My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 136: Sakura and Bellflower! Second more!

Cherry blossom viewing? !

Reward with father


Probably because of his name, when I thought of it, Sakura's cheeks were flushed, and my thoughts gradually flew away

Covering her heart with her right hand, Sakura found that her heart was beating faster, but she didn't have any emotions she didn't like. Or, the girl was still looking forward to the unspeakable feelings.

It ’s not a girl ’s rebellious idea, or an ordinary Electra plot

The girl understood that she had a heartfelt feeling for her young father.

It seems to be the impulse impressed in the heart!


"My father, I seem to like me too!"

It turned out that there had been a certain number of men and women's interest and thoughts in Sakura before, but it was hidden. However, I am afraid that he did not think that his thoughts have been felt by Sakura.

It must be said that this is indeed a miscalculation of Nagato.

Of course, in this case, there is indeed a reason why Nagato usually restrains himself instinctively. After all, after the essence of life becomes stronger and stronger, many times, even without communication, Nagato can directly see through the hearts of people

Although constantly pursuing the powerful nature of life, Nagato will not like to know everything.

Without the unknown, there is no way to move forward!

So, sometimes, Nagato would rather have a weaker vision

In this way, life will be more exciting.

Because of this, Nagato hasn't really seen his daughter's strength.

Although Rin, Sakura and Ilya are daughters of Nagato who shaped out their own blood and different mysterious substances with the information of three parallel individuals that exist in countless parallel planes.

In a sense, the three were born with the luck of the Holy Grail!

Rin's origin contains Dongmu's endless dragon vein core spirituality, born with magical power, good at five elements magic, can resonate with the familiar dragon veins, and get blessings, while Ilia is the most perfect little holy grail, the same magic Sufficient, born third practitioner.

Compared with the two sisters, the shadow attribute Sakura seems to be just like its attribute, just like the shadows of the two sisters.

But in terms of strength, Sakura's strength is the strongest of the three.

The purest spirit extracted from all the evils at this time, combined with the shadow attribute of Sakura, gave this gentle purple-haired girl a powerful ability beyond his appearance, but this kind of thing, the person who knows is not enough. Number.

It is this pure spirit that allows Sakura to have indescribable benefits in passively perceiving the emotions of others towards himself.

This is how Nagato's feelings were exposed.

Just thinking about it, Sakura went to the room where the long gate was unconsciously.

Almost subconsciously, Sakura's footsteps stopped there.

Although there was a gate, Sakura ’s perception made the girl easily “see” her father and was sleeping with her two mothers. Although she knew this was normal,

The girl couldn't help but change her color slightly, showing a little struggle!

"Your heart is messed up again?"

At this moment, the indifferent voice echoed in Sakura's ear.

The girl looked back in surprise, and saw the end of the corridor. The black-haired witch in red and white dress was standing there, looking at herself with her indifferent eyes. The cold eyes seemed to see you all through.

"Sister Bellflower, are you awake ?!"

Sakura suddenly realized what was happening, and he panicked and said about him.


"Darkness, after all, is not the area you should step into!"

The bellflower is the bellflower after all, not anyone else, the determined witch will never be swayed by other people's words, walking, the ethereal voice of bellflower still passes into the ears of Sakura

"I have to say that your sensory ability is too strong and too susceptible to outside influence. You must strengthen your exercise!"


Hearing the bellflower, Sakura, who had no way to refute, responded dejectedly.

As Campanulaceae said, Sakura has a strong perception because of the spirituality in the body.

But this perception is also easy to affect her feelings.


The origin of Sakura contains the spirituality of all the evil cores from this world. Although it is only the purest spirituality among them, the ultimate of evil, but there is no evil, but because of its origin, this spiritual owner-Sakura has been influences.

In other words, that is the gentle cherry blossoms, with the potential to blacken

It is easily affected and blackened

"What are you doing standing there!"

Wandering from Sakura's side, the bellflower's words came from far away, and the words were still indifferent in tone, "Go to practice together, if you want to follow your father, you must control yourself"


Hearing his father ’s lover ’s words, Sakura suddenly felt a little bit surprised

Sister Bellflower, does this recognize me?

Thinking in this way, Sakura's face showed a happy look, and happily followed.


"It is worthy of Bellflower!"

After the two women left, the door of the long door room opened. I saw the red-haired boy leaning on the door board in a bathrobe, glancing at the direction in which the two women left, and sighed, "I solved all the problems of Sakura's hiding It ’s better than my father! "


A faint humming sounded in the ear of Nagato, and I saw Chancheng Aoi wearing a single coat also came to Nagato's side, holding the man's arm, and somewhat unwillingly pouted his lips, "Cheap you!"

The so-called daughter Mo Ruomu, Sakura's mind, how can I hide Aoi.

It's just that in the past few years, I have learned a lot in the field of magic. Aoi has stopped sticking to the ordinary people's worldview. Coupled with the fact that there is no direct blood relationship between their father and daughter, Aoi has not stood up to object.


In this case, what else can Nagato do? Just smiled, and then hugged Kwai, returned to the room again, and closed the door

The morning exercise started in that room in a short time.

ps: These chapters are going to explain the emotional situation, but it is so hard to write ..

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