My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 149: Determined to be second to the last days!

"Nani? !!!"

After hearing the emperor's answer, Alaya's face was immediately brilliant.

The strongest man who grew up under his own eyes is actually the brother of the most terrible opponent he is facing. This absurd thing, Rao, who is a restraining lady, is also unable to calm down.

Afterwards, the two stopped speaking, and silently began to silence.

Until ten minutes later

"Why say it ?!"

"If you don't say it, you should be able to calculate me ?!"

Although shocked at first, and then doubted whether the emperor was joking with himself, Alayye, who knew that the other person was a man, soon understood that the emperor was not joking, and what he said was true.


In this way, wouldn't she be stupid?

I'm actually helping my enemy

Thinking so in his heart, Alaya's tone also revealed a bit of unhappiness and anger.

"You should know!"

Faced with Alaya's angry question, the emperor's tone was the same as before, and he said indifferently, "My person, you should know that I don't like to play with boring conspiracies."

"This kind of conspiracy is really meaningless. Only an upright and vigorous tactic is the real right way!"

"It is our purpose to push everything horizontally!"

Opening his hands, the emperor's body was filled with a little emperor's tendency.


Hearing the emperor's words, Alaya couldn't help humming.

Having been concerned about the existence of the emperor for all these years, Alaya does understand that the emperor is a man. He does not like conspiracy. Although it is not unused, it is very rare, and in most cases.


As the name implies, people act in a kingly way.

Only after hearing some arrogant words from the other party, Alaya still had a little anger in his heart.


"What are you going to do now?"

After being silent for a while, Alaya opened his mouth to ask. During his speech, the power of restraint passed through endless time and space, flowing from the outside of the world and echoing around the emperor.

If it is determined to be an enemy, Alaya will never be merciless even if the friendship is great before.


"Don't you know me yet?"

Faced with this situation, the emperor's face did not have any worries, and it was still very indifferent. "Since I have promised to fight for you in this war, then there will be no second result."


Alaya is silent

The other party was right, the best way to do it is to keep promises.

Although it is not clear why the emperor would be willing to help himself instead of fighting for the long gate, the invisible restraining power that permeated the emperor gradually dissipated "Since you chose to believe me"

"So, Master Alaya, please be prepared! The final battle will begin soon."

Finally, after speaking softly towards Alaya, the emperor turned and took a step. What the silver-haired king did not tell Alaya was that although he did not know the specific situation, in his understanding, Alaya ’s failure was actually It was already doomed.

The emperor never felt that after Alaya's ability appeared more than once in front of the long gate, he would not be completely seen through.

When the unknown becomes known, no matter how powerful it is, there will be flaws!

In front of the Nagato, the flaw is the lifeblood!

Therefore, it doesn't matter which side he is on.


"I have long wanted to fight you, Sister Saya!"

There was a smile on the face of the last king of silver hair, that was the expectation of the battle in the near future.

In his thoughts, the king suddenly felt that a girl in white who didn't know where he was was pouting, and made a look of air, as if he was going to teach a disobedient brother


"have to say"

"This, really, is very interesting!"

Strolling into the city called the Red Lotus City, Nagato suddenly paused, a flash of interest flashed in his eyes, and then looked at the situation in the city and said pun-likely.

Showed in front of the long gate and others, is a typical city of the end of the age.

The slightly broken high-rise building stood stubbornly in front of the crowd. The street lamps and the like on the street had already been destroyed. A few stalls appeared on the streets on both sides.

The crowds coming and going, or the different shapes of the Alice, are all deep-faced, completely lacking the vitality of humans in normal cities.

No one thought of it, such a scene within such a huge wall.

It's just a rundown city.

If the free sin is not in the air, the difference between this place and the depleted ground outside is really not that great.

In front of such a city, even the energetic Iliya has no interest in speaking.

Even if peace was created on this steel land, the city walls were built, and artificial cities were built.

But all this!

Can't change

This era is called the end of the primate!


"Master Honglian!"

"Good lord Honglian!"

"Hello, Sister Red Lotus!"

At this moment, Jeanne, who was walking in front of the line, was found by pedestrians

At the next moment, greetings rang from one to the other, and the pedestrian's inanimate face suddenly showed a happy color.

I have to say that Jeanne's popularity in this city is really amazing.

Whether it is humans or Yali, when they saw the blonde girl, they all showed their heartfelt joy.

The joy that burst forth from the bottom of my heart, like the gorgeous flowers blooming on this steel ground, the sudden beauty, so that behind Jeanne, several people including the long gate were slightly shocked ..

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