My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 134: Temporarily report paragraph fourth!

Alaya is very realistic.

With no hope of victory, she regained her will without hesitation.

Not only those who were fighting for her, but even the adventurous body that had been hard to find, the Ripper Girl, ignored it, and Miss Restraint ignored it all, and left very simply.

As for whether it will make your subordinates chill

See how the dead superhero, Shigeru Miyako was used as a dog by Alaya to understand.

The guardians of Alaya have no human rights.

In this regard, Gaia is much better than Alaya, at least she will not force her heroes.


"Facing Gaia, those heroes automatically become dogs!"

When Nagato and Alaya talked about the problem, Miss Restraint said sourly.

In response, Nagato smiled.

What Nagato remembers very much is his wife Luo Hao, a stranger who cares more about the earth than all mankind, and most of the heroes selected by Gaia in the Hall of Heroes have no small divinity and are extremely confident. Proud existence.

For their kind of people, the whole earth is the mother, and Alaya is just a combination of dumb fellows.

As a result, these heroes were willing to serve Gaia, and the reason for ignoring Alaya appeared.

By the way, in this war, although the heroes only returned to the heroic palace after death, no matter which hero can only appear once, death is the exit, and there is no way to return to the battlefield.

Without this condition, the war could not be held at all.

If Gaia and Alaya use Raipi ’s hero rebirth tactics, Nagato will definitely play the plane impact for the first time.

"Okay, can't get up yet!"

Sitting on the throne formed by Blood Flame, Nagato turned his gaze to Ying Qishi who had been lying in his arms. Today, the virtual sword girl was completely healed, but she was still lying in the arms of Nagato with a weak look in.

Not far away, Alaya ’s possessed body and the unconscious girl of the ripper were being drawn in by Blood Flame a little.

"Don't want to get up!"

Deeply buried in the arms of Nagato, Qishi rarely spoiled him.

In this regard, Nagato did n’t mind much. After all, for more than a month, thanks to Qishi ’s daily guardianship of Ilia, Nagato had enough time to complete the clearance before the official battle, and

Holding a beautiful and lovely girl, then complaining will be a little hypocritical!

At this moment, the Ripper Girl had been engulfed by Blood Flame.

After seeing this scene, Nagato nodded, and then the space around Nagato and Qishi produced ripples out of thin air.

The next moment, Nagato and Qishi disappeared in place

Top of Dongmu Center Building

In Rin's slightly surprised eyes, Nagato's figure in arms embracing Qishi appeared out of thin air.

Without hesitation, he sat directly on the throne, showing in front of the long gate is the battlefield situation outside of Dongmu City, or that is no longer a battlefield, but a one-sided slaughterhouse.

Although it was a massacre, Nagato estimates that it will take a lot of time until the battlefield is completely over.

After all, the opponent is an immortal who will never die, nor will he surrender! Only when one party is completely annihilated is the end of the battle!


"Just let those girls have fun."

Nagato knows that after this battle, I am afraid that there will be a considerable period of rest. If some people who are very interested in fighting are not allowed to do their best, it may be difficult to do.

"Father, Father!"

At this moment, Rin standing aside twitched and said hello to the long door, then bowed and apologized, "I am very sorry, this time as the commander of the war, I really am"

"Rin, you did a great job!"

Before the girl ’s words were finished, Nagato planned her words and said, “I ’ve never expected you to have nothing to do from the beginning. What I value is your future, this war, Actually, it ’s just for you to practice. "

Nagato's voice is not big, but the meaning expressed in words is extremely overbearing!

Practice your hands with an epic war

Rin was speechless.

"Dad is mighty!"

At this moment, the door of the elevator opened, and the figure of Yeliya emerged from the elevator, and the whole person was thrown into the arms of the long door. Fortunately, Yeliya and Qishi were exquisite girls, otherwise The arms of Nagato really can't hold the two.

"Sister Qishi, are you okay!"

"never mind!"

Buried in the arms of Nagato, Ilya and Qishi bit their ears and whispered

To be honest, after knowing that Qishi was also injured, Ilya's goodwill for the big sister rose again and again, and is now second only to Alice Phil and Nagato.

Behind Ilya, Kwai and Alice Phil came out at the same time, and the two young women sat down on the left and right sides of the long door.

After them, it is the most well-behaved cherry among the three girls.

"Sakura, since you are here, what is the situation of the bellflower!"

After seeing Sakura, Nagato did not know why, and there was always an idea in his heart, but on the surface, no one could see it. "She should tell you, how do you grasp Alaya?"

"Yes, my father!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Sakura bowed slightly for a while before saying, "Sister Bellflower said she is sure, but she still needs to continue to accumulate spiritual power to succeed at one time.

"That's really hard for her!"

There was a slight smile on the face of Nagato, "However, since the platycodon grandiflorum has completed the pre-arrangement, the plan for Alaya has been completed by half, the next things

Eighteen-nine is also stable!

Nagato secretly said!


This long night finally passed completely!

So, next

"Just before the last war has come"

"Have a good rest and have fun!"

Finally, the red-haired boy set the tone for his behavior in the months to come ..

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