My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 125: Medea and the Ripper Girl [Part 1] First!

Nagato was surprised.

This is even more true after seeing the situation of Qi Qishi.

The red-haired boy never doubted the genius of Qishi, even after possessing the Vientiane Demon Eye, which is more powerful than the eye of Jianji, Nagato did not feel that his genius exceeded Qishi.

Nagato was able to win in front of Qishi because of the peerless foundation that Nagato had.

If there is no key

Or the world reborn for the first time is the world of swordsmanship

Nagato could not imagine what kind of situation he would be in front of Qishi.

However, if this is the case, Nagato can't imagine that Qishi will embark on its own path from countless knowledge so quickly. You must know that Nagato's progress at this time, but the accumulation of hundreds of years!


Scholar's Fury

It is the manifestation of an assassin spirit for five thousand years in China!

If you think about it so deeply, isn't the so-called Alaya a collection of spiritual wills of countless primates?

Well, the so-called taxi rage has also surpassed the ordinary treasure. If there is no error in the estimation, it should be the super treasure developed by Alaya!

This is one of the super treasures developed by Alaya to target Nagato!

In the face of that kind of thing, you can still win. Although it has suffered a bit of heavy damage, Qishi ’s ability is undoubted. Even Nagato believes that if Qishi and Jing Ke have the opportunity to fight again,

Next time, there is a great chance that Qishi will win without injury!

"It's my sword!"

Embracing the weak girl in her arms, a smile of pleasure appeared on the face of the long door, and then looked at the corner not far away, "Uninvited guests, come out!"

The red-haired boy's voice just fell, but there was still silence around him.

At the next moment, a certain kind of magic wave passed, and the mist around him suddenly became stronger.

Nagato perceived keenly that there was a mysterious power in the surrounding mist, which could weaken the agility of the creatures, but for Nagato, this cursed power is equivalent to nothing.


Nagato hummed slightly. Although he was a little surprised by the other party's choice, Nagato didn't say much.

After all, it is the position of the enemy to each other, and it is a matter of course to choose which method to choose after being discovered, just

"too naive!"

Dismissively whispering, the long door slightly chop the foot, the burning fluid blood flame burst out from under the feet of the red-haired boy, turned into a long blade, and directly bombarded where the long door looked.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, the sudden collision echoed back.

I saw that the blood flaming blade stabbed straight on a transparent enchantment, and from the point where the blade and the enchantment directly collided, it was like a spider web-like crack, spreading across the enchantment.

At the next moment, Blood Flame spread along the spider-web-like crack, burning the entire enchantment.

boom! ! !

The huge spherical enchantment is like glass, broken apart inch by inch, yet waiting to reveal the situation inside the enchantment, with a whine, a small figure rushed out from the blood flame and the broken enchantment fragments.

Under the mist, the figure seemed to cross the space and rushed towards the long door.

The man hasn't arrived yet, the killing opportunity has come!


"Oh, fun!"

Nagato stood motionless and smiled softly in the mouth. At the same time, the blood flame blade extended from the original deformed instantaneously, divided into many, turned into countless blood flame whips, and waved towards that figure.

Swish swish! ! !

The blood whip turned into air, sweeping towards the invading figure, messy and airtight!

However, under the mist, the figure seemed to be greatly blessed, and even without slowing down, it passed through a lot of obstacles and came to the front of the long door with extremely fast and strange movements.

At this time, the red-haired boy saw the other party clearly.

It was a little girl with white hair about one meter and five, and the body was extremely open, almost equivalent to a swimsuit, but the girl's face was expressionless, especially the stitches on the cheeks, which made the girl whole. It looks like a big puppet.

When approaching the long gate for about one meter, the girl waved the radiant double blades in her hands-

"Disintegration of Our Lady!"

The emancipatory language of the treasure said that as the girl wielded the sword, an invisible cursing force emerged out of thin air, and he frantically wanted to invade the body of Nagato, as if the target was the internal organs of Nagato.


"too weak!"

Holy light burst out from the body of the long door, which was the holy light held by the son of the six-winged beast of the beast. At the next moment, the power of the curse was broken, and the white-haired girl was instantaneously repulsed, and the movement of her body slightly stopped

At this moment, the endless fluid blood flame turned into a rope, which instantly tied the girl's body, hands and feet

In an instant, the white-haired girl was subdued by the long door

Swish swish! ! !

However, at this moment, in the broken enclave not far away, a female magician in a purple robe rushed out, and after seeing the situation of the white-haired girl, immediately released a lot of light bombs!


The blood flames that had permeated all around automatically spewed into a high wall.

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The wall of blood flames blocked all the light bombs. At the next moment, the wall of blood flames turned into a rope, and at the speed of breaking through the sky, the weak magician who bound the wind instantly bound up in the same way

The speed is so fast that the Nagato cannot believe that the woman will be the hero!

Too weak!

Or is it that I am already too strong? !

Thinking like this in the heart, the long door thought moved, and the blood flame moved instantly, and the female magician was also transferred to the front of the long door. During the transfer, the magician's hat fell, revealing elf-like ears and blue Color hair

"It turns out to be Medea!"

Seeing the appearance of the female magician, the memory of Nagato's previous life was opened, and I instantly remembered the identity of the hero in front of me. I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

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