My Infinite Life

Vol 10 Chapter 154: Lisse and the clearing are third!

Central city!

Located in the capital of the former dynasty.

This giant city, which is almost the largest city in this era, is the control center of dozens of cities spread across the entire steel land. Almost all the existing elites on the entire steel land are gathered in this giant city. .

When the emperor built this city in the past, he gathered countless intelligent people from all over the world in an attempt to study how to transform the earth or escape from the earth and develop means in outer space.


Here, also known as the city of hope, the last city!

It is the last hope of primates!

The huge palace in the center of the Central City was expanded from the famous Forbidden City for the second time. The emperor's palace, at this time, a faint sigh echoed on an observation deck on the left side of the palace.

"War, are we going to start again"

Standing on the lookout tower, in a black Gothic costume, a silver-haired girl like an elf looked up at the dull sky slightly. His eyes seemed to pass through the endless space and saw the terrifying momentum that gradually overflowed in the city of Red Lotus .

"Yeah, it's about to start!"

A soft voice rang around the girl. At the next moment, in a white battle skirt, a blond girl who looked extremely cold and controlled the breeze from the sky, fell behind the girl and reached out to hug the waist of the silver-haired girl.

The two equally beautiful girls hugged each other on the lookout, giving a very beautiful feeling.

These two are not other people, it is the pure white knight king Altria who disappeared for a long time before the arrival of the long gate, and her lily princess, the young girl who was once named Gneevell, Lisse Green.


After being silent for a while, Lisse slowly said, "If I can, I don't want Liya to face the long-door adult, just because the father's mind is hot."

"Relax, Lisse!"

When the girl in her arms had n’t finished speaking, Altria interrupted each other ’s words and said, “Although I do n’t know what the father-in-law means, I think he ’s doing it right! We owe Alaya! "

More than half a year ago, the emperor was in a very unstable state, and he almost forgot his emotions.

Although for Nagato, whether the emperor has feelings or not, it is actually not too important. Although each other can be regarded as a brother of souls, it is different for Lisse and Altolia. of.

The embarrassing emperor is just the emperor!

Rather than their former loved ones, they were active during the time of King Arthur and were called the magician of Merlin.

Therefore, Altolia did not care that Alaya used them to trap the emperor. Even knowing that he would face the almost omnipotent demon, Altolia also had no choice to flinch.

not to mention

"I don't think my father-in-law will be impulsive."

"There must be something we don't know about."

"So, nothing will happen!" comforting his wife in a low voice, but Altria ’s words are full of unwavering will, and the depth of the emerald eyes is filled with a touch of light and sharpness The ultimate sword of the king!

Last time defeated by the hands of Nagato, Altoriya really wanted to challenge it again.

Although the chance of failure is great, you can't even dare to challenge!

The pure white knight thought so.

And at this moment-

boom! ! !

Focus on the beam of light that is hard to see in the center of the palace.

The strongest extreme wave burst out from the beam of light, spreading out in all directions and magnificently. Although it didn't show up, the breath of Alaya filled the entire central city at the first time.

Everyone felt it for the first time, the incomparably great shore's will.

boom! ! !

Almost at the next moment, the same violent shock erupted from the sky in the distant place, which could be seen from the vision of Altria and Lisse, and there was a large hole in the sky in the distant place.

If Altria ’s vision is better, you can see that the big hole is directly below the city of Red Lotus.

Crimson beams of light poured out from the mouth of the big cave and stood between heaven and earth.

While standing, the beam of light kept bursting with some kind of mysterious wave, communicating with Alaya's wave in the void.

At this moment, the vast majority of people have nothing but surprise, and nothing but surprise, especially in the eyes of the top powerhouses, after seeing the two terrible wills in the void that constantly exchange information , Is shocking inexplicably.

However, no one can imagine that this is just the beginning.

When the time passed ten seconds, another roar echoed above the sky, the stars in the sky dropped the starlight for a long time, and Gaia's fluctuations actually inserted at this time, letting this exchange of great will from the two The conversation developed into a three-person conversation.

When thirty seconds passed, the fourth roar erupted.

Even the root cause of the year-long sleep has joined this exchange, making almost everyone Spartan!

boom! ! !

When the time passed by a minute, the sudden roar echoed around the world. There was a pause of one or two seconds in the entire steel land. The four wills seemed to reach an agreement in an instant, and some mysterious fluctuations throughout the whole The land of steel spread

Altria and Lisse received the volatility scan in the first time.

Then they heard

"After inspection, you wait to be qualified!"

"please choose"

"Fight in the land of steel, or start a new era in a new world where ice and snow melt!"

At this moment, Altolia's various thoughts flashed in his heart, and finally a smile of relief said, "Interestingly, is this the clearing before the real war, even the suppression and the roots are involved in the clearing"

However, just in Altolia's thinking, the tragic cries were one after another, and the whole central city was suddenly confused. ..

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