My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 150: Meng Chen's magic sword is the first!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nagato suddenly became enlightened

The red-haired boy probably already understood why his first saint, Joan of Arc, would have been eager to make such a request to himself when he first met with him.

Faced with such a smile often, few people can turn a blind eye to these creatures who persist in this hopeless generation!

And Jean de Joan, who has left outstanding achievements in history, cannot even recognize the world!

"Want to come, probably only people like me who are hard-hearted can ignore it!"

After the initial shock, Nagato quickly regained his peace. Although his daily performance could not be seen, the cold blood of Nagato did infiltrate into his bones. You ca n’t count on the compassion of a person who dares to destroy the world. .

Of course, if you are a cute girl, the result will be a little bit different!

"grown ups!!!"

At this moment, in the greetings that followed one after another, a fairly steady voice came out, immediately depressing the surrounding sounds, and letting the surrounding people instantly have a meal. Soon, people consciously gave way.

At the next moment, three knights in armor, one man and two women, came out of that road, and they looked very powerful in terms of posture.

The three knights soon came to Jeanne, headed by the female knight, and the three bowed together to salute and said, "Weir, deputy head of the Red Lotus Knights, welcome your return, Master Red Lotus! "

"I'm back, Sister Weier."

Facing the salute of the three knights, Jeanne responded immediately, and then there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Please don't mind, as your lieutenant, Weier's task is this."

With Jeanne ’s apology, the woman named Weier still had a cold and serious look on her face, and then looked at Nagato et al., "As long as Miss Jeanne, you can explain who these are, and make up Take up your default work. "

Three minutes later, on the city street!

Under the eyes of all eyes, the cold-faced woman named Weier suppressed the Joan of Arc with an absolutely strong cold temperament, and then the woman took Joan of Arc by powerful means

Only two armored knights, as well as the long door men, remain in place.

"It is indeed the adjutant that Miss Genivier specially sent to Lord Red Lotus. In front of her, even Lord Jeanne can only be suppressed!"

At this moment, the younger of the two remaining knights began to laugh.

But before he finished speaking, he was beaten by the middle-aged knight uncle beside him.

"Don't talk more, love more!"

The middle-aged knight scolded his companion loudly, then looked at the men of the Nagato, and said with a smile, "Several adults, since Miss Joan has given the task of arranging several residences!"

"So, don't waste your time, please ask a few adults to follow." As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged knight turned around directly and led the way regardless of the approval of Nagato and others

Although the other party's words are quite polite, the actions and manners are extremely simple. This is probably the characteristic of this steel earth. In this eschatological world, time is very precious.

Silently, Nagato hugged Ilya and followed Qishi and Kalian together.

It was the young knight named Aiduo who was beside the long gate, and seemed to be a little embarrassed to explain, "Sorry, this is Uncle George, but it was not intentionally given to a few"

"Relax, I understand!"

When the other party's words were not finished, the long door interrupted the other party's words and said, "This is a normal situation in this endless century, but there is something. I want to ask you something."

"what's up?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Ai Duo's face appeared surprised and unnatural.

For the young knight, although the adult brought by Jeanne Jeanne made him quite comfortable speaking, the touch of concealment in the other party ’s words was unparalleled, which really made the keenly aware of love. Very unnatural.

"I can see that you should be a human species, even qualified to become a knight!"

Walking around, Nagato thoughtfully looked at the young knight beside him, and looked at the other party a little unnaturally, before asking, "Why don't you practice your magic sword!"

Magic sword, the general term for weapons held by knights.

Human species born in this world are bound to be affected by sin.

Babies with more sin in their bodies at birth can be cultivated into their own bones, while adults have the ability to generate morphology to the outside world.

The weapon formed by this unexplained sin can induce various phenomena, and its influence is enough to be called a weapon. There are very few humans who can shape the magic sword. Among them, people with powerful magic swords that can be used in actual combat are Called the cavalier species.

A knight can only have one magic sword.

Before the birth of the emperor, on the land of steel, the real power was the Alibaba species capable of sucking sin particles into the body as a source of energy, and the knight species that could crystallize sin into the magic sword.

The number of knights is very small, even if the number of knights on the land of steel today is not even three digits.

Every knight is a precious combat power!

However, now that Ai Duo appears in front of Nagato, he has the qualification to become a knight!

But he didn't temper his magic sword at all

Even Nagato can see that the seed of the magic sword in his body is withering, and after some days, it will probably completely wither away!

Obviously it is an extremely outstanding magic sword, but it is dusty

After listening to Nagato's words, Ai Duo was silent for a while, and a look appeared on the young face, "Because, I want to follow the emperor and become a holy knight under the emperor, not a magic sword knight!"

ps: I wrote, I almost fell asleep ..

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