My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 137: Talk, mother and daughter Zhu Yue! First!

Three poles in the sun

Nagato walked out of the room relaxed and happy.

At this time, Einzberen Castle has started to be lively, probably because the castle has gathered all the people who participated in the battle last night. In order to meet the various needs of these people, the man-made maids are busier than usual. a lot of.

In the corridor, every few steps, the long door saw one or two maids.

While walking, Nagato's mood is very happy!

For her daughter ’s love, Nagato definitely accepts it with peace of mind, and even expects it, but Nagato will not be stupid enough to act so quickly. After all, if you come to Japan to grow up, you ca n’t taste the most delicious part

As Nagato has always said, time always stands on the side of Nagato.

Unconsciously, Nagato's concept of time is slowly changing. Over a hundred years of life, powerful and unmatched power, and noble life essence have transformed Nagato from a short-lived species to a long-lived species.

Soon, the long gate came to the magnificent hall of the castle.

At the first moment, Nagato saw

Near the skylight in the hall, on the long sofa, named the King of Juyuebrunn Stadeyue, he is holding his two daughters left and right, while basking in the sun while whispering something in their At the feet, primates lie pronely.

As for the black knight, he consciously moved away from the mother and daughter for a distance, and made a gesture of being impolite.

"My dear, you are here!"

The first time the long door stepped into the hall, it attracted all the attention.

And Zhu Yue's title to him surprised some of Nagato, not only Zhu Yue's title, but also because of the tone of the moon king, when did the ancient king of the moon burst into the times.

"Don't be surprised, dear, just last night, my time is still a thousand years ago."

As if seeing the astonishment of Nagato, Zhu Yue explained indifferently, "Fortunately, I am also a contractor of Gaia. It should have become a living creature of the earth. Naturally I can obtain knowledge and common sense from the world."

"It turns out so!"

After hearing Zhu Yue's explanation, Nagato remembered such a thing.

Without saying much, Nagato strolled to the sofa opposite Zhu Yue's mother and daughter and sat down. When passing by the Black Knight, the oldest dead knight saluted the Nagato very wisely, letting Nagato Mood of joy increased instantly.

The black knight is a real knight. His salute undoubtedly represents Zhu Yue's true submission.

As for the owner of the black knight, heiji

It can only be said here that after Zhu Yue came, the little girl was no longer the supreme boss of the Black Knight.

The long door and the mother and daughter of Zhu Yue were separated by a small table. After the long door was seated, an artificial maid standing in the lobby immediately came up to make tea for the long door. Diffuse, just

"Elquitte, what's the matter?"

The long door that was originally going to pick up the tea cup was on the right side of Zhu Yue. It looked like Zhu Yue. However, the innocent Elkut looked at himself intently, and couldn't help asking.

By the way, Elt Luqi on the other side of Zhu Yue was dissatisfied with her face.

Seems unwilling to see Nagato.

"Now, it's wrong!"

Hearing the inquiry from Nagato, the princess of the true ancestor said immediately, but probably because of lack of common sense, he suddenly got stuck again and paused for a while, then said suspiciously:

"What should I call you, Father?"

"Not at all!"

Elkut's words just fell, and Nagato and Zhu Yue hadn't spoken yet. Alte Luqi jumped out immediately, "Only this point, I will never admit that this ghost animal is not a father!" "

"But isn't Chang Menjun the husband of his mother?"

Probably because of the habit of making mistakes for hundreds of years, when Alte Luci ’s voice just fell, Alquite immediately retorted, "I know, mother ’s husband is father, stupid love. Tertucci, do n’t you know this common sense? "

As soon as these words came out, both Nagato and Zhu Yue couldn't help showing a smile.

The black knights not far away shook their shoulders.

Even the white wolfhounds at the feet of several people gave a low voice like laughter.

Only Alte Luqi was stunned.

Subsequently, she covered her cheeks and was speechless!

"Right, Elt Luke!"

With a light smile, she took a sip of tea and ran her throat, and the long door suddenly spoke out, "Yesterday you played a little late. I haven't been able to tell you something yet. The White Knight is not dead."


When I heard the words of Nagato, there was still some black Jiji who didn't want to pay attention, and suddenly said, "What do you say, Bradqing is not dead, what does this mean? Did you say you shot at that time?"

The black knight not far away was stiff, and the primate killer at the foot of Bai Ji stood up suddenly, staring at the long door with a staring gaze.

"Yeah, I shot!"

Nodded his head, Nagato admitted Hei Ji's guess. At the next moment, the red-haired boy stretched out a hand, and a white spirit emerged in the palm of the Nagato, and a familiar breath appeared on it. Both Heiji and the dog were speechless for a while.

"Okay, now the White Knight is just a ray of remnant soul, and it will take a while to reproduce."

Lightly speaking about the situation of the white knight, the long door withdrew the white spirit body, continued to pick up the teacup just put down, and continued to taste tea.

"Thank you!"

The whole hall was silent for a while. Heiji stood up suddenly and thanked the long door slightly, then said a little arrogantly, "Don't, don't get me wrong, just thank you for saving Bradqing, it has no other meaning. "

"Yes Yes Yes"

Understand that Heiji's little arrogant long door does n’t care about it. After saying one sentence, he is going to drink tea from the tea cup in his hand. It is just then, Zhu Yue ’s sudden words suddenly let the long goalkeeper speak Tea spewed out

"It seems that my dear get along well with Xiao Qi and Xiao Ai, it is better to push them down together!" ..

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