My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 130: The devil's left hand, Athena! Third more!

Athena? ! !

Hearing Medusa's words, Alaya suddenly fell into a daze.

Afterwards, she seemed to remember something, and Miss Restraint immediately looked at the Nagato, and the meaning of inquiry appeared in her eyes. When asked by Arayer's eyes, Nagato unexpectedly understood the meaning in the other person's eyes, and nodded, opening her mouth. Said:

"As you think!"

"That's not the root of this world, the root tentacle named God, is also not the avatar of Gaia, but the disobedient **** from a different world, the Trinity Athena!"

Nagato's commentary suddenly gave Alaya a little understanding.



"Yes, my Athena is a little special. She is a triune **** composed of" Athena "," Medusa ", and" Metis ", so when I saw that the Raider was Medusa, I I want to laugh! "

Looking at the stunned Alaya, the long door gave a funny smile and ridiculed.

Facing the ridicule of Nagato, Alaya did not respond.

She was completely ignorant

Not only Areyye was ashamed, but even the Miao above the Dongmu city center building and several other managers were also ashamed.

When Medusa launched a sudden attack, they almost failed to react, but after the reaction, they found that their power could not be better than Medusa. In desperation, such a dramatic turning point happened!

"But Athena?"

Still sitting calmly on the couch with her legs tilted, Rin muttered to herself.

But think, Rin also knows that this is the backhand arranged by his father, but even the mythical Athena is only a backhand under his father, Rin fully understands that he is still far away from his father.

"Athena !!!"

Medusa flew the reins in midair.

The pure white Pegasus sent out a roar of horses under the reins. In a flash, there was a little glory on the Pegasus body, and all the owls trapped in Medusa and Pegasus were shaken, floating in the sky.

"It turned out to be a bit doubtful, why you know the name of the concubine."

From the gap in the building, a white-haired girl wearing a cat-eared cap walked out, and the big sickle was carried on the shoulder by the girl, but it seemed to be effortless. The person who came was not someone else.

The devil's left hand, opposite to Lancelot, known as the devil's right hand, Athena!

Just out of the darkness, the owls around gathered to the girl's side, as if surrounded by stars like the stars.

It's just that Athena seemed a little confused.

Looking at the slightly crazy Medusa in the air, Athena's face appeared a long-lost sigh: "I didn't expect that the first stop of the concubine in this world was actually the Medusa of this world, which really makes people feel To an accident. "

"Athena !!!"

Compared with Athena's distress, Medusa had only full hatred in her heart.

Although the Athena in front of her and the natural incarnation in Medusa's memory are not exactly the same, and even gave her some familiar intimacy, but all this can't hide the fact that the other party is Athena.

As soon as I think of this, what kind of intimacy, etc., is completely forgotten by Medusa.

In mythology, for whatever reason, Medusa was cursed into a monster by Athena!

And this is the root of Medusa's tragedy in mythology!

boom! ! !

Under the wrath of anger, the magic of Medusa seemed to burst out in substance.

The horrible coercion pervaded, making the owls unable to move further away. In an instant, although the posture of the wraith from the myth story remains unchanged, the whole person feels a lot darker, and it seems to gradually begin to shift towards the monster posture of the myth era Off

Click! ! !

The magic eye killing on Medusa, or the sealing treasure named ‘Self-Sealing Black Temple’, broke because it could not withstand the dramatic changes of the magic eye, revealing a pair of red magic eyes

Petrified Demon Eye!

In other words, monster petrified demon eye!

In an instant, all the owls in Medusa's sight even petrified in the sky, and then fell, and although Athena did not petrify, she felt a strong oppression

It was a mysterious oppression that attempted to reduce her strength!


"What a disgusting gesture!"

At this time, the goddess named Athena showed an angry gesture.

Although Athena knows well, Athena and Medusa in this plane have many unpleasant experiences, and it would seem normal to be treated like this by an individual named Medusa.

In fact, the goddess does not mind fighting with this plane of Medusa!


"It's unexpected to walk into the monster's side, blasphemy glory, unforgivable!"

The power called Shenwei began to spread, and the white-haired girl began to change from a little girl's posture to a 17-year-old girl in a white dress in ancient Greece!

Athena can't tolerate Medusa's attempt to become monsters to gain strength

Because in the God-killer world, the monster Medusa symbolizes some uncomfortable things after Athena was replaced by the patriarchal society because of the matriarchal society, and was pushed down to the position of the **** king.

and so

"Let me cleanse you!"

The huge death scythe instantly transformed into a long bow, Athena immediately bent the bow, the endless breath of death converged, and in the blink of an eye, a dark arrow appeared out of thin air and landed on the long bow

"not good!"

Although there was intellectual chaos due to the gradual monsterization, Medusa's basic judgment ability was correct.

Suddenly, Medusa felt the crisis of death!

If it is in a normal state, Medusa will choose to avoid it, but somehow, the stubbornness and madness in his bones make Medusa make a diametrically opposed move. A white meteor swooped down!

"In the name of the Lord of Hades, let's bloom! The arrow of Athena!"

Facing the white meteor, Athena whispered the words and spirits, and at the next moment, the arrow launched!

The endless dark torrent is rushing up with the arrow of death!

boom! ! ! ..

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