My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 133: The new goddess is third!

Change, started

The golden glow appeared in the night sky!

The chaotic brilliance of black and white seems to be ignited in an instant, turning into a huge golden flame.

The radiance of the golden flame instantly spread throughout the silent city of Dongmu, dispersing the heavy fog that filled the urban area, so that people who were still in this city except for the long gate were stunned for a moment.

"This unscientific!!!"

Feeling the gradual breath, Alaya immediately stood up, with an incredible expression on his face, "This is just less than a moment, how can the breath grow so much at once, don't tell me that it is a monster upgrade what!"

In Alaya's perception, the so-called Athena's breath actually improved several levels in an instant.

It was originally a hero of the strongest level, perhaps beyond, but definitely not much!

but now

Almost all the heroes were thrown out of the street by her.

"If you say science, your existence is itself the least scientific!"

Looking at one of the mysterious side handles speaking scientific words, the long door couldn't help but vomit a slot, and then looked at the flame that illuminated the night sky with some emotion, although the magic eye was not opened, But with the vision of Nagato, I still see clearly

In that flame, the figure in golden armor is slowly coming out!

"Good job, Athena!"

Almost at the same time, Athena had walked out of the flames.

At the next moment, as if the source had been lost, the golden flame automatically extinguished, and the golden radiance shining across the entire winter wood city dissipated instantly, leaving only the cold moonlight, and the goddess of gold glittering in the moonlight.

At this time, Athena is still a 17-year-old girl's posture, silver hair shining in the moonlight.

It's just different from the previous Greek white clothing ornaments. Athena has blonde armor on the upper body, battle skirt on the lower body, a golden shield on the right hand of the goddess, depicting the shape of a snake, and a golden gun-like stick on the left. arms.

"Thank you for compliments, Lord!"

Seemingly hearing the admiration of someone far away, the goddess under the moon responded softly.

After the establishment of the state of mind-image god, Athena ’s meaning of existence is completely laid, as he said before the burning of the mind-image **** kingdom. From now on, Athena is the goddess of the earth that breeds all things, and the master of the dark underworld It is also the queen of wisdom who knows the sky.

There is nothing more than this, no matter how many years pass, myths rebellious, can no longer change Athena at all!

Athena is finally completely independent from the field of mythology!

"This power does not seem to be fully mastered, but that is only a temporary problem."

Standing quietly in the moonlight, Athena was filled with golden faint shimmer, not dazzling, that was the energy that Athena could not restrain.

It ’s just that after all, it ’s a **** of disobedience who has a good control of energy. It does n’t take long for Athena to control the explosive power. However

"Fighting is the fastest way to control power, isn't it?"

Laughing softly, Athena's eyes looked out of the boundary of Dongmu City. Although the sound inside and outside of Dongmu City could not be transmitted because of the boundary, the sight was not obstructed. The battlefield outside Dongmu City was in the goddess's Seeing everything at a glance.

At the next moment, the goddess turned into a ray of light and entered a state of rapid speed, tracing an elegant trajectory in the night sky, and then without any obstruction, traversed the guardian enclave, and instantly came to the chaotic battlefield over the earth.

In an instant, the breath of war was oncoming, and Athena was all excited.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of darkness and the earth. Similarly, Athena is also the goddess of war. For the yearning for battle, this goddess is definitely no less than any ancient hero.

Therefore, at the moment of just entering the battlefield, she was completely excited!

Her excitement suddenly radiated the divine power.

In an instant, all the people on the side of the long gate, whether they are living creatures or not, instantly became stronger by one point. This bonus of strength instantly made the entire battlefield appear more inclined.

This is the desire of the goddess of victory for victory, and the blessing of victory emerged!

In ancient Greek legend, the goddess's blessing can bring victory

This is the reason!

At this moment, the ancient military forces such as Mongolian Tieqi and Carthage, or modern military forces such as Napoleon and Hitler, began to lose.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is inevitable that the forces of Alaya will be wiped out by the whole army.

The undisguised figure of Athena also attracted the attention of the entire battlefield.

The heroes of the Alaya party are naturally unhappy, but they are helpless. Most of the people on the Nagato side do not feel much, but they feel that they have a strong reinforcement.

Only Luo Hao and Jiu Xinnai, the god-killers, looked at Athena in the sky, their eyes were a little different.

"I have to say, this seat seems to look at the left eye a little bit!"

Luo Hao, who was in the middle of the army, jumped lightly and slammed into the palm of his hand, instantly killing dozens of heroic soldiers. The whole person jumped to a position parallel to Athena by recoil, standing in the air, slowly He said:

"Actually got rid of myth and got shackled, you, very good!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Facing Luo Hao's praise, Athena responded faintly, and then there was a little eagerness on the face of the goddess of war, and she couldn't wait to speak.

As soon as the words fell, Athena turned into a ray of light and dived into the enemy army.

Boom! ! !

At the next moment, inside the enemy ’s surface, rocks and snakes came out of the battlefield.

"It seems that the outcome is fixed!"

Looking at the virtual image, Athena joined in and made the entire battlefield completely clear. Nagato judged indifferently, then looked at Alaya, "So, what do you do next, Alaya Yeah! "..

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