My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 124: The fourth reinforcements arrived!

kill! kill! kill!

On the battlefield, the sound of killing the sky is terrifying!

Unpredictable changes have taken place on the battlefield where undead and heroes interweave

The prairie cavalry that emerged from the cracks in space showed strong and explosive combat power when they first appeared, and instantly pushed the entire defense line hundreds of meters. Countless undead were completely slaughtered under these brutal cavalrymen Serving.

Even if Jiu Xinnai joined the battlefield, they could not reverse the situation.

With the passage of time, the fighting power exerted by the prairie cavalry has become more and more fierce, and has completely reached the point of being comparable to animals. What kind of army is this

This combat power is too defying!

Probably only Lancelot, the former incompetent, will still be excited!

"Hahaha, eternal life is above!"

At this moment, a group of generals appeared behind the prairie cavalry, surrounded by the king, led by the horse, "The little girl opposite, Great Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan once again, consciously, surrender !!"

The king's name appeared, and suddenly the entire battlefield was quiet.

The coldness of Dongmu's city center was even stunned.

Khubilai, so many people.

The man who established the Yuan Dynasty on the other side of the sea, Kublai is just like that in terms of popularity, but the problem is that Kublai was born in the Mongolian grassland, which is the iron wood that shocked the whole world. Grandson!

When this name came out, many people suddenly realized that they instantly understood why the prairie cavalry was so strong.

Mongolian cavalry is famous throughout the history of the world.

Needless to say, Mongolia alone used their iron hooves to directly trample the country with the largest territory in human history, which is enough to show the strength of the other party. This is the invincible iron ride poured out with endless blood.

You know, the existence of the heroic spirit is well-known.

The Mongolian Tieqi, which is very powerful in itself, plus the reputation increase, definitely set foot in the ranks of the strongest cavalry in human history!

The name alone is enough to make people run away.


"It's so wonderful!"

At this moment, the silver warrior rushed out of the undead and drove directly to the front of the Mongolian Iron Rider. At the next moment, the sound of burst burst from Lancelot, the armor broke into pieces, and then instantly Five hundred steel cavalrymen riding Tianma were transformed.

"In the face of such an enemy, I really can't stand it!"

"That's it, charge!"

There was some kind of unspeakable excitement in his heart, this female army **** launched a charge!

In the face of a cavalry army that is almost at the apex of the world, the warrior who is very keen on the charge immediately forgot that he had to retain enough power to persist until the arrival of the reinforcements, and he launched the charge without hesitation.

With five hundred cavalry, directly impact the entire Mongolian army!

Such a move would be shocking

Lancelot's move immediately aroused the anger of Kublai Khan, and even the entire Mongolian Iron Riding Army. At the next moment, these cavalrymen who trampled on unknown land also launched a more violent attack! In an instant, the intensity of the entire battlefield instantly rose several levels!

"What the hell!"

Seeing this scene, Jiu Xinnai could not help but secretly sighed.

In an instant, the red-haired boy filled his bow and arrow and aimed at the leader of the Mongolian army, the emperor named Kublai. At the next moment, the archery **** arrow from the ancient **** Houyi burst out!

Whoosh! ! !

The golden light glanced across the sky, instantly condensing endless power, as if transformed into a small sun directly bombarding the Mongolian iron hoof army. In an instant, the temperature in the entire air rose by several steps.

If Jiu Xinnai's arrow succeeds, not only Kublai's life is in danger, but Mongolian Tieqi will also suffer heavy casualties.


Boom! ! !

In an instant, a large amount of artillery fire directly hit the little sun.

That ’s the artillery from Napoleon ’s army. Although the power is not very good, the sunburst arrow of Sinai is essentially a simulated sun that turns into the form of an arrow. Under such firepower, it actually detonated directly.

A huge explosion shock was instantaneously launched, sweeping a large number of undead and heroes together


Seeing this scene, Jiu Xinnai frowned.

Shooting the Sun Arrow is the power of Nine Sinai. You can only use nine attacks in a day. In the previous battle, Nine Sinai has also used it three times, except for the first time that almost killed Napoleon.

The rest of the time, it was detonated by Napoleon's artillery halfway!

"Kill kill !!!"

At this moment, all the forces of heroes had been bullied. The dense gathering of heroes, even Jiu Xinnai was a headache. However, at this time, the space around Jiu Xinnai was distorted.

"It seems that we have just arrived!"

The pure white girl walked out of the ripples of the space and stepped barefoot on the icy ground. Behind her, a girl with different breaths wandered, and in a flash, a strong breath came out.

In the city of Dongmu.

The sudden explosion has long since subsided.

The dust set off in the explosion gradually settled.

In the street that became the battlefield, or the cold pit, Qi Shi was weakly leaning on the arms of the red-haired boy, and said softly, "Sorry, my lord, it seems that I was a little bit hurt"

"It's ok!"

Stretching his hand to caress the girl ’s cheek, the red-haired teenager shook his head, "You did a good job, or, to my complete surprise, you have become the strongest blade in my real sense, and then give it to me."


Quietly, Qi Shi fell into a deep coma

Obviously, even after receiving Jing Ke ’s lore, Qi Shi was still hit hard, but compared to this, when he noticed Qi Shi ’s growth, Nagato appeared more happy, but now-

"Come out!"

Looking at the ruins on the left, the long door opened ..

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