into seven blows and defeating the guy named Sasaki Kojiro.

As a magician, Rin knows best what Shishin and Sasaki Kojiro did just now

That is the second method, the field of parallel plane interference!

"It's hard to imagine that pure martial art skills can actually reach this level"

Looking at Yan Qishi on the virtual screen, Rin suddenly felt a bit stupid. Perhaps, as Sister Jiu Xinnai said, never compare her genius with the existence of Yan Qishi, which is definitely a cruelty to herself.

"Although Sister Qishi is making good progress here, but"

Letting go of some distracting thoughts, Rin's eyes turned to the battle outside the city, where is the really fierce place on the battlefield of Dongmu at this time

Outside Dongmu, it is divided into two major battlefields.

One of the battlefields is a huge modern heroic army of tail beasts and Warcraft united against the Nazi Empire. On this battlefield, various tail beast ammunition and artillery fire are intertwined, and the tank and Warcraft collide, just like the confrontation between the mythological era and modern times.

The products of the two eras seem to be comparable, and the conflict is extremely fierce!

Although this battlefield is very exciting, Rin ’s eyes did not stay, because compared to this stalemate battlefield, another battlefield is much more dangerous, that is, the fighting between the heroic army from different eras and the undead army of Xia Lei.

Although there is the town of Ji Xinnai, the powerful **** killer who killed Hou Yi.

But the army of the undead has already begun to retreat. After all, the undead are somewhat weaker than the heroes in the innate world. The most important thing is that neither Xia Lei nor Jiu Xinnai is a military master.

In the face of the existence of Napoleon and Hannibal, before there is no absolute combat power, it is really a bit powerless!

"Can't go on like this!"

Above the tall building, a hint of decision flashed in the girl's eyes, and immediately called out, "Come here, Secretary Lancelot!"


As the girl's voice just fell, the silver warrior emerged from the corner.


Pointing to the battlefield in the virtual image, Rin issued a command to his guardian, "I am safe here, and I need you on the battlefield, go and charge on the battlefield, God of War!"


Swordsman's battle is over

At this time, the street battlefield was silent, and the monks watching the war were already in a state of shock. They could not speak at all, and Koshiro Sasaki was greatly hit and fell to the ground.

The core of the heroic spirit has shattered back to heaven.


Standing leisurely in place, Qishi spit out a turbid breath in the body for a long time. The whole person seemed to radiate an indescribable charm and bowed slightly to the fallen Sasaki Kojiro:

"Mr. Kojiro, thank you!" "If it weren't for you, Qishi hadn't been able to find its way forward so quickly!"

The girl's sincere gratitude instantly broke the silence on the street. At this time, the monks watching the war immediately awakened and hurried to Kojiro to help the heroic sword hero who had been hit hard.

"Little Jiro, it seems that you can't do it anymore, but it's true, it was actually defeated by a little human girl."

"It seems so, His Excellency Ben Qing Musashi"

Jianhao, who relied on the monk Yingling to stand up, was not annoyed by the humor of his companions. Instead, he said, “It ’s not just me. I ’m afraid that Musashifang Benqing is also not your opponent.”

"Uh, rebuttal can't"

Hearing the soon-to-be-disappearing fellow around me, the monk, or one of the representatives of the island country's Bushido, Mu Qingfang Bianqing wanted to refute, but as a witness of the war just now

After looking at Qi Shi, Mu Qingfang Ben Qing suddenly felt helpless.

Neither he nor Sasaki Kojiro are ordinary heroes. They were all well-known existences during their lifetime, and sublimation after death is even more remarkable. Therefore, although they only have a moment, they did see it.

鑢 七 实 That can be called the transformation of ghosts and gods!

Especially Sasaki Kojiro!

As the leader and inducer of the transformation of Qishi, he directly received the blow after the transformation of Qishi, he knew more about what kind of existence of Qishi was. If Koshiro Sasaki was obsessed with swinging his sword during his lifetime, he let his swing If Sword Art has reached the realm of magic

As a virtual knife spreader, Ying Qishi turned himself into a virtual knife, and the whole person reached the realm of magic!

It sounds incredible, but in fact, it is.

It has to be said that the genius of Qi Qishi is just such an overbearing way!

This situation is really a big blow for Sasaki Kojiro

That is, Jian Hao, such as Koshiro Sasaki who has a sword heart, is okay. If it is another warrior, I am afraid that he will begin to negate his own life long ago, but Rao is Kojiro, and he is also depressed.


At this time, Kojiro coughed softly, and a mouthful of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. At the next moment, Yingling Jianhao began to dissipate slowly from his feet. In the process, he looked at Ying Qishi, but there was no more. Say what.

Looking at Kojiro's eyes, Qi Shi saw the complexity, depression, and expectation in the swordsman's eyes, and

A pleasure that comes after fighting with the strong!


In silence, Qi Shi watched Xiaojiro, his own benefactor, disappear.

On the silent street, there is only a dark kimono named 鑢 七 实, and the bizarre costume of Musangfang Bianqing.

"Okay, Mr. Kojiro has returned, then"

At this time, Qi Shi ’s face once again showed an evil smile that was very suitable for her, and turned to look at the Musashi Fang Bianqing. Sir, the entourage warrior, please advise! "


Looking at the girl's malicious smile in front of him, Mu Qingfang Ben Qing felt slightly chilly

At this moment, for some reason, Muqingfang Bianqing suddenly felt that it would be better to surrender if he could not surrender ..

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