My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 131: Pallas Athena [on] first!

boom! ! !

There was a violent roar in the night sky.

The meteor melted by the pure white Pegasus collided with the torrent of death brought by the black arrows, and the black and white colors swept and rolled in the lonely night sky.

The temple enchantment on the whole building of Dongmu Center suddenly became unstable under this glory

However, all this does not matter.

Therefore, when the Long Gate arrived, the so-called temple enchantment was no longer necessary!


Under the pain caused by this shock, Medusa suddenly woke up!

It was then that Medusa realized how dangerous his previous state was

Under the impact of hatred, he actually lost his mind, only a little bit, and then returned to the state of monster, the monster that the six parents didn't recognize, and even killed his two sisters.

There are two big hates in Medusa's life, one is for Athena, and the other is for herself!

The three famous sisters of Gorgon in Greek mythology are Sisina, Uri Ellie and Medusa!

Unlike Medusa, the two sisters enjoy the power of immortality, but Medusa cannot live forever, but they have no powerful talents.

They lived on the "invisible island" near the Golden Apple Island. The three sisters were called "Gorgon". They were monsters that even the gods were afraid of, so heroes always came to challenge them

In order to protect the two sisters, Medusa continued to kill the attacking heroes and became a killer. In the end, she even went crazy and killed the sisters she originally wanted to protect!

This experience of changing from a protector to a perpetrator made Medusa simply unable to tolerate the monster himself.

God knows how Medusa, who became a hero and was summoned as the goddess of the heyday, wept with joy.

I just didn't expect that I almost turned back into a monster just now!

"I'm afraid it's because my subconscious mind can't tolerate Athena, who makes me a monster!"

This kind of thought made Medusa a little surprised, but a little bit depressed.


All this does not matter!

Feeling the growing power of death in the body, as well as his own weak body

Even as the enemy of the other party, Medusa had to admit that the goddess was powerful. With just one arrow, he lost all his fighting power. The so-called revenge seems a bit ridiculous under such power gap.

"It's really ridiculous, like a clown!"

At this moment, a proud voice echoed in Medusa's heart.

At the next moment, the foreground of the witch named Medusa changed from a turbulent flow of black and white to an enclosed island. At the end of the sea was a gray barrier, and at the foot of the witch was an island.

"here is"

Although it was a bit confusing at first, after all, it was the hero of the mythological era. Medusa quickly calmed down, but this calming lasted for less than a second, and soon a look appeared on Medusa ’s face Horrified. "No island, invisible island !!!"

Medusa groaned like an island in his own life, his face was incredible

Looking at this island filled with Greek-style temples, Medusa's mind was chaotic to the extreme at this moment, and he could not reasonably think until the proud voice sounded a little helpless again.

"Although the concubine probably understands your mind, but"

I saw that Athena, holding the bow and arrow, did not know when she appeared in front of Medusa, so the witch stepped back a few steps, and then said, "If you leave the concubine behind you, it is unforgivable. Oh!"

"where is this place!"

Stimulated by the "enemy", Medusa finally regained his senses, guarding the other side, and said, "Why is it exactly the same as the invisible island, and what is your woman's attempt!"


Hearing Medusa ’s words, Athena froze for a while, then smiled slightly, “Athena ’s wisdom tells the concubine that you have the possibility to further the concubine, so the concubine is going to try it intuitively.”

"Come on !!!"

Although there are still some doubts, after hearing Athena's plan, Medusa objected at the first time, "No more dreaming, I will definitely not help your fellow!"

Although I do n’t know what it means to go one step further, Medusa has only one idea—

Never let Athena succeed!


boom! ! !

The air on the island exploded instantly, hitting Medusa

At the next moment, the unpredictable witch flew out instantly and smashed heavily on the wall of the temple not far away. In an instant, the spider-web-like cracks filled up, and the whole nameless temple seemed to be a little shaky.

"Although the concubine has some good feelings for your fellow eccentric man, that is not your wanton capital!"

There was a little arrogance on the face of the goddess, which was the unique nature of the gods, one of the unavoidable characters of any god. Then, Athena, holding a long bow, wandered to a wall almost embedded in the wall. In front of Medusa:

"Can you refuse what you want to do?"

As soon as the words fell, Athena's spare hand instantly filled with a lot of light, and then with the entire arm, it turned into a sharp hole through Medusa's body, holding her heroic core

"Forgot to tell you, this is nowhere else, but your heart is like the world!"

"Activate, the realm of God!"

At this moment, the power of Athena's Divine Realm was madly injected into Medusa's heroic core. In an instant, Medusa felt a sharp pain in her body and mind, but her perception became more acute and clear Changes around

The surrounding space began to change drastically and became more real

And in the center of the island, two familiar breaths gradually emerged

That is


Medusa's eyes showed horror—

"Why? Sister Sisina, Sister Yuri Ellie" ..

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